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Fab Five Interdisciplinary Unit Brooke Miskowski Danielle Marg Kristen Adachi Katie Shaleen Jacob Vetter.

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Presentation on theme: "Fab Five Interdisciplinary Unit Brooke Miskowski Danielle Marg Kristen Adachi Katie Shaleen Jacob Vetter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fab Five Interdisciplinary Unit Brooke Miskowski Danielle Marg Kristen Adachi Katie Shaleen Jacob Vetter

2 Introduce students to the important environmental issues that pollution is posing all around the world as well as in their own community. Provide hands on/research and inquiry based learning activities for all students. Gets students involved in their own community. Provide students with real world connections outside the walls of their classroom.

3 The students will be able to write a research paper about an important issue surrounding pollution. The students will be able to relate the content from all classes to the real world. The students will be able to integrate the knowledge they have learned in this pollution unit in all of their classes. The students will be able to participate in a community service day to help reduce the amount of pollution in their own community.

4 Team Member Content Areas

5 ScienceLiteratureMath Computer Apps Gym Day 1 Inconvenient Truth/Write Reflection Book Talks/Introdu ce New Unit/ Sign up for Book Graphing Lesson Introduce Poster Project/Typin g Assignment Finish up soccer unit Day 2 Ecological Footprint How to find good info, Lit Circle Plotting Coordinate Art Making Cross Word Terms with Terms Clean up your yard Day 3 Introduce PPT Project/Work Time Writing Activity, Ecological Footprint, Lit Circle Ecological Footprint Research Types of Pollution Protect the trash-person Day 4 Set up Experiment Poems/Analyz ing Them, Lit Circle Intro to Statistics: Mean, Median, Mode Work on PPTTrash swap Day 5 Testing Water Samples Brainstorming Poems, Children’s book discussion, Lit Circle Quiz, explainWork on PPTCapture the pollution graphing project, Examples

6 ScienceLiteratureMath Computer Apps Gym Day 6 Ghana Air and Water Pollution Important Editing Tips, Peer Editing, Lit Circle Analyze Data, Write Up a Summary Work On PPTBlob (warm- up game). Start football unit Day 7 Noise, Sound Pollution Pollution in other countries, Primary Sources, Lit Circles Create Graphs of Data Typing Lit Poems Football unit Day 8 Present PPT information Turning in final drafts/shari ng poems, Lit Circles Create Graphs of Data Water Pollution Chart, Typing 2 facts on each type of pollution Football unit Day 9 Guest Speaker from DNR Jigsaw Activity, Compare and Contrast Books, Lit Circles Present Posters Compiling Posters Football unit Day 10 CLEAN UP MISSISSIPPI RIVER DAY

7 “An Inconvenient Truth: An Introduction to Pollution and Sustainability” Pollution PowerPoint Presentations/Research DNR Public Speaker Calculating Ecological/Carbon Footprint Global Pollution Connections – Ghana, Africa’s E-Waste Lab Projects ◦ “Pick Your Pollutant” ◦ Humans in the Biosphere (Water and Air Pollution)

8 “Graphing and Data Analysis Unit” Analyzing/Graphing Water Samples Analyzing Ecological Footprint Poster Presentation Activity

9 “Digging Deeper Into Pollution” Research paper about an important issue relating to pollution and/or sustainability. Work within a writing group to edit and write papers. Introduce the process of writing a research paper with accurate research and correct citations.

10 “Pollution and Us” Introduce the importance of recycling through interactive team games. Allow children the exposure to the importance of being an active member of their community by keeping it clean. Show the children how pollution affects the world and our own community.

11 Pollution Research and Presentations Conduct pollution research Create PowerPoint presentations Create and compile final informational posters

12 Community Service Day Allows students the chance to get out and make a difference in the community Allows the community to see students making a difference Students will visit community areas (such as the Mississippi River) to clean up and make improvements.

13 Focus on Teaching 21 st Century Skills ◦T◦T echnology ◦R◦R eading/Writing ◦C◦C ommunication Collaborative Teaching Practices Cross-Curricular Activities Differentiated Instruction Community Involvement Real-World Applications

14 Auditory Kinesthetic Visual Logical/Mathematical Naturalist Interpersonal Intrapersonal

15 Enlisting help of community/parents in teaching about recycling and pollution. Show children what types of materials are recyclable through posters or signs that can be presented to parents/community. Allow the children to be active within the community by helping clean up the city.

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