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 RPUC M&S Givings for 2012:  Designated givings: $80,316  From “the area of greatest need”: $10,000  UCW: $17,890.00  TOTAL: $108,206.

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Presentation on theme: " RPUC M&S Givings for 2012:  Designated givings: $80,316  From “the area of greatest need”: $10,000  UCW: $17,890.00  TOTAL: $108,206."— Presentation transcript:


2  RPUC M&S Givings for 2012:  Designated givings: $80,316  From “the area of greatest need”: $10,000  UCW: $17,890.00  TOTAL: $108,206

3  Global outreach: Emergency response and support for Global Partners in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific, Caribbean and Latin America;  Mission across Canada: Chaplaincies in hospitals, universities, prisons and community housing; the aboriginal healing fund; and ecumenical partnerships;  Leadership development; ministry with children, youth and young adults, intercultural ministries; grants to congregations in isolated areas or in transition; loans and capital funding for new church development.

4  $4000.00 in 2012 Budget  + $1000 raised at spring supper  $4546. given as donations or membership fees to outreach partners

5 ESL, Music Program Homework Club Summe r Programming Banff Community House Russell Heights Community House

6 + actual food donations

7 $200 donation to restoration fund

8  TOTAL: $6700.00 In support of other agencies across Ottawa that are not supported by the Social Action Outreach Committee.

9 CNIB, Alzheimers’ Society, May Court Hospice, Elizabeth Bruyere Hospital, Voice, Spectrum Intervention Group, Perley Rideau Veterans’ Hospital

10  Christie Lake, Rideau Hill, Camp Kallala

11  Harmony House, Vesta, Nelson House, Interval House, Empathy House

12  Shepherds of Good Hope, The Ottawa Mission, Centre 507, Harvest House

13  Canadian Bible Society  Caring and Sharing (Christmas) Exchange  Elizabeth Fry Society  Better Beginnings, Better Futures  RPUC Benevolent Fund and Rasmussen Fund

14  Givings in 2012: $3533  Confidential financial support for families in the community: $1981

15  Received from Benevolent Fund: $2250.

16  Donations: $12,064.59  Expenses: $12,452.81 Served 156 families: 79 hampers/77 gift cards

17 Christian Development Committee - 143 shoeboxes for Harmony House and Banff Homework Club

18  Raised $656.25 for the Mennonite Central Committee Global Sponsorship program

19  $500 from Christian Development Committee Budget  PLUS all the donated muffins, sandwiches, cookies and other goodies!

20  CNIB  Stride  St. John Ambulance  Oasis (AA)  Ottawa Women’s Council

21  Loose offerings on Dec 30 service to the Laundry Co-op moving expenses  Pavilion Food Bank: profit from chili lunch  Congo prisoner mission  Foundation Funds: Blair Court computers for Homework Club

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