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Culture Remediation Assignment. What is culture? Culture can best be described as a society’s “WAY OF LIFE.” – It includes the beliefs, values, ideas,

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1 Culture Remediation Assignment

2 What is culture? Culture can best be described as a society’s “WAY OF LIFE.” – It includes the beliefs, values, ideas, and artifacts that are shared by people.

3 What is culture? Culture includes both material and non- material parts. – Material culture= the “STUFF” of culture. Things we can see, touch, use, and do. Ipods, cell phones, sports, etc. – Non-Material Culture= the “IDEAS” of culture. Values (honesty), beliefs (religion), and concepts (marriage).

4 Cultures Change Culture is always changing. Cultures change in 3 main ways. – Invention. – Innovation. – Cultural diffusion.

5 What is Invention? Invention= the creation of something from a brand new idea. It is a new creation. – The light bulb was a new invention of Thomas Edison. – The computer was a new invention of the 1950’s. – Inventions can also be changed and updated, innovation.

6 What is Innovation? Innovation is a change in an invention, or making an invention better. – Computers, Iphones, cars are all examples of inventions that have changed, or been innovated, over time. – New inventions or innovations change the way we live, and therefore change our culture.

7 What is Cultural Diffusion? Ideas, goods, and people are constantly moving around our world. Cultural diffusion is the movement of these ideas or goods from place to place or culture to culture. – Anime- came from Japan. – Pizza was created in Italy.

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