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Tier 2 Sponsorship Staff Immigration Team

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1 Tier 2 Sponsorship Staff Immigration Team
A comprehensive guide for departments and colleges March 2015 Staff Immigration Team

2 Staff Immigration Team
James Baker – Staff Immigration Team Leader Tel: (2)89908 / Natalie Goldsmith – Staff Immigration Officer Tel: (2)89912 / Tim Currie – Staff Immigration Officer Tel: (2)89903 / Angela Dolby – Staff Immigration Assistant Tel: (2)89904 / Humanities / MPLS / Colleges A – P Lisa Crook – Staff Immigration Assistant Tel: (2)89919 / Medical Sciences / Social Sciences / Colleges Q – W David Richardson – Staff Immigration Admin Assistant Tel: (2)89926 / Website:

3 What we do Advise departments, colleges and migrants on Tier 2 and Tier 5 process and requirements. Process Tier 2 and Tier 5 Certificate of Sponsorship applications. Process Tier 2 and Tier 5 leave to remain applications on behalf of migrants. Hold all data for Tier 2 and Tier 5 migrants centrally. Advise departments and colleges on right to work in the UK. Manage complex cases and matters of non-compliance with external legal input where necessary. Provide regular training on Tier 2, Tier 5, right to work and visitors. Report to the Audit and Scrutiny Committee on immigration and right to work compliance. Represent the collegiate University’s comments and concerns with immigration policy to the Home Office.

4 Current news

5 Contents of today’s session
Compliance The Points-Based System and Tier 2 overview Recruitment Certificate of Sponsorship application Visa application Migrant’s arrival in the UK Changes during employment Visa extensions Changing employment Croatian nationals Visa restrictions and conditions Application fees

6 Compliance Home Office rules are complex, onerous and inflexible…but compliance is mandatory. Oxford have a good relationship with the Home Office and have lobbied successfully in the past for key changes. Consequences of non-compliance with Home Office rules: Down-grading of the University’s sponsor licence to a B rating - would not be able to sponsor new migrants from overseas Withdrawal of the sponsor licence - all sponsored migrants would have to leave the University and the UK Up to £20,000 fine for each illegal migrant Up to 2 year prison sentence and/or an unlimited fine if illegal migrant workers are employed knowingly A breach of Home Office requirements from a single college or department (including those who do not have any Tier 2 or Tier 5 sponsored migrants) may result in serious consequences for entire Collegiate University.

7 Points-Based System Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
Exceptional Talent (people with exceptional talent/emerging exceptional talent) Graduate Entrepreneur (graduate with credible business idea) Entrepreneur (those who wish to set up business in the UK) Tier 2 General (sponsored skilled workers with a job offer) Tier 3 Route closed Tier 4 Students (managed by Student Information and Advisory Service) Tier 5 Government Authorised Exchange (supernumerary researchers, lecturers, external examiners) Youth Mobility Scheme (for people under 31 from qualifying countries)

8 Tier 2 sponsored migrants
Nationals of non-EEA countries who require a visa to work in the UK Fill a vacancy advertised to meet Home Office RLMT requirements/ named researcher on a grant Hold University/college contract of employment Paid via University/college payroll

9 Tier 2 process Vacancy and RLMT Interview and selection COS application Visa application Arrival in the UK During and end of sponsorship Stage 3: During & end Stage 2: Arrival in UK Stage 1: Recruitment Data to be sent at each stage to be held centrally by SIT Stage 1: recruitment – using COS form Stage 2: arrival in UK – using Arrival form Stage 3: during/end of employment – using Changes/leaver form


11 Vacancy and Resident Labour Market Test (RLMT)
Do you need to meet RLMT requirements? Exemptions from the need to meet the Home Office’s RLMT requirements: Researchers named on an external grant Annual salary over £153,500 Tier 2 extensions Students/Tier 4 switching into Tier 2 Switching from Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur

12 Vacancy and RLMT Minimum salary requirements – is the post eligible for a Tier 2 COS? Salary below £20,500 pa. – not eligible Academic/ research posts are usually eligible – advertise to meet RLMT requirements Other posts (e.g. admin, IT) – check post and salary criteria in “Codes of Practice” or contact SIT Codes of Practice list all posts which may be eligible for Tier 2 and min. salary requirements (note different salary thresholds for ‘new entrants’ and ‘experienced workers’)

13 Vacancy and RLMT Does the post meet the minimum salary requirement?
New Entrant: Switching from Tier 1 (Post-study Work) or Tier 4 under the post-study provisions and; Aged 25 or under on the date of their Tier 2 visa application. Not classed as new entrant if applying to extend total stay in Tier 2 and/or as a work permit holder beyond 3 years and 1 month Experienced Workers: Anyone not switching into Tier 2 under the post-study provisions and aged 26 or over on the date of their Tier 2 visa application; Anyone wishing to extend their total stay in Tier 2 and/or as a work permit holder beyond 3 years and 1 month.

