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Presentation I Welcome to Computer Science By Teacher Julio Cesar Peñaloza Castañeda.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation I Welcome to Computer Science By Teacher Julio Cesar Peñaloza Castañeda."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation I Welcome to Computer Science By Teacher Julio Cesar Peñaloza Castañeda

2 Rules of the Class and Evaluation 1- Raise your hand to speak 2- 100 % English 3- Respect you classmates (No MHR) Exams (theoretical and practical quizzes) 30% Project15% In-class work40% Assigments10% Concept5%

3 Why is important to study technology?

4 Technology Today Every day, more and more people study Computer Science to learn how to create innovative apps for cell phones and programs for computers that make our lives easier

5 Even if you don't like technology, we depend on technological advances such as computers, mobile phones, software and networks to store, process, transmit, retrieve and manipulate information in any professional area

6 A World of Computers Computers are everywhere





11 1.1 Introduction to Computer A computer is a device that consists of three parts: hardware (physical part), software (virtual part) and data (information). This components interact to perform different tasks. In other words, a 'computer' is an ensemble of different machines that you will be using to accomplish any job. A computer is primarily made of the Central Processing Unit (CPU), the monitor, the keyboard and the mouse. Other pieces of hardware are commonly called peripherals.

12 Vocabulary To crash: stop working due to overflow Generic: general, not specific Specialised: specific Bespoke: very specific, custumed To test: put to examination Thoroughly: carefully Performance: function's evaluation Robustness: able to handle plenty data Patches: Updates

13 1.2 Advantages of Computers The main advantages offered by computers are as follows:  High Accuracy  Superior Speed of Operation  Large Storage Capacity  User-friendly Features  Portability  Platform independence  Economical in the long term

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