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UNFCCC Information Event
Preparing for implementation: Initial requirements under the Kyoto Protocol UNFCCC Information Event Halldor Thorgeirsson Clare Breidenich Andrew Howard Katia Simeonova
Overview of presentation
Objective: to remind Parties of the basic rules and requirements of the Kyoto Protocol Particular emphasis on pre-commitment period Basic Architecture: reporting, review and compliance Initial report and accounting requirements 4th national communications and demonstrable progress Secretariat’s preparation for implementation Kyoto is a technically complex instrument With EIF, Parties preparing for implementation Several years since most of the rules developed and agreed, some of them developed recently (LULUCF) New players, change in government Objective of presentation is to remind Parties of the basic rules and requirements, particularly in the pre-commitment period, and the consequences of not meeting these requirements Where to find more information
Compliance with Annex B targets
Final emissions Projected emissions LULUCF activities Mechanisms acquisitions < = > Annex B assigned amount Should be a familiar slide – a reminder of the overall compliance assessment for Kyoto Protocol Several ways Parties can achieve Article 3.1 target: - Reduce emissions - Acquire additional units for Kyoto Mechanisms - Issue Removal units from Article 3.3 and 3.4 activities Slide is useful starting point for presentation because much of the Kyoto architecture is designed to support, monitor and facilitate compliance. Emissions side Assigned amount side
Kyoto compliance architecture
Joint implementation National registries International transaction log CDM Reporting of quantitative information Compilation and accounting database (emissions, assigned amount information, mechanisms eligibility) COP/MOP General overview of Kyoto compliance architecture Blue are Party systems. Red are institutions, Green is Review process, Grey is secretariat data systems Compliance systems starts with the reporting of information from Parties. All reports then subject to review under Article 8. Any questions of implementation identified by the review teams are to be addressed by the Compliance Committee. Additionally, quantative information (I.e. emission inventories and assigned amount information) is imported directly into the secretariat’s data systems. If there are any questions of implementation raised regarding the quantitative data, the final information may be changed. After the review process, and resolution of any questions of implemenation by the compliance committee, data becomes official for purposes of the Kyoto Compliance assessment. Reporting of qualitative information Review process Compliance Committee
Reporting, review and compliance procedures
Kyoto Protocol reporting
Initial report to establish assigned amount (once prior to commitment period) GHG Inventory with base year Calculation of assigned amount under 3.7& 8 Calculation of commitment period reserve National registry National inventory system LULUCF definitions and elections Annual reporting (with Convention inventory) GHG Inventory LULUCF information Assigned amount info 3.14 information National communications (every 5 years) Convention elements National Inventory System National Registry Supplementarity Article 2 polices and measures Legislative, enforcement and administrative arrangements Technology transfer, capacity building and other Article 10 activities Financial resources Report on demonstrable Progress (once in 2006) Domestic measures GHG trends How measures will help meet commitments Article 10 and 11 activities Overview of Kyoto Reporting Requirements - Note that these were intentionally built upon Convention reporting requirements National Communications under the Protocol cover both Convention and Kyoto Implementation In addition to the 4th national communication, there is also a one-time only report on demonstrable progress. Katia will provide information on these. To initiate Kyoto accounting, Annex I Parties are also required to submit an initial report under Article 7.4. This is also a one-time only report. And finally, the Protocol establishes annual reporting requirements which are built upon the Convention information submission. In addition the inventory, Parties are also required to submit information relating to assigned amounts, emissions and removals from Article 3.3 and 3.4 activities, and information on implementation of Article 3.14 of the Protocol. As the annual reporting requirement does not kick in until the commitment period, we will not address these requirements in this presentation.
