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Mechanical Systems and Insulation.  This is a cable located outside a house  It provides electricity service through underground or overhead wires from.

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Presentation on theme: "Mechanical Systems and Insulation.  This is a cable located outside a house  It provides electricity service through underground or overhead wires from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mechanical Systems and Insulation

2  This is a cable located outside a house  It provides electricity service through underground or overhead wires from the road to the structure  It typically provides 240 Volts electricity from the street supply ◦ The size of the entrance cable controls the amount of electricity that is available

3  Electric service size describes the number of amps that are provided to any structure through a primary wire service  Once the power enters a structure, it travels to a main disconnect with 2 circuit breakers or fuses ◦ One fuse is for the negative black wire while the other is for the positive red wire ◦ Fuses are rated according to the amperage that the wire can carry safely (e.g. 60 amps / 100 amps etc.)  Service size is determined by the thickness of the cables

4  Distribution panels are electrical panels that are located between service entrance wires and power distribution in any structure  It acts as an interface and is connected by service wires to the main disconnect  Types of distribution panels: 1.Knob and tube (old system, prone to fire, results in high insurance premiums) 2.Circuit breakers (new industry standard, safer and cheaper to insure)  Some properties in downtown Toronto still have knob and tube distribution panels

5  What type of electricity distribution is more expensive to insure and most prone to fire? ◦ Knob and tube  What is the name of the distribution panel type that replaced knob and tube? ◦ Circuit breakers

6  An electricity main disconnect switch provides people with the option to shut-off- all power in a structure ◦ It is the main power switch for a structure  Switch handles are typically located outside the structure while breakers or main fuses are located inside the main structure  Hydro authorities frequently seal covers onto the main disconnect so that only they are able to access it

7  A grounded outlet is the third ground wire ◦ It does not conduct electricity ◦ It grounds excess electricity ◦ It acts as a safety measure  Grounding is a process by which electricity is diverted to the ground  Positive wire = red/white, negative wire = red, ground wire = copper/green

8  What color is the ground wire? ◦ The grounded outlet wire is green  What is the function of the grounded outlet? ◦ It grounds excess electricity or bypasses electricity to the ground

9  Heating systems are used to keep structures warm  There are several types of systems: 1.Steam 2.Warm air 3.Radiant 4.Electrical 5.Hot water

10  Furnaces are central heating systems that generate heat in one location and distribute it to different parts of the structure ◦ Distribution normally happens through sheet metal ducts  All furnaces except electric furnaces have: 1.Heat Exchanger 2.Burner 3.Blower

11  Electric furnaces have heating elements/coils  Convection is the movement caused by hot and cold ◦ Cooler gasses are more dense and they sink because of gravity ◦ Hotter gases are less dense and rise because of gravity ◦ This movement results in the transfer of heat  Convectional refers to heat generated by coils or burning gas ◦ It is distributed through structures by a fan

12  Types of furnaces 1.Electrical furnace  Does not rely on actual combustion, which means it does not have a chimney, burner or heat exchanger  Instead, it has heating elements  Blower forces air across heating element to warm air, and the air is circulated in the home through ducts 2.Gas furnace  Four types 1.Convectional 2.Mid-efficiency 3.High-efficiency 4.High-efficiency pulse

13 3.Gravity Furnace/Octopus Furnace  Function the same way as a convectional furnace but do not have a fan to blow air through the ducts  It uses convection (gravity) to circulate hot air  It has 8 pipes going to 8 different rooms which is why it is called Octopus Furnace  Pipes carry hot air, which rises as cool air sinks to the ground  Cool air returns to furnace through an inlet  These furnaces are obsolete because of their high level of inefficiency 4.Oil Furnace  Similar to gas furnace  Oil must be stored on site to operate it

14  What is the main difference between a conventional furnace and a gravity furnace? ◦ A gravity furnace does not have a fan  Which furnace type has a radiator? ◦ Convectional furnace  What kind of furnace is a gas furnace? ◦ Convectional  What is an octopus furnace? ◦ A convectional and gravity furnace

15  A boiler is a heating system that generates heat in one location and distributes it through pipes to other locations in a structure ◦ They are made up of open and closed systems  Hot water systems do not boil water but heat it to a maximum of 160 degrees Fahrenheit  Boilers have two primary components: 1.Heat exchanger which contains natural gas or oil on one side and the water that will be heated on the other 2.Boiler

16  Types of boiler systems 1.Closed-boiler system  Does not have overflow expansion pipe or tank  It is industry standard these days  Has circulating pump that forces water throughout home pipe system 2.Open-boiler system  Has overflow expansion pipe or tank  Old system that has been discontinued  It requires expansion tank which is typically placed above the highest radiator in a structure  This tank allows for expansion when the water is heated  It does not require a pump since it makes use of gravity

17  HVAC = “heating, ventilation and air conditioning” ◦ It is a heating/cooling system used in commercial buildings typically mounted above ceilings ◦ It ensures even distribution of fresh air, heating and cooling throughout a structure  HVAC has the following components: 1.Air handler = series of fans that moves air 2.Ductwork = ducts transport air through structure 3.Condensing unit = compresses the Freon gas that is used to cool air; is placed outside the structure 4.Roof Top HVAC = mounted on roof of structure

18  Chimneys are vertical structures that contain a single or multiple flues that help discharge smoke/gases from a furnace or fire  Chimneys are no longer required and are often removed till they are below roof-level during re-roofing ◦ This means you don’t have to worry about maintaining them ◦ It also reduces risk of water leakage from chimney flashing (see flashing)

19  A flue is a distinct and separate channel that allows for smoke in the chimney  A cap is a structure above the chimney that prevents water from entering it

20  Classes of drainage systems 1.Class 1 – no tank  Waterless toilets with pit; found on construction sites 2.Class 2 – no tank  Can only be used for non-human waste, called grey- water system 3.Class 3 – no tank  Uses cesspool, similar to class 2 but used for human waste 4.Class 4 – has a tank  Private drainage system that is common in rural areas, called leeching bed system 5.Class 5 – has a tank  Holding tank, not private drainage system  Emptied by collection company

21  Class 4 and 5 are used in rural and recreational areas  Class 4 system includes: 1.Septic tank – which has bacteria that eats/decomposes waste 2.Leeching bed – filter with holes surrounded by filter materials such as sand

22  Types of leeching beds 1.Conventional Leeching Bed  Most common  Installed where land well-drained and bed can work using stone-filled trenches dug below ground level  Water is allowed to leech back into ground water, filtering through various layers of ground 2.Raised  Second most common  Used where landscape doesn’t allow for self-filtration  Filtering materials are brought onsite and a raised bed is made for stone-filled trenches

23 3.Filter  Used only when space is limited  The entire bed is excavated and filled with special filtering sand that allow for closer pipes within the bed  Class 5 Holding Tank ◦ It is the porta-potty system where tank periodically emptied by waste removal services

24  Class 4 septic tank system is a private drainage system  Class 4 septic tank system consists of an absorption bed or leeching bed  Class 4 septic tank is a treatment tank

25  R-2000 is an energy efficiency program pertaining to the construction of new homes  It sets performance standards that are more stringent than those stated in Building Codes  It is the most energy efficient construction designation and includes all things energy efficient, such as solar panel roofs and CSA standard windows

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