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Measures to combat discrimination in sports on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity: EU approach in development Bart Ooijen Sport Unit DG Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Measures to combat discrimination in sports on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity: EU approach in development Bart Ooijen Sport Unit DG Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measures to combat discrimination in sports on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity: EU approach in development Bart Ooijen Sport Unit DG Education and Culture European Commission Utrecht, Netherlands 12 October 2012

2 Article 165 TFEU Promotion of European sporting issues, while taking account of: the specific nature of sport, its structures based on voluntary activity its social and educational function. Developing the European dimension in sport, by promoting: fairness and openness in sporting competitions cooperation between bodies responsible for sports, And by protecting the physical and moral integrity of sportsmen and sportswomen, especially the youngest sportsmen and sportswomen.


4 European Commission: Sport Unit in DG Education & Culture Equality directorate in DG Justice Interservice Groups European Parliament: Culture Committee: Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home (Intergroup on LGTB rights) European Council of Ministers: Working parties Court of Justice of the European Union

5 Sport could support equality and it is useful tool in the fight against stereotypes and discrimination Sport can facilitate the integration into society White Paper on Sport (07/ 2007)

6 EU Programmes EU Funding programmes exist in order to help implement EU policies Sport is partly mainstreamed in existing policies/programmes: regional, social inclusion, health, education, youth, human rights

7 Projects funded through EU programmes:
Human rights and citizenship programme

8 Football for equality The main objectives of the project are:
Promotion of the approach to establish sport as means for fostering equal rights and intercultural dialogue mainly amongst stakeholders in football With regard to equal rights and opportunities of LGBT persons exchanging of good practice initiatives, knowledge and educational tools between new and old Member States of the EU. Establishing of structures for a European network and enhancing the expertise and competences of grassroots organizations, fan organizations, LGBT groups and Roma people.

9 EU Programmes But some parts of EU sport policy cannot be supported through existing programmes Hence: Preparatory Actions and Sport Chapter of Erasmus for All

10 Preparatory Actions 2009-2012:
Test suitable European networks and good practices in the field of sport. Topics in 2009: Promoting health-enhancing physical activity (b) Promoting education and training in sport (c) Promoting European fundamental values by encouraging sport for persons with disabilities (d) Promoting gender equality in sport Support Youth Olympic Festival Tampere Support Mediterranean Games Pescara

11 Preliminary Observations
gender equality applications were mainly from sport organisations with a focus on training of skills and gaining expertise to increase the number of women in sport governing bodies there was no attention for certain specific subgroups for example women with a different ethnic background, sexual orientation, disabled role of media and gender stereotypes in sport were part of one project, but no clear recommendations proposed

12 Preparatory Actions 2009-2012:
Topics in 2010: Fight against doping Promoting social inclusion in and through sport Promoting volunteering in sport Support Special Olympics Euro games Warsaw

13 Preliminary Observations
an evidence-based policy should be developed in which the critical factors of successful interventions specific to social inclusions should be described. interventions should go beyond campaigns a clear framework is needed for the analysis of good practices related to the objectives of the programme respecting the diversity of Member States Impacts of the activities need to be disseminated more. Social Inclusion should go hand in hand with the fight against stereotyping, intolerance and discrimination in sport

14 Preliminary Observations
International sport events could have a great impact on the athletes and on the awareness of people in society. To improve the sustainability of the impact and enlarge the scope to all participating member states such an event needs to be embedded in a clear policy including: - preparatory stage including coaching education, awareness activities - role events, including non sport events as side programmes - legacy

15 Preparatory Actions 2009-2012:
Topics in 2011: Prevention of and fight against violence and intolerance in sport Promoting innovative approaches to strengthen the organisation of sport in Europe Support Special Olympics World Games Warsaw Support Youth Olympic Festival Liberec Support European Streetfootball event Poznan

16 Selected projects Preparatory Actions 2011
on fight against violence and intolerance in sport ‘Pro Supporters Prevention through empowerment’ VIDC AT Partnership CZ, DE, IE, UK ‘Educational LABs for European Young Supporters’ CONI IT Partnership EL, ES, IT, NL, PT, RO, SE, UK ‘Prevention of sexualised violence in sports’ DSJ DE Partnership: EPC, EBF, ENGSO, EWS, Eurochild. FICEPS,EUSA ‘Pride in Sport ’ Fight & Prevention homophobic violence and intolerance in sport EGLSF NL Partnership: FARE, FR, HU, DE, SI, UK