Article 8 review process
Four types - Review of initial report - Periodic review of national communications - Annual review of 7.1 information - Expedited review to reinstate mechanisms eligibility All review reports forwarded to Compliance Committee Compliance Committee to consider any ‘questions of implementation’ raised in the reports For each reporting requirement under Article 7 there is a corresponding review under article 8. The first two types or review are most relevent for this presentation Note that there is no separate review of the report on demonstrable progress – rather this information will be considered with the 4th national communication. The expedited review is not a standard review, but only applies in the special case that a Party has lost mechanisms eligibility and wants to reestablish it. Reminded that the review team does not resolve any problems identified, but rather raises questions of implementation which will be further consider by compliance committee
Compliance Committee ERT Any Party Compliance Committee COP/MOP Bureau
All review review reports Questions of implementation about itself or another Party Compliance Committee Bureau Facilitative Branch Enforcement Branch Annual report Provision of general policy guidance COP/MOP
Compliance Committee Branches
Enforcement Branch - Resolves questions of implementation regarding quantitative requirements (targets, emissions, AA) - Determines whether to apply adjustments or corrections for compilation and accounting purposes - Can suspend or reinstate mechanisms eligibility Facilitative Branch - Provides advice and assistance for compliance - Addresses questions of implementation regarding non-quantitative commitments, including Article 3.14 For each reporting requirement under Article 7 there is a corresponding review under article 8. The first two types or review are most relevent for this presentation Note that there is no separate review of the report on demonstrable progress – rather this information will be considered with the 4th national communication. The expedited review is not a standard review, but only applies in the special case that a Party has lost mechanisms eligibility and wants to reestablish it. Reminded that the review team does not resolve any problems identified, but rather raises questions of implementation which will be further consider by compliance committee
Kyoto implementation timeline
3.1 Compliance Assessment 4th Nat Communication & Demonstrable Progress Reports 5th National Communication? Voluntary Annual Reporting under 7.1 ‘True-up period’ Report 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Reports to establish Assigned Amount Mandatory Annual Reporting under 7.1 Timeline of the Kyoto implementation from now until assessment of Compliance with Orange shading is actual commitment period Note timing of 4th nat com and demonstrable progress, initial reports. Mandatory annual reporting as of 2010 (2008 information) Voluntary reporting earlier for mechanisms eligibility Blue shows dates that reports are due from Parties. These reports trigger the associated review procedures under Article 8. The resulting review reports are automatically forwarded to the compliance committee for consideration, as appropriate. Article 8 Review Process Compliance Committee
Initial report under Article 7.4
Kyoto Protocol accounting
National systems Annex I Party systems Emissions inventories Reporting process National registries Kyoto Protocol units Assigned amount Eligibility requirements Review and compliance processes Reminder of Kyoto Architecture. Overall obligation of Annex B Parties under Article 3.1 is to ensure emissions do not exceed assigned amount at end of commitment period. Kyoto architecture is designed to monitor and assess Parties’ implementation of quantitative commitments Emissions Secretariat compilation and accounting database Article 3.1 compliance assessment > = <
Purpose of the initial report
“To facilitate calculation of its assigned amount and demonstrate its capacity to account for emissions and assigned amount” Report due by 1 January 2007 Submission triggers process to establish assigned amount and mechanisms eligibility - In-country review by expert teams under Article 8 to be completed within 1 year - All review reports forwarded to Compliance Committee for consideration - Resolution of any questions of implementation to be done by Enforcement Branch - Facilitative Branch to address any requests for advice and assistance For each reporting requirement under Article 7 there is a corresponding review under article 8. The first two types or review are most relevent for this presentation Note that there is no separate review of the report on demonstrable progress – rather this information will be considered with the 4th national communication. The expedited review is not a standard review, but only applies in the special case that a Party has lost mechanisms eligibility and wants to reestablish it. Reminded that the review team does not resolve any problems identified, but rather raises questions of implementation which will be further consider by compliance committee
Emissions-related elements
National System GHG inventory LULUCF Elections
National systems Required for estimation of GHG emissions and removals
To be established by 1 January 2007 Institutional, legal and procedural arrangements necessary to produce inventory - Single national entity with inventory responsibility - Inventory planning (define responsibilities, choice of methods and data) - Preparation (use of good practice guidance, data collection, inventory uncertainty) - Quality assurance and quality control procedures - Reporting and archive inventory information
National systems (continued)
National System requirements are functional Compliance depends on ability to produce reliable inventory Any questions of implementation identified by expert review team to be considered by the Enforcement Branch National system required for mechanisms eligibility Problems with national system could prevent Party from participating in Kyoto mechanisms
National greenhouse gas inventory
All gases and sources Article 3.3/4 LULUCF removals not included until commitment period Full geographic coverage Complete time-series All years from base year up to most recent available Use of methods consistent with IPCC methodologies and Good Practice Guidance Submitted in standardized electronic reporting tables (common reporting format) National inventory report (description of methods used, data sources, etc) Deforestation under 3.7 included
Base year inventory Base year emissions used for assigned amount calculation (unless other year or period has been approved) - Elected year for F-gases (1990 or 1995) - Deforestation emissions (if LUCF clause applies) ERT may recommend application of a conservative ‘adjustment’ if problem is identified base year emission estimates adjusted downwards Estimate (adjusted if necessary) is recorded in compilation and accounting database Adjustments intended to correct inventory problems for purpose of accounting for emissions and assigned amount Problems with base year inventory can result in a reduction in assigned amount
