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 Investigate……………………………………….  Design…………………………………………….  Plan…………………………………………………  Create……………………………………………..  Evaluate……………………………………………

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Presentation on theme: " Investigate……………………………………….  Design…………………………………………….  Plan…………………………………………………  Create……………………………………………..  Evaluate……………………………………………"— Presentation transcript:


2  Investigate……………………………………….  Design…………………………………………….  Plan…………………………………………………  Create……………………………………………..  Evaluate……………………………………………


4  Investigation Investigation  my-ideas my-ideas

5  Pinguinos Pinguinos Final brief 1st Brief

6  When we started plannig alll the model 1.We decided what materials we will use.  2.We bought the materials.  3.We decided what days we were going to stay in school.

7  When we started to create the model we started by:  1.We cleaned the habitat.  2.We cut the styrofoam.  3.We filled the habitat with water.  4.We put the penguins.

8 LikeDislike When we made the investigationThere was not enough information. When I made my desing briefIt had lots of mistakes The model was really good1of the 2 penguins was weird.

9  I loved this project because it was fun and we learned lots of things that I didnt knew before I started the unit.

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