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A m a z i n g g e m s t o n e s By Tyra and Maiya.

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Presentation on theme: "A m a z i n g g e m s t o n e s By Tyra and Maiya."— Presentation transcript:

1 A m a z i n g g e m s t o n e s By Tyra and Maiya

2 There are many types of gemstones, there are... turquoise hematite Crhysocolla Tigers-eye jasper amethyst Quazt tourmaline pyrite Sugilite Malachite carnelian snowflake obsidian ruby Moss agate lace Lapis lazuli

3 Blue, brown, white, green, purple, pink, black, aqua, red, multicoloured, orange, yellow and gray. There are 13 different colours of gemstones. No one knows why we have gemstones, or who found them.

4 There are many different types of gemstones that make up into birthstones. The year you where born will show you the colour and the type of birthstone you have. These can be easily be made into jewellery, e.g. earrings, rings, and necklaces.

5 In the time of Moses it was his command to form the Brest plates of the high priest to become the 12 colours, also representing the 12 tribes of Israel, a gemstone was applied to each colour. There were twelve tribes of ancient Israel, twelve apostles, twelve foundation stones of the Holy City, twelve months of the year and twelve signs of the zodiac. As time passed people wanted to own the 12 stones of the sacred Brest plates, they had begun wearing each stone of the right time of the month. More years had passed and individually others would wear the birthstone of their own birth month. Each birthstone supposedly represents a magical power. Some were said to ward off evil, protect the wearer in battle, cure blindness, gout and palsy, and even immunize the wearer from drunkenness.

6 Gemstone can be made into the most beautiful jewellery to wear. They are used to make yourself look beautiful. They can made into allsorts of colours...

7 Gemstones are found in volcanoes. They are formed below the crust, and the volcano pushes them to or near the surface.


9 That gemstone are made into birthstones There are different colours of birthstones Who made gemstones Gemstone can be made into jewellery How jewellery are made into jewellery (go to maiyas eportfollio) Where gemstones are found

10 Other stuff like quizzes and videos are on maiyas E-portfolio, there are questions to test if all of you guys were listening or paying attention to our slide show...

11 By Tyra And Maiya About: gemstones Questions: where did gemstones come from? what kinds of gemstones are there? who was the first one to find gemstones? how many gemstone are there? how do you make gemstones? what different colours are there? why were there gemstones? when were gemstones discovered how much money does gemstones cost? how big are gemstones? Websites... Whos idea: Maiyas Made all by: tyra and maiya Typed it: tyra Ending credits Pages: 12


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