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By: Amanda Carlozzi Gretchen Mobilio. How the mentally ill were treated  Colonists believed the illnesses were the results of witchcraft and demonic.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Amanda Carlozzi Gretchen Mobilio. How the mentally ill were treated  Colonists believed the illnesses were the results of witchcraft and demonic."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Amanda Carlozzi Gretchen Mobilio

2 How the mentally ill were treated  Colonists believed the illnesses were the results of witchcraft and demonic possessions.  Some were even burned at the stake.  Some were left untreated at home or sent to alms houses. Others were imprisoned.  They were chained in jail cells without clothes, heat, or bathrooms.  Many were beaten and whipped.

3 How the mentally ill were treated (cont.)  They were crammed into small dark rooms and slept as much as 5 people to a mattress.  These rooms were void of fresh air and sunlight.  Many doctors did not want to admit that these people were sick because they were ridiculed and it would hurt their reputation.


5 Dorothea Dix  She was a reformist fighting for the care of the mentally-ill.  In 1841, after visiting a prison and seeing the mentally- ill imprisoned, and chained naked to the wall she decided to improve the way the mentally-ill were treated.

6 Dorothea Dix (cont.)  As her reports, visits to doctors, and advances for changes to help protect the mentally-ill became successful in Massachusetts, she eventually spread her thoughts to other parts of the country, Europe, and Asia, eventually opening 32 mental hospitals.  By 1880, 120 mental hospitals were opened around the country

7 How this Reform Changed America  Today there are many more options available for the mentally ill.  Non- profit organizations  Psychotherapy and psychiatric medication.  Specialized mental health officials.  These organizations and proper treatments helps a multitude of people recover from their mental illness or at least live happier lives.  This reform not only benefited America, but the rest of the world as well.

8 Americans with Disabilities Act  In 1990, the American's with Disabilities Act was passed.  It is used to put an end to discrimination against people with disabilities..  It states that states, local governments, enterprises, and employers are prohibited to discriminate against the disabled when hiring, in public services or accommodations such as hotels or transit.

9 ADA (cont.)  This act also includes help in T.V. and phone services for the hearing and speech impaired.  Some of the federal agencies required to follow the regulations of ADA are:  Employment agencies  Public transportation  Health Care  Housing


11 The New Jersey State Lunatic Asylum  We chose this picture because it shows the changes America has gone through from the original conception of treatment for the mentally-ill to a proper mental hospital for their care.  This was drawn by C. Drie in 1872.  It is titled ‘Lunatic Asylum rear view.’

12 Bibliography       history/jan2006/asylum- lg.jpg&imgrefurl= thimage1.html&usg=__A_Wr_X7M9fdB96buUuWmtophJrY=&h=327&w=60 0&sz=164&hl=en&start=9&um=1&tbnid=ox3E8POyt3UiKM:&tbnh=74&tbn w=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3Ddorothea%2Bdix%2Bhistory%26hl%3Den% 26client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den-us%26um%3D1

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