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The Portuguese approach to e-safety in schools Fernando Rui Campos (POR) 24 September 2013 Az iskolai internetbiztonság Portugáliában VII. International.

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Presentation on theme: "The Portuguese approach to e-safety in schools Fernando Rui Campos (POR) 24 September 2013 Az iskolai internetbiztonság Portugáliában VII. International."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Portuguese approach to e-safety in schools Fernando Rui Campos (POR) 24 September 2013 Az iskolai internetbiztonság Portugáliában VII. International Media Conference „The Effects of the Media on Children and Young People” 25 – 27 September 2013 Balatonalmádi, Hungary

2 MoE and the Portuguese Safer Internet Centre [SIC] Awareness Centre Help Line & Hot Line

3 DGE ICT Competence Centre 2012/13 9 ICT Competence Centres University of Minho University of Aveiro University of Coimbra University of Lisbon University of Évora New University of Lisbon Santarém Polytechnic Institute Setúbal Polytechnic Institute Batalha Secondary School Institutions [ICT in Education Unit]

4 Awareness sessions in schools + SID School activities Curriculum Integration Classroom Activities (SeguraNet Challenges) School level (Esafety Label) eSafety eSafety in Portuguese schools

5 Public and Private Schools – Primary Schools [6-10 year olds] – Lower & Upper Secondary Schools [11- 18 year olds] Parents Teachers Context – Target Groups

6  Teacher training, Police, youth institutions, Child protecion institutions, schools  Design and support of eSafety Challenges  Awareness sessions in schools (focus on teachers)  Safer Internet Day (Week)  Youth Panel Iniciatives – SeguraNet project

7 To promote critical thinking in the students – Learning from mistakes – Not only awareness but also learning by using school resources (teacher & classroom time, other resources) Goals of eSafety Challenges

8 Challenge Activities Secondary Schools Respond to Digital learning resources (including parents teams) Primary Schools Video creation Creation of Illustrations, etc., under

9 eSafety Challenges Challenges lower/upper secondary School registration Challenges primary school Classroom registration 7 – Challenges for students 3 – Challenges for parents 3 – Challengesfor students (208) Schools (1270) Teachers (23484) Students (506) Parents 171 classrooms 3702 students School year 2012/13 Participation of the Autonomous Regions of Madeira and the Azores Classroom activities & parents’ involvement

10 Content Reusable resource - Creative Commons Licensing BY-SA Web & analogical resources Sexting - Example

11 Example of resources (Creative Commons) Schools (head teachers, Heads of Department) Teachers 11 Target groups Web site Posters Small booklets Media Types

12 12 Target groups Students ; parents; teachers ; schools Specialized esafety resources

13 Social Networks and Repositories

14 New platforms – iTunes U Kids Platforms e.g. SAPO Kids

15 Safer Internet Day – specific support and activities for schools

16 Curriculum integration Subject: Information and Communication Technology  2 consecutive years – 7 th and 8 th [13-15 years old]  Curriculum spiral approach  Subject assessment  Support and mapped resources related to curriculum indicators

17 Individual access to the resources Wireless and fixed connection to the web Unified content and access filtering system School level Organizational level distinct virtual Network eSafety/eSecurity School Infrastructure

18 To access information and support that helps schools anticipate and deal with incidents related to Internet security To provide guidance to schools in the area of Internet security comprehensively and that includes multiple domains. To show parents and other stakeholders in the educational community that Internet security is important for schools Objectives School eSafety Multidomain approach eSafety Label is a European project that is managed by:

19 eSafety label School 1 year between answers to the evaluation questionnaire and a new Action Plan Documental evidence Physical Evidence maybe required Higher level of compliance with the proposed Digital Security Label Action Plan No attribution of Label Action Plan Vality: 18 months Gold

20 Global school eSafety for schools Evaluation indicators eSafety Label (Selo de Segurança Digital [POR]) Source: European Schoolnet

21 Resources Physical resources OnLine resources Human Resources ICT Competence centre ICT Teachers MoE Child protection Institutions Educational Autonomous Regions Azores & Madeira documents Esafety games videos Educational games Lesson plans Help Line Alert Line Preschool to Secondary teachers Platforms Information Flyers eSafety Resources Organization in schools Guidelines Police Forces

22 SeguraNet project E-mail: Fernando Rui Campos Thank you ICT in Education Unit [MoE]

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