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From Mission Tourist to Global Citizen Preparing to Maximize the Impact of Short-term Mission Service.

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Presentation on theme: "From Mission Tourist to Global Citizen Preparing to Maximize the Impact of Short-term Mission Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Mission Tourist to Global Citizen Preparing to Maximize the Impact of Short-term Mission Service

2 The Missing Dimensions of Short- Term Mission Trips We focus on our going Yet more important is our returning The impact of our going and returning will be determined by the quality of our preparing Theology of Travel: When God wants to change someone’s life he takes them on a trip

3 More than logistics and fellowship Health Clothing Supplies Travel Plans Ministry Prep. Money Safety Team work These are essential parts of preparation But there are deeper issues that must be addressed Neglect the depths, and we’ll skim the surface

4 The quality of the results of our trip will depend on quality of our preparation 1.Study : Short-Term Mission Preparation Workbook, Beyond Duty, Mack and Leanne’s Guide 2.Language Learning 3.Encountering your new culture now 4.Culture/Country Research 5.Team Building 6.Skill & Resource Development

5 JOURNAL 1.Personal Mission Statement 2.Personal Learning Objectives 3.Team Covenant 4.Reflections while preparing, on trip, upon return (garbage dump) 5.Responses to 8 great questions

6 1.LEARNING--The World is our Classroom: 8 GREAT QUESTIONS: What can I learn about 1. myself? 2. God? 3. the people of God, the Church, community? 4. how culture impacts the way we live and view the Gospel? 5. justice, economics, poverty and politics? 6. discipleship as a follower of Christ? 7. a globally appropriate lifestyle? 8. my own vocation?

7 2.SERVING- -Short-term Mission as a Treasure Hunt How can I participate in what God is doing in this context? 1 Corinthians 2.1-5 How can I be a source of encouragement and affirmation to the people who live here? Philippians 4.4-9 Who is one person with whom I’ll continue a relationship? Romans 16

8 Keys to a treasure hunt Walk with humility Embrace with affirmation Live with vulnerability Practice flexibility Explore as a student Work as a servant Speak as a storyteller

9 3.TRANSFORMING—Returning home by a different route God wants to work in you & through you Reflect on the 8 great questions Find a prayer and debriefing partner before you leave Keep asking: ‘how is God calling me to be and to live differently in light of this experience?’

10 Debriefing--Integration 1.Signed agreement 2.Journal on 8 great questions 3.Debriefing partner

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