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BAHÁ’Í PILGRIMAGE ACRE Haifa Israel Photo: Bahá’í World News Service.

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Presentation on theme: "BAHÁ’Í PILGRIMAGE ACRE Haifa Israel Photo: Bahá’í World News Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 BAHÁ’Í PILGRIMAGE ACRE Haifa Israel Photo: Bahá’í World News Service

2 Pilgrimage means to me going to Israel and visiting shrines and becoming closer to God. A spiritual journey. Carmel age 12 The Shrine of The Báb Haifa


4 NAHARIYA Mazra’ih Bahjí – Shrine of Bahá’u’lláh Ridván Garden ACRE Prison House of ‘Abdu’lláh Pásha House of ‘Abbúd HAIFA Shrine of the Báb Mount Carmel Bahá’í Holy Places Israel Key = Bahá'í Holy places visited on pilgrimage =Roads

5  A pilgrimage is a journey with the purpose of spiritual development.

6  The Bahá’í World Centre, Haifa, Israel, is the spiritual heart of the Bahá’í community. The pilgrims are like the flow of blood to and from the heart. They go to refresh and strengthen their spirits, pay their respects, visit historic sites, pray, learn more about their Faith and share news of world-wide community activities that serve humanity.

7  There is a long waiting list, approximately 3-4 years, for Bahá’ís to be able to go on pilgrimage. The pilgrimage lasts for 9 days, so it is a precious time.

8 You know you are on a mission - to find your spiritual self. Iman age 11

9 The pilgrimage journey made me feel very excited. I felt extremely calm, peaceful and safe... there was a very kind and gentle atmosphere. Sara age 12

10 I felt as though there was some spiritual force pulling me towards places. Carmel age 12

11 When you enter the city of Haifa you feel special... you’re at home; You’re in a world of... peace greenery harmony Iman age 11

12 My best experience was going to the Shrine of The Báb and seeing where ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and the Báb were buried. Neysan age 12 Shrine of the Báb

13  The ‘Báb’ (meaning the ‘Gate of God’) was the first of two Holy Messengers. In 1844, in Iran, He said He was preparing people for God’s new Messenger who would unite the world.  Thousands of people became His followers, which alarmed the rulers and religious leaders, leading to the brutal killing of 20,000 of them.

14  The Báb was executed in Iran by a firing squad of 750 soldiers in 1850.  The body of the Báb was secretly brought to Haifa, in 1909, and this beautiful Shrine built over His grave.  Bahá’u’lláh’s son, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, is also laid to rest here.

15 ....I didn’t know what to expect. As soon as I entered the Shrines, a calm and relaxed feeling came upon me where I could truly focus. Matin age 14 Shrine of Bahá’u’lláh

16  The highlight of a Bahá’í pilgrimage is the visit to the Shrine of Bahá’u’lláh, at Bahjí, near Acre, in the Holy Land.  For Bahá’ís this Shrine is the holiest place on earth.  It is where Bahá’ís turn when they say their special prayers.

17 The prayers there felt very powerful... I would always leave feeling blessed and satisfied that I would be watched over. Matin age 14

18  Bahá’u’lláh (meaning the ‘Glory of God’) was a leading supporter of the Báb and suffered imprisonment, torture and the loss of all His possessions before being exiled from Iran.

19  He announced ( in 1863) that He was the Promised one of all religions and had come to unite the whole world.  His followers became known as Bahá’ís.  Bahá’u’lláh’s imprisonment and exile lasted 40 years. He attracted many followers, and the authorities wanted to prevent this happening.

20 Iran Russia Turkey Iraq Syria Egypt Bahá’u’lláh’s journey from Iran to the Holy Land

21 I feel a lot more learnéd about the Bahá’í faith and I know more about the life of Bahá’u’lláh. Sara age 12 Door to Bahá’u’lláh’s cell - Acre

22  The prison city of Acre was a horrible, unhealthy place.  Bahá’u’lláh and His followers were locked in the prison for 2 years. Gate into the prison city of Acre

23  During that time Bahá’u’lláh’s youngest son died in an accident.  After the 2 years spent in prison they were held for 7 years under house arrest. The prison in Acre

24 I have great respect for the Central Figures of the faith and wish to learn more about them and the history. Matin age 14 Universal House of Justice Building - Interior

25  The Universal House of Justice is the highest Bahá’í council which looks after the Bahá’í world.  This is the building where it meets and has its offices.  Guests such as prime ministers and presidents are received here.

26  The archives building is like a museum where Bahá’u’lláh’s original writings are kept, together with some personal things. Archives Building

27 In the archives I was really interested to see Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s belongings. It was very important for me to see cloaks and locks of hairs from Bahá’u’lláh’s head. Neysan age 12

28 It was just amazing! Every second of being on pilgrimage was incredible. Elika age 10

29 The people I was with were very nice... Jasmine age 12...and from lots of different countries.

30 I felt I was from a big community where everyone knew me even though I had only met them once. Sara age 12

31 I felt I had just found friends I had never seen before. They felt like my brothers and sisters! Carmel age 12

32 I am glad I experienced this at such a young age so it will stick with me and I am hoping to go back. Neysan age 12

33 Seat of the Universal House of Justice After the trip it changed the way I felt and looked at the world and the Bahá’í Faith. Jasmine age 12

34 I know more about my faith and can tell and share my experience with others. Carmel age 12

35 I left for home feeling inspired and determined to impart what I had felt to my local community and work for a better future. Matin age 14 A group of Bahá’í volunteers & staff members at the Bahá’í world centre

36 I realised that everyone and not just Bahá’ís can radically change the world. Matin age 14

37 References: VICKERS, A. & P. The Bahá’í Faith – photocopiable worksheets for teachers of R.E. A1. A3. A4. D5. D7. Warwick Bahá’í Bookshop/Bahá’í Religious Education Agency email: Photography: ABBAS, Hana, Naja, Nur, Rafi &Thenna ABRAR, Marco - Bahá’í Bahá’í World News Service Saprikins, Sasha Bibliography: Visiting Bahá’í Holy Places. Haifa: Bahá’í World Centre

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