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Unified Modeling Language(UML) BY

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1 Unified Modeling Language(UML) BY
Touseef Tahir Lecturer CS COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore

2 Overview Introduction History Goals Diagrams and Examples
Latest Changes Disadvantages Conclusion

3 What is UML? Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standard language for specifying, visualizing, constructing software artifacts. Not necessarily restricted to software systems – used in business modeling. Has proven successful in modeling of large and complex systems. Uses graphical notations to describe the architecture of software.

4 Goals Provide users a expressive, visual language to enable sharing of meaningful models. Enables developers to compare models before implementation phase. Independent of programming language and development process. Encourage growth of Object Oriented Tools market.

5 History First modeling languages – 1970’s.
More than 50 modeling languages present during Lead to “method wars”. Methods began to incorporate each other’s techniques. In 1994, Grady Booch and Jim Rumbaugh (Rational Software Corporation) unified Booch and Object Modeling Technique methods to create UML. Ivar Jacobson incorporated the OOSE method in 1995, leading to UML version 0.9 in late 1996.

6 UML Versions UML 1.0 was created through a collaboration of various organizations: Microsoft, IBM, HP, etc. Today, UML is on Version 2.0. It is managed by the Object Management Group – not for profit consortium. UML specification is available for download at Tools that conform the latest 2.0 specification – Rational Software Architect, Sparx System Architect, Star UML, etc.

7 Types of UML diagrams

8 Class Diagram

9 Class diagram Abstraction Inheritance Polymorphism Encapsulation
Message Sending Associations Multiplicity Aggregation

10 Class diagram

11 Inheritance Generalization in UML

12 Inheritance (Cont..)

13 Aggregation Two types of Association Part-whole association

14 Aggregation Part-whole association Multiplicity

15 Aggregation Multiplicity

16 Aggregation Composition
A strong type of aggregation. Each component in composite can belong to just one whole. The Diamond shape used for composition is same but its just filled.

17 Package UML Packages are a grouping of objects into sets of objects that provide related services. The package has responsibilities that are strongly related. Coupling & cohesion

18 Stereotype and comments

19 Generalization

20 State Diagrams

21 State Diagrams State diagram Components of state diagram
Behavior of systems Finite number of states Components of state diagram

22 State diagram An object’s state and behaviour can be affected by:
Changes to attribute values Results of operations Changes of links with other objects Internal events External events

23 Three models Object model: dynamic model; functional model;
Static structure of objects in a system and their relationships. Contains class diagrams. dynamic model; describes aspects that change over time: state transition diagrams functional model; Use Case diagrams

24 State and Events A state is an abstraction of the attribute. Sets of values are grouped together into a state according to properties that affect the gross behaviour of the object. A change of state is called a transition

25 Event classes Event occurrences are grouped into event classes
Flight 123 departs from Chicago / Flight 456 departs from Rome Event class is Flight Departs Attributes of event classes Departure origin of flight Flight number destination Data values are Attributes

26 Event Classes and Attributes
Aeroplane flight departs (airline, flight no, city) Mouse button pushed (button, location) Input string entered (text) phone receiver lifted( True, False) digit dialled (digit) engine speed enters danger zone

27 Events Something that happens at a point in time
Mouse button clicked / Signal changes Logically ordered events - causally related Concurrent events - causally unrelated do not effect each other there is no order between them 1-way transmission of information from one object to another

28 Characterisations of a state
State: Alarm ringing Description: alarm on watch is ringing to indicate target time Event sequence that produces the state: set alarm (target time) any sequence not including clear alarm current time = target time

29 How to make state diagram
Identify states and identify which variables identify states Identify events Create state chart Create state table with all finite stated and event

30 Example

31 ExampLe

32 State Transition Diagram



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