Land use, land-use change and forestry
Definitions for LULUCF parameters (e.g. forest, crown height, etc) Elections of activities under Article 3.4 Accounting period (annual or over commitment period) for each 3.3 activity and each elected 3.4 activity Party’s choices are recorded in C&A database and are mandatory for commitment period
Assigned-amount-related elements
Initial report of Annex B Party Description of the national registry Party’s calculation of its assigned amount Commitment period reserve Other assessment reports from administrator cooperation Show results of independent testing Show results of initializing registry communications with the ITL, in accordance with the data exchange standards
National registries Electronic databases established by Annex B Parties Track holdings of units in accounts for Parties and entities Track transactions of units in and between accounts - Issuance and conversion of units - Acquisition of units from other registries - Cancellation and replacement of units - Retirement of units for compliance purposes - Carry-over of surplus units to next commitment period Process transactions in accordance with the specifications of the data exchange standards Transactions monitored by the international transaction log
Setting aside assigned amounts
Annex B Parties show compliance with their emissions commitments by ‘retiring’ assigned amounts Units issued for assigned amount (Article 3.7 and 3.8) Units issued for net removals from LULUCF activities Units converted on the basis of JI projects Units generated by CDM projects Units acquired through emissions trading Each unit equals 1 tonne of CO2 equivalent Compliance is … when retirement = emissions
Establishment of Assigned Amount
Party calculates assigned amount (Article 3.7 and 3.8) - reviewed base year inventory - Annex B target - An Article 4 agreement, if appropriate Party’s calculation is reviewed in the initial review Assigned amount recorded after review and consideration by the Compliance Committee Takes account of any adjustments made Initial report is single opportunity to get it right. Once recorded, assigned amount is fixed for the entire commitment period
Mechanisms eligibility requirements
Full eligibility a. Party to the Kyoto Protocol b. Assigned amount calculated d. National registry in place for tracking assigned amount Track 2 JI projects a. Party to the Kyoto Protocol b. Assigned amount calculated c. National system in place for estimating emissions/removals d. National registry in place for tracking assigned amount e. Submission of most recent required emissions inventory f. Accurate accounting of assigned amount and submission of information
Determining and maintaining eligibility
Automatic eligibility after 16 months of initial report (unless Enforcement Branch determines a requirement is not met) Party must continue to meet requirements to maintain eligibility - Annual inventory and assigned amount reporting - Inventories pass the quality test in the annual review Enforcement Branch can suspend eligibility
4th national communication and report on demonstrable progress
Reporting on Convention implementation
National circumstances Policies and measures Projections Vulnerability, impacts and adaptation Financial resources and transfer of technology Research and systematic observation Education, training and public awareness
Reporting on Kyoto Protocol implementation
National Inventory System National Registry Supplementarity (in use of mechanisms) Domestic policies and measures Article 2 policies and measures Legislative, enforcement and administrative arrangements Technology transfer, capacity building and other Article 10 activities Financial Resources
Elements defined by COP decisions
Annex II Parties to provide information on support programmes in developing countries on - Adaptation (decision 5/CP.7) - Meeting needs and concerns from the implementation of response measures (decision 5/CP.7) All Parties requested to provide information on - Monitoring the progress in implementation of the framework for capacity building (decision 2/CP.7) - Implementation of the New Delhi work programme on education, training and public awareness under Article 6 (decision 11/CP.8)
Submission and Review Submission date: 1 January 2006
Inform the secretariat in case of delay Delay of more than 6 weeks brought to attention of the COP/MOP, Compliance Committee and made public Periodic review (in-country) for each Annex I KP Party Starts when it submits the NC under the KP Completed for all Parties in two years of the NC submission Review outcome: Potential problems (transparency, completeness, timeliness) Recommendations and assessment (treatment of potential problems) Problems with the NC could result in an action by the Facilitative Branch of the Compliance Committee
Report on demonstrable progress
Progress in achieving commitments by 2005 is mandatory (Article 3.2) Report due on 1 January 2006, consistent with NC4 information (decisions 22/CP.7 and 25/CP.8) - Description of policies and measures - Trends in, and projections of, national GHG emissions - Evaluation of the impact of domestic policies and measures on trends and projections - Description of activities undertaken in fulfilment of the commitments under Articles 10 and 11
Consideration of the report on demonstrable progress
The secretariat to prepare a synthesis report SBI and COP/MOP to consider synthesis report Report could provide basis for assessing emissions and trends in light of the long-term climate challenge
Secretariat’s preparations for implementation
Status of Registry systems
Data exchange standards completed in 2004 Coordinate registry systems processing International transaction log - Technical design completed in 2004 - Funding constraints have delayed implementation - Completion of deployment expected in 3rd quarter of 2006 - Registries to initialize communications with ITL in 2nd half CDM registry - Deployed in 2004 (issuance/distribution of CDM units) - Remaining development to be completed in July 2005
Status of review and compliance
Review processes basically in place - Will be intensified for initial reviews - More experts needed - Consideration of how to streamline processes Compliance Committee - Internal procedures and databases under development - Members of Committee to be elected at COP/MOP 1 - Elaborate procedures and working arrangements in 2006 Compilation and Accounting Database - GHG information system in place - additional modules under development on LULUCF, adjustments, assigned amount info (completed mid-2006)
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