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Elementary Special Education © June 2009. PLAAFP Data Sources:  Benchmarks  Released TAKS tests  Data Binders  Monitoring Notebooks  DRA  TPRI 

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Presentation on theme: "Elementary Special Education © June 2009. PLAAFP Data Sources:  Benchmarks  Released TAKS tests  Data Binders  Monitoring Notebooks  DRA  TPRI "— Presentation transcript:

1 Elementary Special Education © June 2009

2 PLAAFP Data Sources:  Benchmarks  Released TAKS tests  Data Binders  Monitoring Notebooks  DRA  TPRI  AIMS Web- Probes & Progress Monitoring  Classroom Grades/ Test  Anecdotal Notes  Individual Charts/Graphs  Rigby  Student Self-Assessment  FBA  STAR  Outside Records  Quick Assessments/Probes CBM Rubric  Running Records  Read Naturally Data  Language Samples  Objective Analysis Pages  Inclusion Support Data  Informal Contracts  Unit Assessments (Content Area)  Writing Samples  Journals  Pre-Test/Post Tests  IEP Driven Data/ Assessment Logs  Dibels  Wilson  Classroom/ Special Ed. Teachers  Counselor  Standardized assessment

3 Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (formally known as the PLOP ) PLAAFPs used to be something that was done as a clerical task, but they really need to be what drives our goals and objectives PLAAFPs are supposed to tell us where a student is at in an area of need PLAAFPs include: Current student abilities in areas of need Baseline data Measureable and/or observable statements Possible needs for accommodations

4 Area of NeedFocus If a listed area is not an area of need, the following statement can be used: Current data indicates no concerns in this area at this time. Oral Reading:  Fluency  Accuracy  Prosody (patterns of stress and intonation)  Decoding skills  Phonemic Awareness  Phonics Reading Comprehension:  Vocabulary  Comprehension of text  Use of comprehension strategies Written Language:  Content & organization  Mechanics  Handwriting skills (formation & spacing)  Sentence formation Mathematics:  Basic Concepts (e.g. place value, one-to- one correspondence, etc.)  Computation  Use of strategies Listening Comprehension:  Understanding classroom discussion  Understanding text read aloud

5 Identifies student's area(s) of need Writes a positive statement about student in all 11 areas. Identifies area(s) of need, but writes information about the student in areas that are not of concern at this time. Addresses only the area(s) of need, but does not use the statement provided for those not of concern at this time. Statement addresses area(s) of need using "can" statements and uses statement provided for those not of concern at this time. Baseline Data No data listed on area(s) of need and for those areas that are not of concern at this time. At least one data source listed for each area(s) of need and for those area(s) not of concern at this time. One or more data source listed to address each area(s) of need and at least one data source for those area(s) not of concern at this time. One or more data sources for baseline listed for all 11 areas on PLAAFP document. Measurable/ Observable No observable or measurable statements written in any of the area(s) of need. At least one measureable or observable statements written in at least one of the area(s) of need. At least one measurable or observable statements written in each area(s) of need. One or more measureable and observable statements written in each area(s) of need on attached document. Focus No focus indicated in area(s) of need. At least one reference to at least one focus in an any area of need. Focus is identified in one or more area(s) of need. At least one focus is identified in each of the area(s) of need.

6 PLAAFP Annual Goal  Increase skill with increments of same skill  Decrease skill with increments of same skill PLAAFP Annual Goal

7 Annual Goal: Reading Comprehension PLAAFP Context Clues Fluency Text Evidence Background Knowledge Each component contributes to increased proficiency in the area addressed in the annual goal.

8 No Accommodations or Modifications AccommodationsModificationsAlternate Achievement Standards TAKS Differentiate d Curriculum TAKS or TAKS -A By-pass curriculum Co-Teach & Inclusion TAKS-M Content Change Show Progress toward Grade level goals, not mastery TAKS-Alt Students with most significant Curriculum Expanded Curricula Knowledge & Skills Special Education & Related Services General Curriculum

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