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Victoria O’Neal K-12 Math Intervention Specialist Special Education, AISD.

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Presentation on theme: "Victoria O’Neal K-12 Math Intervention Specialist Special Education, AISD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Victoria O’Neal K-12 Math Intervention Specialist Special Education, AISD

2  What is RtI? How is intervention different than core instruction?  Logistics, part 1  Using the lessons  Logistics, part 2

3 What is RtI?

4  Downloading  What is in the folder

5  Determine when you will do this intervention  Choose your groups—homogeneous, strategic  Plan the intervention schedule  Prepare the materials  Pretest  5-10 minutes fluency, ~20 minutes lesson  Progress monitor on independent practice and cumulative review  Posttest  Attend Best Practice for Intervention webinar! November 9.

6    Contact Marc Thrall if you do not have a Project Share log in and the “resend email” link does not work.

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