17 To further develop social preventive fan work approaches across Europe in order to help establishing non-violent, inclusive, nondiscriminatory football cultures To develop innovative and creative methods to raise awareness on problems associated with racism and related intolerances in football 17

18 – Pride in Sport: Preventing & Fighting Homophobic Violence & Intolerance in Sport
To raise awareness and understanding of homophobia and practice which discriminates against lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgender people in sport; To enhance the capacity of LGBT sports groups and networks both on a local/national/pan-European level to share knowledge and contribute to the debate on best practice in LGBT inclusion in sport 18

19 – Pride in Sport: Preventing & Fighting Homophobic Violence & Intolerance in Sport
To promote LGBT human rights through sport, bridging the gap between new member states in the East and old member states in the West To improve networks of those working to combat homophobia and promote LGBT inclusion in sport across Europe – including grass roots organisations, Sports Governing Bodies and campaigning organisations. 19

20 Pride in Sport: Preventing & Fighting Homophobic Violence & Intolerance in Sport
Anti-Discrimination Gaming Application for Young People Good Practice Development funding for up to twenty local good practice initiatives in two tranches over the 16 month period of the project. A Good Practice Booklet highlighting examples of good practice Fact Sheets For Sport Governing Bodies “Against the Rules” Exhibition in London during 2012 Olympic Games + translation for exhibition Euro games Academic Colloquium Maximum grant: € 20

21 Preparatory Actions “partnership on sport” 2012 - 2013
Activities 2012 Monitoring projects 2011 Preparatory Actions “partnership on sport” - Call for proposals 2012 match fixing active aging visibility of value of local sport regional competitions - feasibility study Sport Erasmus mobility programme - supporting specific international events: TAFISA games LT, Youth Olympic Winter sport festival RO, Paralympic Youth Festival CZ EU sportforum Cyprus September 2012 21

22 2014 – 2020 New EU funding programmes
Multi-annual financial framework of the EU is negotiated every 7 years Currently being negotiated for Framework for the adoption of annual EU budgets

23 Erasmus for All ( ) Proposed new EU programme for education, training, youth and sport Commission proposal from November 2011 Now under negotiation between the Council of the EU (27 Member States) and the European Parliament, which will together take the final decision Council (MS) adopted Partial General Approach on 11 May 2012.

24 Article 11: Specific objectives Sport
(a) to tackle transnational threats to sport such as doping, match fixing, violence, racism and intolerance; (b) to support good governance in sport and dual careers of athletes; (c) to promote social inclusion, equal opportunities and health-enhancing physical activity through increased participation in sport. In letter (c), Council proposes to add: "to promote voluntary activities in sport"

25 Article 12: Activities Council proposes to delete (b) and (d).
1. The objectives of cooperation in Sport shall be pursued through the following transnational activities: (a) support to transnational collaborative projects; (b) support to non-commercial European sport events involving several European countries; (c) support the strengthening of the evidence base for policy making; (d) support to capacity building of sport organisations; (e) dialogue with relevant European stakeholders. Council proposes to delete (b) and (d).

26 Budget for the Sport Chapter
Based on the results of the evaluation of the Preparatory Actions, the Commission proposes an average annual budget of around € 34 million for sport. Total proposed amount over 7 years: € 238 million Reasonable budget that will allow us to concentrate on those actions that have a clear EU added value and address problems and issues that cannot be dealt with effectively at national level.

27 Sport Chapter future developments
Negotiations between Member States and European parliament about the support for transnational events like Youth Paralympic and Olympic festivals, Special Olympics and other grassroots events Negotiations about the total budget for Erasmus for all including the sport chapter.

28 Different type EU programmes support projects in sport
Decentralized programmes in Member States Youth in action Life long Learning programme (Erasmus, Comenius, Leonardo), Europe for Citizens programme Structural Funds Member States and Regions Regional Fund, Social Fund Centralized programmes Brussels Human Rights and Citizenship programme Progress (equalty), Daphne (sexual violence) , Life (environment) Euro aid / Enlargement programmes (outside EU) 28

29 Thank you for your attention !

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