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Navigation: Capability menus and create actions analysis and recommendations Aug. 10, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Navigation: Capability menus and create actions analysis and recommendations Aug. 10, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Navigation: Capability menus and create actions analysis and recommendations Aug. 10, 2011

2 Capability menus checklist (rules) 1.Fixed content on left side –E.g.) Welcome, Create actions, Predefined queries –Labels: regular weight –Wording for bucket labels will vary: When only a single resource type in the bucket, the label is explicit: e.g. Browse Queries, When there is a variety of resource types in a bucket, the label is more general: e.g. Browse, or Create or Create Work Item If there is a single “Create” resource in a bucket, include “Create” in the action name 2.Variable content in middle/right side, Max 10 in any group –Bracketed numerical count, e.g. (7) or (10 maximum) –Order of content should be newest (top) to oldest (bottom) 3.Recently viewed: –Label: Bold weight –Bracketed numerical count: Regular weight –Wording for bucket labels will vary: When there is a single resource type in a RV bucket, the label can be explicit: e.g. Recent Plans When there is a variety of resource types in a bucket, the label can be general: e.g. Recently Viewed If a distinction is required within one list, the items can be called out as needed: e.g. Recent Files and Folders There can be separate recently viewed and unsaved work buckets within one menu if it’s important to keep some artifacts in separate and distinct lists 4.Increase white space between sections in capability menus to make sections more visible 5.Unsaved work text color: The unsaved items are rendered in a dark orange-red (hex #a83300) with an asterisk preceding the summary text.  Show dirty cue on menu dropdown when there is Unsaved work in the capability menu 6.Show Dot to left of selected query or view 7.Each resource as its own URL off the menu 8.Provide Breadcrumbs

3 RTC Current navigation menus and create actions

4 Work Items: Capability menu Polish required: –Bucket labels wording on left side needs to be updated “Browse” –Work items component menu: Unsaved work items list shows newest item at bottom of the list rather than at the top (169233)Work items component menu: Unsaved work items list shows newest item at bottom of the list rather than at the top (169233) –[New Defect] missing black dot when it’s in focus –Missing “maximum” addendum beside the 10 count when maximum items has been reached.

5 Work Items: In-page create Welcome page: –Create a work item –Create a query Top-level query pages: –Create Query (toolbar) –Delete query (line-level)

6 Plans: Capability menu Fixed content polish required: –Missing black dot beside selected views/queries –Recent Plans (from last session): Consider making this a query in the left panel (similar to the TAN view), preserving the right side for current session recently viewed and dirty plans

7 Plans: Capability menu Variable content checklist: –Dirty cue appears on global nav and on page title, correct formatting Polish required: –Recent plans from this session are added to the top of the same Recent Plans (from last session) list –The order of which recently viewed plans appears in the list is out of whack – they don’t always appear at top of list, and they aren’t sorted by plan type, so it’s confusing –Recent Plans list maxes out at 5: Missing “maximum” addendum beside the 5 count when maximum items has been reached –When I create a new plan, [New Plan] doesn’t appear in the Unsaved Plans section, doesn’t dirty navigation –Missing black dot beside resource in focus –Missing breadcrumb: Plans: Add breadcrumb to plans pages (149280)Plans: Add breadcrumb to plans pages (149280)

8 Plans: In-page create Welcome page: –Create a Plan Within Planned Items page: –Add Work Item (new, from toolbar) – adds new row at top or bottom of table, depending on selected view –Create Work Item, Create Child Work Item (line-level) – adds new row below where the line level action was invoked –Q: Why can’t existing work items also be added from the line-level menus?

9 Plans: In-page create / add Within Links page: –Add Link Within Snapshots page: –Create “Take Snapshot” –Delete snapshot

10 Builds: Capability menu Fixed content checklist: –Black dot appears next to selected view –There are no create actions in the menu Variable content checklist: –RV list maxes out at 10, shows proper addendum –Items show in correct order (newest, top) –There aren’t dirty artifacts in builds Variable content polish: –Black dot and highlight is missing next to Recently Viewed item that is in focus

11 Builds: In-page create Build status / details page, Work Items tab: –Create a new work item (opens work item editor)

12 Source Control: Capability menu Fixed content checklist: –Black dot appears next to selected view –Each item has a URL Variable content, 2 buckets: –Recently Viewed: Streams and Components (change less often – provides a context for the second bucket) –Recent Files and Folders: for artifacts within components (these change often) Variable content polish: –When resources (folders, docs, etc) are locked and being edited, they do not appear as dirty items in the menu –Both Recently Viewed lists max out at 10, but are missing “maximum” addendum

13 1.Add File: Opens an inline editor where a document can be uploaded, its properties edited, and work items or change sets associated 2.Create and edit a new text file: Opens an inline editor where a text document can be created. and work items or change sets associated 3.Add Folder: Opens an inline editor where the folder can be created, and work items or change sets associated  Defect: Tooltip should read, “Create Folder”, and icon should use create overlay, not add Source Control: Add and Create actions  Adding existing to and creating new artifacts in a component 1.2. 3.

