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JASPERS – EBRD Role. EBRD Role in JASPERS Partner in JASPERS together with EIB and EC, member of JASPERS Steering Group Provide 5 to 8 staff years input.

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Presentation on theme: "JASPERS – EBRD Role. EBRD Role in JASPERS Partner in JASPERS together with EIB and EC, member of JASPERS Steering Group Provide 5 to 8 staff years input."— Presentation transcript:


2 EBRD Role in JASPERS Partner in JASPERS together with EIB and EC, member of JASPERS Steering Group Provide 5 to 8 staff years input to JASPERS Back up from EBRD Resident Offices Involved in preparing Jaspers Country Action Plans Focus via Jaspers on support in project preparation and resolving horizontal issues affecting projects

3 Examples of JASPERS-type cooperation (1) Prepare project concepts (eg. ISPA Arad PPP options study; CF Gdansk asset holding) => Ensure project structure meets DG Regio guidelines Organise feasibility studies; write feasibility study ToRs; supervise consultants (eg. ISPA Wroclaw waste; CF Bydgoszcz; ISPA Romania MELF) => Ensure good feasibility study input to CF/SF Application Tackle state aid issues (eg. CF Krakow heating – legal analysis, project scope adjustment, liaison with DG Regio/Competition; also public transport- Altmark ruling SF) => Help pre-empt / overcome problems during inter-service consultation Financial analysis (use common affordabilty/financial model) => Ensure proposed grant rate is justified

4 Examples of JASPERS-type cooperation (2) Assurance of counterpart funds (eg review of beneficiary capacity –ISPA Arges waste, Romania) => Confirm full project financing plan is realistic Assess windfall gains issues for PPP (eg. CF Gdansk water; ISPA Sofia water) => Ensure compliance to DG Regio PPP guidelines Resolve EIA compliance issues (eg. SF Krakow public transport) => Help beneficiary address issues raised by DG Env Institution building and corporate development (eg. ISPA „FOPIPs” Burgas, Rousse, Romania MUDP-MELF) => Help beneficiary ensure sustainable implementation Appraise / help improve SF/CF applications (eg. SF Krakow public transport) => Improve quality of applications reaching national steering committees and DG Regio

5 Where can EBRD add most value via Jaspers? –Projects with non-sovereign beneficiary (municipality, region, utility, special purpose company) –Projects with a private sector dimension –Revenue generating projects –Institutional / corporate development challenges –Sectors: environment, urban transport, energy efficiency/renewable energy, national and regional transport concessions and rolling stock financing

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