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BUSINESS ENGLISH 1, 2009/10, PE 5 Group “Zagreb” Arijana Jurak, Luka Juras, Kristina Jurčić, Matea Jurišić, Nina Kalauz, Katarina Klobučar.

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Presentation on theme: "BUSINESS ENGLISH 1, 2009/10, PE 5 Group “Zagreb” Arijana Jurak, Luka Juras, Kristina Jurčić, Matea Jurišić, Nina Kalauz, Katarina Klobučar."— Presentation transcript:

1 BUSINESS ENGLISH 1, 2009/10, PE 5 Group “Zagreb” Arijana Jurak, Luka Juras, Kristina Jurčić, Matea Jurišić, Nina Kalauz, Katarina Klobučar

2 Definition Methods Politics and civil society Front groups Conclusion

3 Practice of managing the communication between an organization and its publics Offers a third–party legitimacy that advertising does not have Common activities a. Speaking at conferences b. Working with the press c. Employee communication

4 Edward Louis Bernays - father of modern PR - early 1900s Central role - building and managing relationships with those who influence an organization or individual’s audiences

5 PR campaigns include provisions for publicity PUBLICITY – the spreading of information to gain public awareness for a product, person etc. 1. Publics targeting - a fundamental technique used to identify the target audience - general, nationwide or worldwide - stakeholders – people who have a “stake” in a given issue

6 2. Lobby groups - established to influence government policy, corporate policy, or public opinion - example: American Israel public Affairs Committee ( AIPAC ) -> American foreign policy 3. Spin - a heavily baised portayal (in one’s own favour) of an event or situation - often implies disingenuous, deceptive and highly manipulative tactics - “spin doctors” – skilled practitioners of spin

7 - the techniques of “spin”: - presenting facts - choice of timing 4. Meet and Greet - method of introducing two or more parties to each other in a comfortable setting - The Gardiner school of thought - The Kolanowski school of thought

8 “defining one’s opponent” – a tactic used in political campaigns opponnents can be: candidates, organizations … the aptness of the phrase methods of communication - direct mail, robocalling, advertising, public speaking use depends on the intended audience

9 Organizations that purport to serve a public cause while actually serving the interest of a client whose sponsorship may be obscured or concealed Use of front groups as a PR technique has been documented in many industries ( coal mining corporations, trade groups for bars, tobacco companies… )

10 Public Relations today Methods ( revision )

11 WHO IS THE MOST FAMOUS (FICTIONAL) PR PERSON??? Need a clue? She’s a hot New Yorker…


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