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Selling Skills About Training… ¶New information ¶Reinforcement of positives ¶Recognition of negatives Learning comes in 3 forms:

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Presentation on theme: "Selling Skills About Training… ¶New information ¶Reinforcement of positives ¶Recognition of negatives Learning comes in 3 forms:"— Presentation transcript:


2 Selling Skills

3 About Training… ¶New information ¶Reinforcement of positives ¶Recognition of negatives Learning comes in 3 forms:

4 The Sales Process 1.Target Account 2.Qualifying Call 3.Appointment-Setting Call 4. Sales Call(s) 5. First Use/Installation 6. Back to step 4 ? %? %? %? % ?

5 Target Accounts ¶Good program? ¶Enough? ¶Significant? ¶All reps? ¶Buy-in? ¶Progress?

6 Qualifying/Appointment -Setting Calls ¶Collectively known as “cold-calling” ¶Everyone proficient, including YOU? If not, teach ¶Script ¶Objections/Turnarounds ¶Don’t intrude-stereotypical salesman ¶See yourself thru customer’s eyes

7 Cold-Calling Scares most salespeople because: THEY TRY TO ACCOMPLISH TOO MUCH!

8 Target Accounts

9 Qualifying Calls

10 Appointment Setting Call


12 The Five Step Sales Call ¶Introduction ·Probe for Needs ¸Presentation ¹ Management of Objections º Close

13 Consider Yourself a … “Doctor of Selling”

14 1. Exam 2.Diagnosis 3.Treatment 1. Exam 2.Diagnosis 3.Treatment

15 Introduction

16 Five Steps of an Introduction ¬ Name ­ Company ® Appropriate Sociability ®Productive ¯ Purpose for Being There ° Up-front Benefit

17 Up-Front Benefit ¬ VERY important – Why? ¬Bold!

18 Probing

19 Segues  Smoothly moving from one step of the call to the next  Getting customer to “buy in”  Needed to move to:  Probing  Demo/Presentation  Close

20 Segue into Probing: In order to determine if we can benefit you like we have for St. Mary’s Hospital, I just need to ask you some questions about your current program; would that be ok? Would you mind if I took some notes?

21 Why Probe? To obtain valid information about others - Needs, Ideas, Opinions, Feelings, etc. To increase receptivity - prepare for change To develop and maintain positive rapport - mutual trust To increase involvement and understanding

22 Why Probe? l As much for customer as you! l Easier to sell someone something they need l Keep in mind, they may not know they need it l Ask questions for which you already know the answer

23 ProbingProbing l Most important step! l Most underdeveloped step! l Don’t assume (different answers) l Don’t quit early l Don’t underestimate the power of the word why l Sometimes it’s just the wording – customers (people) won’t just “cough up” what you want to hear l Silence is OK, let questions sink in

24 Types of Probes Open Intermediate Closed Open Probes - Start the flow of information Intermediate Probes - Continue the flow Closed Probes - Obtain specific bits of information or action

25 Open Probes 8 How do you feel about …….. 8 What do you look for in a ….. 8 Give me your opinions on …... 8 Tell me about your current floor care program.

26 Intermediate Probes 8Brief Assertion- 8Neutral Phrase- Nod Head “I See” Nod Head “I See” “Sure” “Uh Huh” Thank you for sharing that information. Tell me some more about.. Interesting, why do you say that?

27 8How many 5's do you use per month? 8What size container do you buy your all purpose cleaner in? 8How many people will be at the housekeeping group seminar? Closed Probes

28 8Summarize results with summary probes: 8So what I hear you saying is… 8If I understand you…. 8Lays groundwork for Presentation 8Proves you were listening Before Leaving Probing Step…

29 Presentation

30 Time for another Segue: Into the Demo

31 Segue into the Demo: I’d like to get your opinion on a 2-minute demo

32 Presentation:Presentation: l Simple equation: Uncovered need + Presentation on Applicable Product = A Sale l The transfer of knowledge and enthusiasm

33 Presentation:Presentation: l 3 Steps: 1.There are differences between me and my competition 2.The differences between me and my competition are REAL 3. These differences AFFECT YOU in… l Product usage l Labor

34 Trial closes  Taking customer’s temperature throughout sales call  Does this make sense to you?  What do you think about this?  Can you see advantages in this?

35 Presentation:Presentation: Relationship Service Value Price R elationship S ervice V alue P rice Relationship Service Value Price

36 Presentation:Presentation: l Value is: –Performance –Safety l How do you establish value for floor care? l Is it tougher to establish value for dilutables?

37 Telling Is Not Selling

38 The Same Old Routine Sales Call Salesman: “Here’s the product that will meet your needs: spitfire It’s is a great cleaner and it can clean about anything”, blah blah blah...” Customer is thinking: I have to kick him out soon - I’ve got to pee!

39 Adult Learning Verbal 5-7% Verbal + Visual 55% Verbal + Visual + Hands-On 85%

40 PresentationPresentation What can we do besides telling? What can we do besides telling?



43 Management of Objections

44 MANAGEMENT OF OBJECTIONS  Acknowledge  Probe  Answer Objection  Get Confirmation

45 MANAGEMENT OF OBJECTIONS  What if you can’t/get stuck?  Give yourself a chance

46 Closing You’ll get 0% of the orders you don’t ask for

47 One Last Segue: Into the Close

48 Segue into Close: Based on what I’ve shown you, does this look better than what you currently use?

49 Closing  Must “earn the right” to close  Customer expects you to  Close for something – a commitment  If no, WHY?

50 Closing Techniques  Are you using many different techniques? Be honest.  You need to – they are situational

51 ASK FOR IT  Direct Close or Direct Question  Why don’t you try it?  Can I have the authority to go ahead with the order?  When would you like delivery?  How much would you need to get started?

52 The Order Form Close  Start off with the basic assumption that the customer will buy…….. It’s only the details that need clarifying.  Question and obtain the customer’s commitment on the different stages of completing the order form.  At the final stage of the order...Ask for the OK or Approval - Not Signature

53 The Either / Or Close  It often helps to get the buyer’s final agreement by asking which is the most acceptable of alternatives offered.  Would you like in Fives or in 55 gallon drums?  Would you like your order delivered this week or next week?  Would you need the Dispensing system?

54 The Half Nelson Close  Use this close when the customer questions your product’s features or benefits, or you can help him/her solve a problem.  To be used successfully, this close requires good probing and good knowledge of your product.  If I can prove to you that _____ will reduce your labor costs by 50%, will you buy it?

55 Dialogues  Appointment-Setting  Up Front Benefit Statement  About Company  Service  About Products  Others?

56 The End? No. You HAVE TO continue to develop these skills on your own

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