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Welcome to Fourth Grade Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Gooch Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Hruby.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Fourth Grade Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Gooch Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Hruby."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Fourth Grade Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Gooch Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Hruby

2 Lunch Schedule Lunches Mrs. Brooks11:55 Mrs. Gooch12:00 Mrs. Hruby12:00 Mrs. Clark12:05

3 Curriculum Spelling -- Includes vocabulary building Language Arts -- Various sources Writing -- Narrative Writing (Empowering Writers Program) Reading -- Story elements; “active reader”; (Basal Readers, Novels, Passages) Math: Hands-on manupulatives; various texts Social Studies: North Carolina History Science: Magnetism/Electricity, Animals Nutrition, Health (including drug & alcohol awareness)

4 Homework Students will have homework almost every night Homework reviews and practices concepts we are studying in class We encourage you to check over your child’s homework

5 Homework and Grading Reading, Math, Social Studies: Classwork = 30% of grade Homework = 20% of grade Tests/Quizzes = 50% of grade

6 Grading Science grades are not weighted Spelling grades are as follows: Classwork/Homework = 50% Tests = 50% * Late Work (up to 3 days = 10 pts. Off)

7 PBS Positive Behavior Support Tramway Elementary has implemented a program called Positive Behavior Support (PBS). This is a proactive system in which students throughout the school have common behavior expectations. This includes school-wide rules and procedures, systematic reinforcement of procedures and recognition of accomplishments based on respect, responsibility, and safety.

8 Field Trips OT Sloan Pool for Water Safety August 6 th – Brooks/GoochAugust 11 th – Clark/Hruby Barnes and Noble Bookstore in Cary Aug. 21 st – Brooks/GoochAug. 22 nd – Clark/Hruby Raleigh--Legislature, Museums & Capitol (unscheduled at this time) Poe Health Center (unscheduled at this time)

9 Questions

10 Closing We encourage you to read handbook. Reinforce PBS Matrix at home. Tramway Phone: 718-0170 Please call after 2:30

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