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Crucified and Proud of It! Galatians 6:11-18. Main Idea in 6:14 “But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which.

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Presentation on theme: "Crucified and Proud of It! Galatians 6:11-18. Main Idea in 6:14 “But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crucified and Proud of It! Galatians 6:11-18

2 Main Idea in 6:14 “But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” As a Christian, what do we really have in life? We have Christ, and that is enough. Has this series in Galatians changed you? Has it moved you away from measuring your walk with God by your performance and ability to keep the law, and moved you toward clinging to Christ?

3 The Mindset of the Legalist (6:12-13) Legalists must substitute morality for the cross and want to: – Look good before others – Avoid the foolishness of the cross and the ridicule and persecution it brings Legalism doesn’t really work (vs. 13), but lets you compare and boast. Legalists are: – Driven by fear of rejection or in love with praise – The Cross is a stumbling block and a humbling block

4 The Mindset of the New Creation (6:14) I have Christ, and that’s enough. The world is crucified to me; it holds no power over me. – Money, title, prestige, honor, man’s praise. – The world and its pleasures are a waste, and like rubbish to me. I am crucified to the world. – A Cross-boaster looks foolish to the world.

5 The Mindset of the New Creation (6:15-16) Verse 15: Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but a new creation. – Reiterates Paul’s earlier arguments in 2:20 and 5:6 – The “New Paul” is no longer a Pharisee – He depends on Christ, walks humbly, and boasts in being dead to the world. The new creation is the “rule” referred to in 6:16, which brings peace and mercy with God.

6 The Choice The hand of worldly pleasures, luxuries, and comfort? Or the hand of crucifixion, which leads to peace and mercy with God?

7 The Israel of God in 6:16 1.All found in Christ, the true Israel + faithful one? – Possibly referring to Gal. 3:23-29 2.Jews who were circumcised, but no longer boasted in their flesh. Either way, those experiencing the new creation have peace and mercy with God.

8 Paul’s Conclusion (6:17-18) “From now on let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.” Galatians may have been giving Paul a hard time (4:16 Have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?). Paul spends half of Chapter 1 and most of 2 establishing his authority to correct the Galatians. Perhaps he wants to say, “Look, I’ve suffered enough for Jesus and for you, so listen to me!!”

9 Application Are you tempted to try and make a show before others of your Bible knowledge, spiritual disciplines, ect.? Do you crave the affirmation of leadership or others? Do you make trouble for others who attempt to point out your sin and pride? Or, do you find your satisfaction in Christ, and do not need to be driven to please others and gain their applause?

10 Application Do you fear rejection and persecution from others more than you cherish the cross? If so, you might keep quiet about your faith and even be pulled into activities and discussions you’d rather not because you are afraid to stand up for your faith. Or, do you expect and accept persecution for your faith from the same world that crucified Jesus?

11 Application Do you regard outward forms (like circumcision) as the essence of the Christian life? How you dress, how you look when you praise, if your public prayers are lofty, ect? Or, do you regard the new creation as the essence of Christianity? Those who exalt themselves can clean up, but cannot cut the root of pride that drives their legalism.

12 Application Do you avoid the stumbling block and humbling block of the cross by plowing through life on your own, living performance driven Christianity? Do you constantly live a rollercoaster spiritual life dictated by how well you’ve kept the law this past week? Or, do you embrace the cross, boast in it even, and acknowledge your weakness, failure, and constant need for the gospel? Are you proud to be crucified, because your only boast is in Christ?

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