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Agriculture Sector Of Pakistan By: Marjan Arbab Lecturer, BUITEMS.

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Presentation on theme: "Agriculture Sector Of Pakistan By: Marjan Arbab Lecturer, BUITEMS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agriculture Sector Of Pakistan By: Marjan Arbab Lecturer, BUITEMS

2 Farm Mechanization Use of Machines for conduction agricultural operations and Replacing Human and Animal Labour –harvesting, Thrashing, Levelling, Spraying etc. Farm Mechanical Technology includes: I.Chemical Technology==  Plant Protection Measure II.Hydrological Technology=  Tubewells, Irrigation System III.Mechanical Technology  Tractor, Bulldozer, Thrashers etc.

3 Modern Machinery

4 Argument For Farm Mechanization 1.Increases the Volume of Production 2.Encourage Multiple Croping 3.Greater Land Cultivation 4.Increase in Labor Productivity 5.Reduction in Cost 6.Increase in Come

5 Argument Against Farm Mech. 1.Increase in Unemployment 2.Initial Costs of Mahinery is High 3.Applying the Machinery on Large Scale is Long term process. 4.Problem of Diversion of Capital from industrial to Agricultural.


7 Pakistan And Its Land

8 Strategies for Developing Countries Case 1: 1.Area with surplus labour 1.Use new seeds 2.Fertilizers 3.Water management –These can Increase productivity even with traditional Cultivation.

9 Strategies cont. Case 2: Area where Land needs to be levelled Bulldozers Thrashers –Less labour is required for such work of leveling the land for cultivation

10 Strategies Cont. Case 3: Area where River Irrigation Water is not available than: Condition of Sweet Groud water –Installation of Tubewells is very Effective »Quetta, Baluchistan Ghabargh (Airport side) ground water sourness gives less productivity in fruits and grops.

11 GREEN REVOLUTION The Technological Breakthrough by Dr norman Borlaung in evolving Seeds of High Yielding Variety tied with the use of Fertilizers and pesticides brought a revolution in Agri. output which is known as GREEN REVOLTUION. For Wheat Seeds were imported from Mexico and Philippines for Rice production

12 Factors of Green Revolution 1.Miracle Seeds  High yielding Variety Seeds used 2.Agricultural Research  Better Method of controlling insects 3.Fertilizers  Chemical Fertilizers 4.Multiple Cropping 5.Modern Machinery 6.Institutional Changes  land reformation

13 Impact of Green Revolution Increase in Production Social imbalances Reduced Impact on Employment Increase in Investment Economic Stability Social Welfare

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