14 Vacancy and RLMT Advert timescales
Minimum 28 calendar day advertising period (may be split into two periods – each period no less than one week) Academic/research posts – max. 12 months between date of advertising and date COS issued Other posts (e.g. admin/ IT) – max 6 months between date of advertising and date COS issued Where to advertise Adverts placed in two acceptable places: Academic/research posts and posts with annual salary above £71,600 – University website,, national newspaper, professional journal, recruitment website (e.g. monster) Other (e.g. admin/IT) – Universal Jobmatch (compulsory) and University website,, national newspaper, professional journal, recruitment website (e.g. monster)

15 Vacancy and RLMT Website
Online version of a newspaper or professional journal Website of a prominent professional or recruitment organisation, which does not charge a fee to jobseekers Employers own website under certain strict conditions (the University of Oxford’s main recruitment website is acceptable) Professional journal Available nationally through retail outlets or through subscription, Published at least once a month, and Related to the nature of the job Newspaper (rarely used at Oxford) Marketed throughout the UK or where the job is located, and Published at least once a week.

16 Vacancy and RLMT Seven things which must be included in an advert:
Job title (must match contract and COS, and be consistent across all adverts) Main duties and responsibilities Location of the job Salary range/package, and the terms on offer (e.g. guaranteed allowances, fixed term conditions etc.) Note exception for use of “competitive salary” Skills and experience needed Qualification required Closing date for applications NB – Include a link to the Further Particulars in all adverts.

17 How to quote salary in adverts
Choose one of the following options: 1.       Put the whole salary range, consider whether it is necessary to include the discretionary range depending on post type and market rates 2.       Put in “from” and state the bottom of the range – and go to SAP when the actual salary is known if above the range 3.       Put in “Competitive Salary” – but only where Division/SAP have given approval before the advertisement is placed The use of “competitive salary” is expected to be rare.

18 Vacancy and RLMT Record-keeping Print advert on first day it appears
Print out must show: Advert content (seven key details) Name and logo of host website/publication URL Date of printing Vacancy reference number Retain copies in case advert is required for Tier 2 COS application

19 Note on JobCentre Plus adverts
JobCentre Plus is now Universal JobMatch To place an advert: Universal JobMatch: Businesslink: Some departments print the JobCentre Plus advert from their Businesslink account rather than from the Universal JobMatch account as the applicant would see it – this cannot be accepted for a CoS application.

20 Activity 1 Job advert - spot the mistakes Time – 5 minutes

21 Interview and selection
Academic and research posts – best person may be selected All other posts – EEA national/settled worker must be selected if they meet selection criteria (even if a migrant worker better meets the criteria). Selection panel complete Recruitment Decision Summary Grid (one per post) Reasons for refusal must refer directly to selection criteria Departments and colleges responsible for quality of information Online Recruitment and Selection course

22 Recruitment Decision Summary Grid
Shortlisted candidate name Offer? Y/N Summary of selection panel’s reason for decision by reference to selection criteria  JAMES BROWN  N Very few publications and in unrelated area. Limited experience in cell/tissue culture. PIERRE BLANC  Limited experience in cell/tissue culture. Approx. 8 months from completing PhD.  JIN LIU  Y High level of experience In cell/tissue culture. Excellent evidence of contribution of ideas for new projects. Excellent publication record.  KAREN JONES High level of experience In cell/tissue culture. Good evidence of contribution of ideas for new projects but less so than selected candidate. Excellent publication record.

23 Tier 2 points criteria Points criteria Requirement Points
Valid Certificate of Sponsorship issued by the University’s SIT. 30 Salary meets the minimum the rate detailed in the appropriate Code of Practice for a ‘new entrant’ or ‘experienced worker’, or £20,500 per annum, whichever is higher. 20 Maintenance: either (a) the equivalent of £945 of personal savings held for at least 90 days prior to the date of the visa application, plus additional savings (£630) for each accompanying dependant, or, (b) confirmation from the employing department/college that it will if necessary maintain and accommodate the migrant to a minimum value of £945 (and accompanying dependants to a minimum value of £630 each, if required) during the first month of employment. 10 English language: (a) national of an English-speaking country as defined by the HO, or (b) has studied for a degree via the medium of English, or (c) has passed a HO approved English language test. Points criteria

24 COS application A COS is a Home Office database record which shows details of the post the migrant will be filling In-country applicants: The University hold an allocation of COS which can be issued at any time without prior approval from Home Office Overseas applicants: The University must apply to the Home Office for a COS on a case-by-case basis Applications to the Home Office are made monthly by SIT- deadline 29th of the month to be considered by Home Office early the following month

