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Hearing God’s Voice 3. Hearing God’s Voice Relationship is the key! We need to be Childlike A Humble Approach.

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Presentation on theme: "Hearing God’s Voice 3. Hearing God’s Voice Relationship is the key! We need to be Childlike A Humble Approach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hearing God’s Voice 3

2 Hearing God’s Voice Relationship is the key! We need to be Childlike A Humble Approach

3 Hearing God’s Voice A Simple Trust Luke 18:17 ‘ I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.’

4 How do we trust God? Consider the Mustard Seed Smallest Seed Does not need a lot of faith to see things happen Does not have to be a big thing to see God’s hand at work. God is interested in the smallest detail. It has the ability to grow Don’t under estimate the day of small beginnings

5 Hearing God’s Voice A God who comes through! Trusting God implies that we expect Him to come through for us!

6 Hearing God’s Voice Time for some searching questions Do I have a child like trust in God? Do I trust Him completely with every part of my life?

7 Hearing God’s Voice Lord I confess that I often do not fully trust You. Show me those areas that I need to change. Show me when I’m not obeying Your instructions because I think my own way is better. Help me do exactly what You want me to do. Forgive me for the times when I don’t pray about everything. Remove any doubt I have that You will speak to me, for I want to hear from You.

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