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 Instructional objectives for three student centered lessons  Computer functions  Specific problem for each group  Research and analysis  Results.

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3  Instructional objectives for three student centered lessons  Computer functions  Specific problem for each group  Research and analysis  Results presentation  Student activities before computer use  Student activities during computer use including problem-solving software applications  Student activities after computer use  Supporting activities  Assessments

4  Students will identify one thing they know, one thing they want to know and by the end of the first lesson one thing they learned about the American Arbor Day  Students will identify 5 major events in the development of the American Arbor Day  Students will compare and contrast nature day celebrations around the world and the American Arbor Day

5  Research and analysis through online searches  Identification variables and completion of Think Sheets (K,W,L), Timelines (history facts) and Venn Diagrams (higher order compare and contrast)  Problem solving games (word searches, online interactive click and drag games, hands-on recycle and reuse project)  Creation of greeting cards

6  Students will insert charts, text boxes, time lines, oval shapes for the graphic organizer, audio, graphics  Tutorials will be available for students to explore, review, reteach, master or branch to the next level  Students will search for information that will provide content for lessons and activities  Students will engage in online interactive activities and games that will provide practice and feedback and processing tools

7  Why do we celebrate the American National Arbor Day? (Asperger’s students)  Focus on the history and the facts of the timeline  Identify 3 reasons we should be mindful of the trees and nature  Expand to the present day celebration and the impact on the earth  Branch out to how the present celebration can be reflected in their final project  How do we recognize the American connection to the rest of the world? (connected our students who live all over the globe and in different time zones)  Connect the American celebration to nature celebrations around the world  Create a Venn Diagram and identify the differences and commonalities  Compare and contrast the celebrations  How do we make a difference in the future? (athletes)  Identify ideas for the final project  Develop the necessary parts of the project  Create a timeline for the project  Check in weekly until the four week project is complete

8  story-arbor-day.html story-arbor-day.html  day-around-world-110404.html day-around-world-110404.html  earch/index.cfm earch/index.cfm  se-studies/doubletree.pdf se-studies/doubletree.pdf

9  Students present their timelines for display  Students present their graphic organizers in pairs  Students create three dimensional nature projects from recycled materials  Students design their own nature cards Resource   Sending cards to friends for Arbor Day

10  Students will individually complete the KWL planning sheet  History of the National American Arbor Day  Nature Celebrations Around the World  Making a Difference in What the Student can do  Students in pairs will create a timeline using a template  In small groups students will create a graphic organizer  Identify 5 commonalities and 5 differences for the American Arbor Day and Nature celebrations around the world  Compare and Contrast the American Arbor Day and Celebrations Around the World

11 TopicsWhat I know K What I want to know W What I learned L The history of the American National Arbor Day Nature celebrations around the world Making a difference in our future by recycling, reducing and reusing



14  Students in small group instruction will search the Internet using the websites provided by the teacher  Individually students will download the free recycle worksheet  Small groups will engage in the interactive recycle game moving to the next level as the player collects and sorts the items  Resources   me.htm me.htm    Online recycle game with the Smartboard

15  Students will identify if they will focus on reduce, reuse, or recycle  Students will take their area of focus and identify one related activity to culminate in their final project  Students must include the following:  Identify the natural resource benefitting from the project  Use of at least one natural, recycled or reused resource  Incorporate the information they learned in the content section of the lesson into their presentation  Identification of the before, during and after in the projects (may be done in writing, in a Powerpoint presentation or in photographs using a digital camera)  Examples may include:  Sewn pillows in the shape of trees made by recycled materials to sell raising money for reforestation  Recycle bins for their home or classroom made from recycle materials  Homemade art projects made by reusing household items  Collection of plastic containers to take to the recycling plant Resources    

16  Tutorials  Word Searches  Free online graphics (Gimp) Resources  finds/arbor-day-wordsearch-challenge.html finds/arbor-day-wordsearch-challenge.html  htm/ htm/  http://go- FYpY7AodgUFg8g http://go- FYpY7AodgUFg8g

17  Students will complete the Think Sheet and present in with 100% completion  Students will complete the timelines with at least 5 major events in the development of the American Arbor Day (correctness of response)  Students will complete the Venn Diagram with at least 5 differences for each group and 5 commonalities  Students will engage in the interactive recycle and reuse online game (until correct) – students will be expected to reach the first level  Students will Review the Errors with the Teacher  Students will create their final project by proposing, presenting, and implementing a recycling or reusing idea to branch to the next level and the highest order of learning. The final project will be graded on:  Clear stated topic, problem and project objective  Usability  Completion of objective and goal (even if incremental)

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