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Website Development for E-Commerce
Pesewa Presentations
Management Issues Two most important management challenges in building a successful e-commerce site are: Developing a clear understanding of business objectives Knowing how to choose the right technology to achieve those objectives NEED FOR A SYSTEMATIC APPROACH NOTE: The Business Objectives and Strategy dominate the IT issues. One reason for the “dot.bomb” phenomenon was that the process were technology-led rather than business-led
Process Components Main areas where you will need to make decisions in building a site include: Human resources and organizational capabilities – creating a team that has the skill set to build and manage a successful site Site design Software Hardware Telecommunications
Information Management & e-biz
Some issues in Web Design and e-business STAGES OF WEBSITE COMPLEXITY Initial Question: What is the purpose of the Website? Communication: Advertising; marketing communication; notification 1-way: To provide information to potential customers: Very Simple Often called “Brochureware” (a term of abuse!) 2-way: Simple interactivity: Data capture - build Customer database e-commerce transactions: take orders online and fulfil these (either online or offline) - requires a dynamic website / web pages e-business transformation: full integration of suppliers’ and customers databases, supply-chains and processes (the objective of much B2B) [Can be extremely complex]
Initial Considerations
Turnkey Systems vs.. Component Solutions similar to purchase of hi-fi system Key Issue: Interoperability: Will all the bits of a component Website solution work together ; turnkey systems ought to operate smoothly (in theory) Component solutions: offer best in class for individual components Selective Upgrade: can change one component at a time to take advantage of technical progress Accountability Issues: If something goes wrong, who is responsible?
Second Consideration Outsourcing vs. In-house Development (similar to any make-buy decision) Outsourcing: Advantages Time-saving (maybe) No fixed costs No continuing Labour Costs (hopefully) No maintenance costs (again, hopefully) Disadvantages: Loss of control Expense - usually more expensive to pay someone else to do work rather than do it yourself, but ... opportunity cost arguments apply
In-House Development In-House: Disadvantages:
High Fixed Costs (up-front investment in equipment, software, training) Maintenance (not to be under-estimated - often the largest cost factor) Time Loss: (1) Learning Curve effects; (2) may be a better use of time for employees than doing Website development (Opportunity Costs argument again) Might be preferable to use ASP (Application Service Provider)
Systems Development Life Cycle
Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a methodology for understanding the business objectives of a system and designing an appropriate solution Five major steps in the SDLC are: Systems analysis/planning Systems design Building the system Testing Implementation
Website SDLC
Systems Planning, etc. System Analysis/Planning: Identifying Business Objectives, System Functionality, and Information Requirements Business objectives: a list of capabilities you want your site to have System functionalities: a list of the types of information system capabilities you will need to achieve your business objectives Information requirements: the information elements that the system must produce in order to achieve the business objectives
Typical Requirements
Systems Design Hardware and Software Platforms System Design
System design specification: a description of the main components of a system and their relationship to one another. System design can be broken down into two parts: Logical design includes: Dataflow diagram (DFD) that describes the flow of information at the site, processing functions that must be performed, and databases that will be used Description of the security and emergency backup systems, and controls that will be used Physical design: translate the logical design into physical components
Logical Design: Simple Web
Physical Design
Choices in Building and Hosting
Range of Tools for Site Building
Testing, Implementation and Maintenance
Includes unit testing, system testing and acceptance testing Implementation and maintenance: Maintenance is ongoing, with 20% of time devoted to debugging code and responding to emergency situations, 20% with changing reports, data files and links to backend databases; and 60% to general administration and making changes and enhancements to system Benchmarking: process by which site is compared to those of competitors in terms of response speed, quality of layout and design
Typical Cost Components
Software Tools for Websites
Issues: Organisational Standards: Significant determinant of choice of tool Websites need constant maintenance - staff turnover means regular training and updating; costs contained by adopting “standard” Changing Standard means new learning curve (“lock-in” effect) Nature of Task: determines choice of software tool(s) Available Bandwidth: dial-up tools (low connection speed; low bandwidth) DSL and Cable modems: high-speed connection and more bandwidth Installed Base of media players: Flash; RealPlayer; QuickTime (some browsers bundle media players or provide them as plug-ins) Ease of Use: Some software tools make content development easier than others. Example: Java vs. JavaScript - most developers use JavaScript for special effects
HTML Forms Forms: Creating Forms is easy:
Text Boxes Check Boxes Drop-down lists Scrolling Boxes etc Creating Forms is easy: Processing the Information gathered on Website is more difficult - usually performed by a separate program, commonly running CGI (common gateway interface) scripts or Active Server Pages (ASP) CGI and ASP both quite difficult to master - need programmers CGI: Unix based (mainly) ASP: Windows NT or Windows 2000 based
Java General-purpose programming language developed by Sun Microsystems Used for developing interactive Websites Java is bundled with Netscape and Internet Explorer FAST (compiled code) Flexible: supports animation, streaming media, 3D visualisation, etc SAFE (runs in protected memory space, so cannot infect any other part of the computer system) Difficult to learn (although JDK (Java Development Kit) helps) - intended as a professional programmers’ language Because of its perceived difficulty, alternative development environments created: Dynamic HTML (DHTML)
DHTML Enhanced version of HTML Intended to be highly interactive
Better Multimedia Support Better (more professional) page layout tools CSS (Cascading Style Sheets JavaScript ActiveX an ad hoc collection of tools supported to varying degrees by different browsers
JavaScript was developed by Netscape and seems to have become an industry “standard” [an ad hoc standard] Mainly used to create fancy effects on screen (buttons and rollover effects) Modern Web Development Tools (e.g. DreamWeaver) create these effects directly and automatically Scripts for special effects can be downloaded from Popular use: Checking user input for errors or omissions: “Please ensure that all fields are completed.” Marketers use JavaScript to identify browser version and monitor size to ensure optimised Web page is sent to client machine
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
CSS allow precise text and graphics formatting on Web page CSS allow relatively easy site-wide updating (before CSS every page had to be separately formatted - led to major problems in editing and correcting pages How? Select names for each page component E.g. Heading 1; Heading 2; Body Text; Table, etc Define a Style for each. Any subsequent change in Style is automatically updated in EACH component CSS Separates Document CONTENT from its PRESENTATION Only need to be updated in ONE place : change is GLOBAL Easy to impose “house style” (uniform graphic standards) Many advantages for Web Owner (problem: earlier browser versions)
Architecture Issues System architecture: refers to the arrangement of software, machinery, and tasks in an information system needed to achieve a specific functionality Two-tier architecture: Web server responds to requests for Web pages and a database server provides backend data storage Multi-tier architecture: Web server is linked to a middle-tier layer that typically includes a series of application servers that perform specific tasks, as well as to a backend layer of existing corporate systems
2-Tier e-commerce Architecture
Laudon & Traver, Chapter 4
Multi-Tier Architecture
Web Server Software All e-commerce sites require basic Web server software to answer HTTP requests from customers Apache the leading Web server software; works only with UNIX operating systems Microsoft’s Internet Information Server (IIS) the second major Web server software
What do Web Servers Do?
