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Temple University Math/Science Upward Bound Workshop.

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2 Temple University Math/Science Upward Bound Workshop

3  Often we do not recognize the positive and negative effects of our choices.  Choices effect the path our life takes regardless of the external influences on us.  For every situation there is always a choice, even when you may feel there isn’t!

4  Bad choices tend to have an immediate reward with a stiff price to pay later  In some cases our bad personal choices effect others.  Nothing good can come from a BAD choice! Example: There are countless bad choices to name but a few could be stealing, cheating, lying. Choices that pose a threat to our well being or our feelings are example of bad choices.

5  Good choices may not be the same for every individual person  Good choices improve a person’s life for the better  Good choices directly effects the quality of your life Example: Joining a supplemental academic program to help you succeed in college even though you do not receive compensation for participating. They Make A Difference!

6  A simple way to evaluate List as many things as you can in each category. If you can list more things for pros, then that is the option to go with. However, if you list more things for cons, it may mean that might not be the best option. You may need to rethink and possibly come up with a new strategy to handle the situation. Should I study for this test tomorrow? AdvantagesDisadvantages High chance of good gradeHigh chance of poor grade Help me learnHurt my overall grade It’s the right choiceTime/ Hassle to prepare You Can Do It!!!

7 Click link to watch video: Decision Making Things to think about as you watch:  What are some decisions the main character had to make before the four minute point?  What are some pros and cons of each decision?  How are the versions of the main character’s life different?

8 Student Name:_____________________________________ Date:_______________________ 1. List three situations in your life recently where you had to make a decision a. ________________________________________________ b. ________________________________________________ c. ________________________________________________ 2. Using one example from above, list as many pros as you can. 3. Using the same example list as many cons as you can. 6. The video shows two different outcomes in the main character’s life which appear to be a result of the decisions she made growing up? Do you believe your current position in life is a result of the decisions you have made? Please explain 7. What is a decision the main character could have made during the first four minutes of the video that could have impacted her life positively? 4. Do you think you made the right decision? How so? 5. Is there anything you would do differently? Please explain Decisions, Decisions, Decisions Online Workshop Worksheet

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