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Exterior Wall (Masonry)

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Presentation on theme: "Exterior Wall (Masonry)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exterior Wall (Masonry)

2 Masonry Construction Used in both residential & commercial
Brick, stone or concrete block Solid and Veneer Advantages fire resistant weather resistant durability sound proof

3 Solid Masonry Types 1) Brick, concrete block, and stone
type of material either side wire reinforced joints with grout in cavity includes vertical steel in cavity bar reinforced grout filled includes both vertical and horizontal steel in cavity 2) Structural Hollow Masonry 3) Insulated Masonry inside cavity outside surface

4 Masonry Wall Reinforcement
Cavity Masonry with joint wire reinforced JOINT REINFORCING MORTAR GROUT

5 Masonry Wall Reinforcement

6 Masonry Wall Example

7 Veneer Masonry Veneer Masonry Includes Veneer brick concrete block
stone Veneer nonstructural for appearance usually 5” max thickness

8 Masonry Veneer Terms roof rafters truss top plate studs galvanized
wire mesh masonry veneer insulation grout

9 Masonry Veneer Englarged Detail
grout Attachment methods will vary Masonry or stone unit studs 2”x2” 16 gage. Galvanized Wire nails

10 Hollow Masonry w/ Insulation Inside

11 Masonry with Furring & Insulation Inside

12 Masonry with Furring & Insulation Inside

13 Masonry Cavity with Insulation

14 Assignment Create the following wall sections: as referenced on the floor plans A/A-5 Full wall section B/A-5 Cornice section C/A-5 Interior wall section D/A-5 Canopy section E/A-5 (cross section) F/A-5 (cross section) Search the Class Architecture file on the C drive for drawings that may help!!!!!!!

15 Drawing Assignment Masonry Wall Section
1--Roof Slope 5/12, show wood shingles 2--1/2” CDX plywood roof sheathing 3--Soffit: 3/8” AB plywood, 12” projection 4--Wall height 8’-1 1/8”+/-, 2x4 16” OC 5--1/2 GB(wall), 5/8” GB(ceiling) 6--2x8 24” OC 7--2x4 24” OC 8--4” Concrete slab w/ 4” gravel under 9--Other notes as shown in text

16 Drawing Assignment Masonry Wall Section Cont.
10--Foundation Changes: Brick ledge 5” x 12” Foundation wall 10” 2” grade to stone Standard footing sizing Footing depth 30” from grade to bottom footing 11--Symbol for stone, apply to both drawings 12--Use proper drawing notation for referencing enlarged detail 13--All notes apply to enlarged detail, add stone (rubble) symbol

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