Site Management Tools: Server Logs
WebTrends (2)
WebTrends (3)
WebTrends (4)
Dynamic Page Generation Tools
Dynamic page generation: contents of Web page are stored as objects in a database rather than being hard-coded in HTML, and are fetched when needed from database Tools include CGI (Common Gateway Interface), ASP (Active Server Pages), JSP (Java Server Pages), etc. Lowers menu costs, permits easy online market segmentation, and enables cost-free price discrimination
Application Servers
e-commerce Merchant Server S/W
Provides the basic functionality needed for online sales, including: Online catalogues (shop front) Shopping cart Credit card processing (secure communication with Banks and credit card companies, using Data Encryption over SSL (Secure Socket Layer), or SET (Secure Electronic Transaction)
Software: e-commerce Suites
Offer integrated environment that provides functionality and capabilities needed to develop sophisticated, customer-centric site Key factors to consider in choosing include: Functionality Support for different business models Business process modeling tools Visual site management tools and reporting Performance and scalability Connectivity to existing business systems Compliance with standards set by different countries worldwide Global and multicultural capability Local sales tax and shipping rules
How Much Can it Cost? Laudon and Traver , Chapter 4
How do We Make Sure we can do it?
Use Simulation Software: e.g IBM WebSphere -
Right-sizing an e-commerce Effort
Right-sizing: Hardware Issues
Scalability: refers to the ability of a site to increase in size as demand warrants Ways to scale hardware: Vertically: increase the processing power of individual components Horizontally: employ multiple computers to share the workload Improve processing architecture
Common Techniques
Website Design Issues Basic Business Considerations
To achieve basic business functionality of a Web site, one needs to be aware of design guidelines and software tools that can build active content and functionality Poorly designed Web sites drive customers away Avoid garish colours Avoid processor-intensive graphics Allow people to by-pass start-up graphics / video clips See: Do a Google Search for Good Practice in Website Design
Annoying Website Features
Most Important Design Aspects
Interactivity Tools CGI (Common Gateway Interface): Set of standards for communication between a browser and a program running on a server that allows for interaction between the user and the server ASP (Active Server Pages): Enables programmers using Microsoft’s IIS package to build dynamic pages Java: Allows programmers to create interactivity and active content on the client computer JSP (Java Server Pages): Similar to CGI and ASP; allows developers to use a combination of HTML, JSP scripts and Java to dynamically generate Web pages in response to user requests JavaScript: Programming language invented by Netscape that is used to control objects on a Web page and handle interactions with browser ActiveX: Programming language invented by Microsoft to compete with Java VBScript: Programming language invented by Microsoft to compete with JavaScript ColdFusion: An integrated server-side environment for developing interactive Web applications
Plug-ins Small applications designed to add additional functionality to browsers and other communications software Often used to allow multimedia content to be played on the client machine Common plug-ins: Flash: Macromedia, Inc (plays animations) [vector graphics] QuickTime (and QuickTime for Windows): Apple Computer (audio and video player; Virtual Reality browser, image manipulation) RealPlayer: Real Networks (streaming audio and video) Acrobat (Adobe Systems): allows users to read documents created in .pdf format, without the need of the application which created them, nor to have the necessary fonts installed - brilliant piece of work)
Website Creation Needs to be a GROUP Activity
Need some or all of the following: Graphic Designer (ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL) Content Expert / Content Editor Communications Specialist (i.e. someone who can write accurately) Information Architect (someone with web tools expertise) Marketing Expertise / Marketing Manager Technology Manager (NOT the Team Leader!) May also need: Legal Input Finance Manager … PROJECT MANAGER [ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL!!]
Development Process Summary
Plan Site: Objectives Target Stakeholders Design Issues Content Budget … Gather Materials (Only RELEVANT materials to be included) Create the Site (with Care) Check Content (Legal, Decent, Honest, Truthful, etc) Publish the Site (upload to ISP or on in-house server) Promote the Site (Search Engine Submission) MAINTAIN THE SITE !!! (don’t let it become a Cobweb Site)
Website Marketing Plan
Situation Analysis: (marketing audit) Macro environmental factors Competitive Analysis SWOT Market Analysis Target Stakeholders Customers (by Target segment) - Customer Profiles Suppliers - Supplier Profiles Potential New Customers and Suppliers Strategic Partners and Allies Website Objectives Strategies Action Plan Budget Evaluation Plan … to be developed during Course
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