14 Reports: Capability menu Fixed content –Black dot appears next to selected view Variable content polish: –Update label to “Browse Queries” –Add a recently viewed section to the menu –Reflect unsaved work in the nav bar and menu when editing reports parameters –Missing breadcrumb

15 RRC Current navigation menus and create actions

16 Nav Bar Capability Menus Artifacts: Current drop down menu Left side 1.Contains a Browse entry 2.Contains a list of resource that can be created for the Project 3.Contains an Upload Artifact action Right side 1.Recently viewed bucket persists, even when nothing has been opened, modified or viewed 2.Once a resource is opened, the list entries aren’t dirtied if the resource is edited and not saved 3.New resources that are not saved do not show in this list

17 Navigation Artifacts 3.0.1: Current dashboard navigation 1.This link opens a separate User Dashboard that is specific to RRC users 2.Project Dashboards are not supported in 3.0.1 3.Component Welcomes are not supported 4.Other dashboards can be accessed via the HOME button mega menu

18 Browsing and queries Artifacts 3.0.1: Current browse and saved filters 1.Navigating to a project currently brings a user to this page. 2.To access Saved Filters the user must open this page. 3.The ‘Blue’ button is an additional way to create resources, directly in this view

19 Nav Bar Capability Menus Artifacts: Drop down menu changes Content revision for the left side 1. ‘Browse Artifacts’ should change to ‘Welcome to Requirements or Artifacts’ 2. A new section entitled ‘Browse Artifacts/Requirements’ should be added and contain links to the following: i. Browse Artifacts (opens the current Project Page to allow the user to browse or select a saved filter) ii. Contain a link to Private Filters, Public Filters.. Or My Saved Filters; My Recently Saved Filters (takes the user to a page where their relative filters are displayed?) iii. ‘Create Artifact’ section title would change to ‘Create Requirement’

20 Nav Bar Capability Menus Artifacts: Drop down menu changes Content revision for the left side 3. The ‘More…’ link should move to the bottom of the limited list of requirements 4. The ‘More…’ link should change to ‘View more’ with two downward pointing chevrons and use the green secondary hyperlink style 5. There should be a TYPE icon per Requirement type, so each icon should be different. 6. Creating from this menu should open the editor for more detailed editing of the newly created requirement 7. ‘Upload Artifact’ should be in a separate section

21 Nav Bar Capability Menus Artifacts: Drop down menu changes Content revision for the right side 1. The Recently viewed section should be hidden by default until a saved filter or resource has been accessed. 1. When a resource/saved filter is newly created an entry should be made in the right side and be showing as dirty 2. When a resource/saved filter has been modified the resource should show as dirty in the menu 3. IDEA: could we show recently viewed filters or folders in this menu: ref SCM component in RTC

22 Saved Filters Artifact/Requirement Component: Add a Welcome 1.Because we should add a Welcome to the capability menu, a Welcome should be showing in this page instead of showing a selected filter by default. 2.Entries should show the following: 1. Create a Requirement 2. Browse Artifacts/Requirements 3. Search for a Requirement 4. Learn more about Requirements 5. Help for accessing and managing your requirements

23 Saved Filters Component Title: View All Artifacts page changes 1.This page would now be accessed via the Welcome, ‘Browse Artifacts/Requirements’ function in the dropdown menu, or by selecting a specific filter from a viewlet in the new Project Dashboards 2.The title ‘View All Artifacts’ is misleading, since it assumes that you will be seeing All artifacts first, then filtering them down. Instead you are advised to select a filter to show a set of artifacts. 1.Instead this page title should reflect the Component name: Artifacts/Requirements 2.When a saved filter is selected it should change to the name of that saved filter 3.Once a filter has been selected then the title of the page should go into EDIT mode, prompting the user to create a SAVED FILTER

24 Project Dashboards and Blue Create buttons Creating artifacts: Blue create button change 1.Since this page is no longer primary pending RRC support of Project Dashboards, do we need the blue create button here? 2.Instead all of the same fx available via this menu, should be available from the capability menu

25 RQM Current navigation menus and create actions

26 Capability menu’s: Current 1.Fixed content on left side 2.Query lists appear in right fly out menu on ‘View …’ items only - Right pointing black arrow depicts where query menus are applicable 3.Items in menu are grouped according to artifact type, not action 4.Menu labels N/A in current design 5.Dotted line separator implemented between groups 6.“ Recently viewed” N/A within QM because of the tab structure. I am not sure whether this could be supported or just duplicate items within the tab menu. 7.Currently does not seem to be item number limit (10) 8.No icons supported in menu’s 9.Menus do not indicate a “current” selection (on nav bar and within the menu) 10.Do not utilize Welcome pages Creation of artifacts 11.Creation of artifacts via menu’s will open a new tab for QM artifacts, open a new window for OSLC artifacts and/or open OSLC dialog for creation.

27 Capability menus Menus

28 Capability menus Menus

29 Capability menus Queries: right fly out menu

30 Capability menus Special cases:

31 RDM Navigation menus and create actions

32 Navigation and Create review  Global navigation  Capability menus  Home menu  Create artifacts

33 Global navigation 3.0 navigation links 3.1 proposed links

34 Capability menus - Action entries for Browse, Create, and Import - Add entry to Browse All Designs, and Browse Queries - Separate Browse entries into All, My, or Current - Right-side menu: Recent Resources, Recent Queries, Unsaved Work

35 Home menu - Navigate to different streams based on a selected project area - Consider using the Home menu or other UI mechanism in the banner

36 Create Resources menu - Depending on the domain area, there could be hundreds of resource types that can be created - Manage the scalability issues with another UI mechanism, such as a dialog popup - Right-side entry to list recently created resource types

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