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Spread the Word: Timing and Rhythm are Important for Learning Barbara Fuoco-McCooley, MA, CCC-SLP.

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Presentation on theme: "Spread the Word: Timing and Rhythm are Important for Learning Barbara Fuoco-McCooley, MA, CCC-SLP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spread the Word: Timing and Rhythm are Important for Learning Barbara Fuoco-McCooley, MA, CCC-SLP

2 Getting Everyone On Board  Research supporting rhythm as an avenue to enhance learning  Learning why it is important to get others on-board with teaching rhythm  Learning ways to get you message accross to the public  Learning how to create an audience for your message

3 Learning Objectives  Gain knowledge of the research behind why rhythm is important to learning  Learn how to use a variety of modes of communication to get your message across to the public

4 Independent Research  First Peer-Reviewed Research was in the American Journal of Occupational Therapy in 2001 on attention and concentration, motor coordination, language processing, reading, math fluency, and the ability to control impulsivity Download PDFDownload PDF  Another article in AJOT in 2001 about social relationship problems in children Download PDF Download PDF

5 Independent Research  2002 study in High/Scope Press showing foundational skill development Download PDF Download PDF

6 Case Studies/Testimonials  Case Studies: https://www.interactivemetrono stories.html  Testimonials: https://www.interactivemetrono stories/testimonials.html

7 Related Research  https://www.interactivemetronome.c om/index.php/science/im-supporting- research.html https://www.interactivemetronome.c om/index.php/science/im-supporting- research.html

8 General Research  Stanley Greenspan discussed the important link between rhythm and timing to learning while correlating the capacity of children for rhythmic interaction such as IM with cognitive capacity Greenspan, S. I. (2002). Rhythm & Timing. Early Childhood Today, 17(3), 34.

9 Research on Academic Gains  29 Football players finished the IM program with significant gains not only in their playing ability on the field, but in the reading fluency (2+ years gain) and in math fluency (1 year gain). 67217c97-524e-40af-8195- 2e062f52163d%40sessionmgr112&vid=7&hi d=119&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2Z Q%3d%3d#db=aph&AN=8940538

10 Communication Modes  Newsletters  Presentations  Web Blogs  Facebook Pages

11 Communication Modes  Pinterest  Conversation Starters  In-Milieu Teaching/Co-Teaching  Answering Parent or Teacher Inquiries

12 Newsletters  Use periodic newsletters to keep the importance of rhythm and timing in the conversations of faculty and of the parents  Repeating small segments and adding new research findings as well as at home extension ideas can be a positive way to spread the word across the home and school environment  Be sure to send your newsletters across the broadest media outlet as possible  For example, publish them on your school website or put them in the weekly/monthly ebackpack that all students receive  Send them via email to all parents of students receiving special education or related services

13 Newsletter Examples




17 Presentations  Offer to be a speaker for your school’s Parent Advisory Council  Offer FREE Presentations to Parent Support Groups outside of the school  Offer to provide professional development hours within your school or work setting

18 Presentations  Have an open invitation for students to make Rainbow Loop bracelets while you are pitching to the parent about how rhythm and timing (Interactive Metronome ® ) will enhance their child’s social interactions  Offer to speak at your PTA/PTO organization about literacy and the connections from timing to fluency and comprehension

19 Web Blogs  Create your own web blog and write about rhythm and timing  Find other professionals’ web blogs that discuss rhythm and timing  If you are an avid or even a beginning blogger, use your blog as an avenue to spread the word

20 Facebook Pages  Follow the Interactive Metronome ® Facebook pages  Make your own Facebook business page where you can update interested followers on the newest research on the importance of rhythm and timing  Keep your Facebook business page up-to-date with frequent postings

21 Here are a few to get you started  Omazing Kids Yoga -  Yoga My Style - m/314450425254061 m/314450425254061  IDEA, LLC -  The Dance Lab -  Structures for Dance -

22 Pinterest  Pinterest is a great avenue to getting people to pay attention  If you have ever used Pinterest, you know how time passes in a blink of an eye when you are pinning away, so set up a page and target your audience  Publish your Pinterest page on your newsletters and your website

23 Pinterest Ideas  Here is my Pinterest Board on Rhythm & Timing. timing/

24 How Do I Find It?  Just use the search engine on Pinterest and be creative!  Check out this one on rhythm: ns/?q=music%20rhythm%20games& rs=ac&len=12

25 Conversation Starters  Be ready with quick sound bytes of information about how rhythm and timing can address an issue that is brought up at a meeting with teachers, parents, and child study team members  By repeatedly making the rhythm and timing connections relevant to the situation as they present themselves, people will start to hear you and take notice themselves of the connections

26 In-Milieu Teaching  In-Milieu-type teaching is when you use the everyday natural setting for the client to address their individual needs within the daily living activities whether it be in the classroom, the home, the lunchroom, or their gym class

27 In-Milieu-type Teaching  When using In-Milieu-type teaching, highlight and have others take notice of how you are using your rhythm and timing activities to enhance or help get the message across  Be sure to incorporate the rhythm activity rather than set it apart by making the connections with the desired skill

28 Co-Teaching  Co-Teaching implies co-planning which allows you plenty of opportunities to share your background knowledge of the importance of rhythm and timing to your co-worker  Co-Teaching allows you the opportunities to show how rhythm and timing are connected to learning again and again

29 Rhythm Activities  Just exposing the students to the new IM Pro Universe system gets them talking up a storm about which interaction is their favorite  Other students begin to ask about IM and so do their teachers  Students come to remediation asking to play IM before beginning therapy in their words

30 Answering Parent or Teacher Inquiries  Be ready to ‘talk the talk’ at parent meetings or conferences, IR & S meetings, in the teacher’s room, and at Child Study Team meetings  You need to KNOW the research and be able to help others make the connections about why rhythm activities, especially Interactive Metronome ® is so important

31 Passive VS Interactive  Be able to explain the differences between passive metronome activities and Interactive Metronome ®  Being able to explain this difference is vital!  Give teachers and parents ideas to help extend rhythm and timing activities in the classroom and in the home environment with passive metronome activities


33 You can call or email us anytime We’re here to help!  Call 877-994-6776:  Opt. 3 – Education   Opt. 5 – Technical Support   Opt. 6 – Clinical Support   Opt. 7 – Marketing 

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