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 You will conduct your student led conference on Tuesday November 25th.  Your learning objective for this process  Schedule a Student Led Conference.

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Presentation on theme: " You will conduct your student led conference on Tuesday November 25th.  Your learning objective for this process  Schedule a Student Led Conference."— Presentation transcript:


2  You will conduct your student led conference on Tuesday November 25th.  Your learning objective for this process  Schedule a Student Led Conference with a parent or guardian Share portfolio of your work in each subject area  Share strengths, challenge areas and goals  Success Criteria:  Schedule an appointment for a student led conference  Prepare your materials for student led conferences.

3  Take out your phones – contact a parent or guardian and schedule an appointment for one of the following times on Tuesday Nov. 25 th. Conferences will happen in your advisory classroom. There are four conference time slots. Each conference time slot will be followed by a 45 minute open-conference session. At that time, you and your parents or guardians may visit any teacher. Advisors, record scheduled appointments in the Excel spreadsheet available on the Team Site. Conference SessionTime SLC Session 112:00-12:40 SLC Session 21:30-2:10 SLC Session 35:00-5:30 SLC Session 46:15-6:45

4 Student Name

5  Number of days absent so far this year:  Number of times tardy so far this year:  What are your attendance/on time goals?


7  Things I do well  Things I could do differently

8  During instruction 54321  During independent work time 54321  During group work time 54321  Assignment completion 54321  Explain, justify, and create new behavior goals

9  Describe best work here  Reflection  Why you chose it  What you did well  What you could do differently next time you have a similar assignment/project  What you learned


11  Things I do well  Things I could do differently

12  During instruction 54321  During independent work time 54321  During group work time 54321  Assignment completion 54321  Explain, justify, and create new behavior goals

13  Describe best work here  Reflection  Why you chose it  What you did well  What you could do differently next time you have a similar assignment/project  What you learned


15  Things I do well  Things I could do differently

16  During instruction 54321  During independent work time 54321  During group work time 54321  Assignment completion 54321  Explain, justify, and create new behavior goals

17  Describe best work here  Reflection  Why you chose it  What you did well  What you could do differently next time you have a similar assignment/project  What you learned


19  Things I do well  Things I could do differently

20  During instruction 54321  During independent work time 54321  During group work time 54321  Assignment completion 54321  Explain, justify, and create new behavior goals

21  Describe best work here  Reflection  Why you chose it  What you did well  What you could do differently next time you have a similar assignment/project  What you learned


23  Things I do well  Things I could do differently

24  During instruction 54321  During independent work time 54321  During group work time 54321  Assignment completion 54321  Explain, justify, and create new behavior goals

25  Describe best work here  Reflection  Why you chose it  What you did well  What you could do differently next time you have a similar assignment/project  What you learned


27  Things I do well  Things I could do differently

28  During instruction 54321  During independent work time 54321  During group work time 54321  Assignment completion 54321  Explain, justify, and create new behavior goals

29  Describe best work here  Reflection  Why you chose it  What you did well  What you could do differently next time you have a similar assignment/project  What you learned

30 Current progress and timeline  4-year HS plan  efolio link  digital locker explanation and link  Career Survey Submitted for Approval (link here)

31  After looking at my grades, I feel…  I am proud of…  I will change...  I would like my teachers to know…  I will keep doing...

32  "My high school education is preparing me for my first career as _______, earning _______, which requires _________ after graduating from high school."

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