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Classification of “The Lion” Completed by Kerryn Swann, 7E.

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Presentation on theme: "Classification of “The Lion” Completed by Kerryn Swann, 7E."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classification of “The Lion” Completed by Kerryn Swann, 7E

2 Characteristics Of The Lion Diet Carnivorous (eats meat) Outer Covering Fur Habitat African Savannah (hot and dry) Warm/cold blooded Warm Size Largeish – adult male weighs between 150 to 250 kg (330-550 lb) ColourYellow/brown Reproductive information Gives birth to live young after 110 days. feed young milk from mammary glands Click here to here me roar !

3 Other Animals That Share These Characteristics Diet Diet Dogs Dogs Outer Covering Outer Covering Rats Rats Habitat Habitat Elephants Elephants Warm blooded Warm blooded birds birds

4 Other Animals That Share These Characteristics Size Size Bears Bears Colour Colour Taipan Taipan Reproductive information Reproductive information House cats House cats

5 Classification Of The Lion Kingdom Kingdom Anamalia Anamalia I know that it fits in this kingdom because it is a complex organism (has many cells) that moves around and cannot make its own food I know that it fits in this kingdom because it is a complex organism (has many cells) that moves around and cannot make its own food Phylum Phylum Chordata Chordata I know that it fits this phylum because it has a backbone I know that it fits this phylum because it has a backbone

6 Classification Of The Lion Class Class Mammalia Mammalia I know that it belong to the mammal class because it has fur, is warm blooded and, most importantly, feeds its young milk I know that it belong to the mammal class because it has fur, is warm blooded and, most importantly, feeds its young milk Order Order Carnivora Carnivora I know that it belongs to this order because it is carnivorous I know that it belongs to this order because it is carnivorous

7 Classification Of The Lion Family Family Felidae Felidae I know that it fits into this family because it is a feline and has retractable claws, I know that it fits into this family because it is a feline and has retractable claws, Genus Genus Pantera Pantera I know that it fits into this genus because most of the big cats do I know that it fits into this genus because most of the big cats do Species Species Leo Leo I know that this is its species name because I found it on the internet at I know that this is its species name because I found it on the internet at

8 Useful Characteristics For This Classification The characteristics I found most useful were: The characteristics I found most useful were: Outer covering Outer covering This helped me to determine that the lion was a mammal This helped me to determine that the lion was a mammal Diet Diet With this animal, its diet enabled me to recognise that it belonged to the order Carnivora With this animal, its diet enabled me to recognise that it belonged to the order Carnivora Reproductive strategies Reproductive strategies This characteristic enabled me to classify it as a eutherian (as opposed to marsupial or montreme) mammal This characteristic enabled me to classify it as a eutherian (as opposed to marsupial or montreme) mammal

9 Works cited "" The Kingdom of Lions Lion's Press Agency. 21 Jul. 2003 "" The Kingdom of Lions Lion's Press Agency. 21 Jul. 2003 "Some clipart provided by“ "Some clipart provided by“ "" lion research centre. 21 Jul. 2003 "" lion research centre. 21 Jul. 2003 lion cave painting graphic lion cave painting graphic lion roar sound lion roar sound "Pantera leo" Cat Specialist Group The World Conservation Union. 21 Jul. 2003 "Pantera leo" Cat Specialist Group The World Conservation Union. 21 Jul. 2003 lion with cubs graphic lion with cubs graphic lion pride at sleep graphic lion pride at sleep graphic information about lion habitat information about lion habitat gestation period gestation period Beckmann, Ludwig. "King of Beasts" Tim Stoffel's Homepage Tim Stoffel. 21 Jul. 2003 Beckmann, Ludwig. "King of Beasts" Tim Stoffel's Homepage Tim Stoffel. 21 Jul. 2003 Engraving graphic Engraving graphic

10 © State of Victoria 2003 © State of Victoria 2003 This work has been created by the teacher listed below as employees of the Department of Education and Training, Victoria and copyright is owned by the Crown in right of the State of Victoria. It may be reproduced in whole or in part for study or training purposes, subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgment of the source and no commercial usage or sale. Reproduction for the purposes other than those indicated above requires the written permission of the Department of Education and Training. Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and copyright should be addressed to the Liability Management Manager, Department of Education and Training, 2 Treasury Place, Melbourne, VIC, 3002 The State of Victoria accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any part of this material and bears no responsibility for any modifications made. Teacher’s name and materials produced – K. Swann - ‘Changing Earth’ Unit Plan & Multimedia presentation.

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