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Tactics & Battles During World War I How and where were the major battles of World War I fought?

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Presentation on theme: "Tactics & Battles During World War I How and where were the major battles of World War I fought?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tactics & Battles During World War I How and where were the major battles of World War I fought?

2 Schlieffen Plan (Shlee-fun) Germany developed the Schlieffen Plan so they wouldn’t have to fight on two fronts 1) Attack and defeat France first on the western front Germany figured since they had already beaten France before (Franco-Prussian War), they could easily defeat them again 2) Attack Russia later on the eastern front (A-H should hold them) Germans thought Russia would not be able to mobilize troops and supply them due to slow industrialization (few railroads, factories) Germany must invade neutral Belgium & Luxembourg to attack British now enter war but strategy is working, Germans are within a few miles of Paris

3 Western Front – Battle of the Marne The allies would regroup and counterattack Germany NE of Paris in the Marne River Valley When more soldiers were needed, 600 taxicabs rushed soldiers from Paris to the fighting front Battle of Marne is significant because Germans now realize that the Schlieffen Plan will not work – no quick victory in France! Four days later, the Germans retreat German troops near ParisTaxis rush soldiers to the front

4 The Western Front – Trench Warfare Soldiers lived & slept in these trenches One soldier said “the trench and mud became your life” Soldiers dealt with artillery fire, rats, lice, disease, smell, contamination, collapsing trenches and boredom After the Battle of Marne, each side began to dig a series of trenches in Northwestern France Trench life stinks, time to dream mud

5 Bloody Stalemates – Verdun & Battle of the Somme “No Man’s Land” was the space above and in between the trenches. It was filled with barbed wire and land mines When officers ordered an attack, soldiers left the trenches and went into no man’s land where they were met by machine gun fire Little territory was gained, each side suffered huge losses making these battles bloody stalemates During the Battle of Verdun, each side lost 300K The bloodiest was the Battle of the Somme, 20K killed in one day & overall 600K wounded/killed for the Allies and 450K for CP Christmas truce: December 1914 each side stopped fighting for one day and came out of the trenches to celebrate the holidays together

6 The Eastern Front Eastern Front fighting begins in late August when Russia attacks both Germany & Austria-Hungary Germany counterattacks in the Battle of Tannenberg forcing Russia to retreat - 30,000 Russian soldiers are killed Russia does better vs A-H. The Russian army won two key battles But by December, A-H pushes the Russian Army out of Austria Russia’s slow industrialization causes shortages of weapons & supplies. German & Ottoman control of nearby seas cuts Russia off Due to lack of supplies/clothing – many soldiers freeze to death on the “frozen front” Russia’s only advantage was a large population so they constantly “rebuilt” their army with new soldiers As the war worsened for Russia, Czar Nicholas II decided to take personal command of the troops (big mistake!)

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