25 COS application Apply approx. 3 months before start date / visa expiry date Late submission/ issues = possible delay in start date Submit applications and documents electronically Put supporting documents in one folder – password protect the folder using 7Zip applications to Staff Immigration Assistant – mark as confidential

26 COS application form Eligibility – note 12 month ‘cooling off’ period
Points criteria – 70 points required Maintenance – can be certified by department or college (including dependents if necessary) Passport info - must be passport that will be used for visa application Contact details – in country in which the migrant will apply for their visa ID numbers – NI number, national ID card number etc. Employment details – start date, end date, salary, job description etc. Recruitment – details of advertising Record-keeping and reporting declaration List of supporting documents – note naming conventions Payment – account code to cross charge application fee to. Colleges to pay by cheque Declaration – to be completed by key contact/ responsible person delegated by key contact

27 Activity 2 COS application - spot the mistakes Time – 5 minutes

28 Visa/leave to remain application
SIT issue COS to migrant (both overseas and in-country) by with details on how to apply for their visa. copied to department/college HR contact Advise migrants to apply as soon as possible – to avoid delay in start date Must apply no later than three months after COS is issued (COS expires after three months) Overseas applicants (visa): Application process varies slightly from country to country Online applications in most countries – supporting documents sent to follow Supporting documents – evidence of meeting maintenance and English language point requirements, passport, photographs etc. Must give biometric details (fingerprints and photographs) at Biometric Enrolment Centre as part of the application process May be subject to “genuineness test” Tuberculosis testing for nationals of some countries Priority service available in some countries – premium fee Must notify department/college if start date cannot be met for any reason (department/college must notify SIT immediately)

29 Visa/leave to remain application
In-country applicants (leave to remain): Applications made through SIT (including dependents) Applications currently made on paper form Supporting documents (depending on circumstances) – evidence of meeting English language, maintenance, passport, photographs etc. Required to give biometric details at Post Office/ Biometric Enrolment Centre before HO will make a decision on the application May be subject to “genuineness test” HO in person appointment services available for urgent applications – contact SIT Priority postal applications available Decision and documents returned to SIT


31 Arrival Conduct RTW check before migrant commences work
Departments fill out Right to Work screen in CORE Add to your list of List B document holders (include expiry date and type of visa) Fill out Arrival Form and send to SIT within five working days of start date with: Contact details (even if temporary) Contract copy RTW copy NI number – with confirmation that this has been recorded on CORE (or other HR system - colleges) - can follow if not available on arrival. Communicate with migrant about reporting changed in contact details, absence and non UK travel Form at


33 Changes during employment
Use the Changes/Leaver Form to inform SIT within 5 working days of: Change in start date on CoS/ did not arrive on start date Change in job details (e.g. job title/ duties/ salary/ hours/ work location) Change in residential address/contact details (these must always be up to date) Unauthorised absence of more than ten consecutive working days Authorised unpaid leave of up to one month in twelve months (Jan-Dec) Change in salary due to leave (maternity, paternity, adoption, sick) Left early (e.g. finished early/ resigned/ funding withdrawn/ dismissed) Change in immigration status (e.g. granted ILR/ other visa/ other nationality) Left as expected in line with visa SIT is required to record/report above changes to the Home Office Update CORE with changes (departments only) Record annual leave and sick absence according to policy for staff group – keep in department/ college Repeat RTW check before visa is due to expire (unless migrant will leave in line with visa) and send copies of RTW for T2 and T5 sponsored migrants to SIT Form at

34 Absence recording and reporting
Normal work related travel – does not need to be recorded or reported Unauthorised absence – when a T2/5 migrant does not arrive for an expected work contact (e.g. to give a lecture) If a migrant does not show for work when expected – contact them immediately! If absence is explained (e.g. sick, family emergency) – not classed as unauthorised Record unauthorised absence and report unauthorised absences of more than ten consecutive working days to SIT (Changes/Leaver Form) Contact details vital – must be able to contact migrant in reasonable time If migrant is travelling to out of contact area they must notify admin Annual leave and sick absence – record according to staff group – and keep in department/college Communicate with migrants – about this policy NB For Indefinite Leave to Remain Applications - migrant must record all out of UK travel for their application

35 Absence policy overview
Academic staff Sickness – must report to line manager as soon as possible on first day of absence Annual leave – determine own duration of working time but in accordance with regulations, Academic staff are entitled to at least the statutory minimum number of days paid holiday per year Academic related and support staff Annual leave – entitlement as specified in letter of appointment Procedures must be in place to record sick and annual leave for all Tier 2 sponsored migrants – Home Office policy

36 Tier 2 visa extensions New COS required (use Tier 2 COS Extension form) Apply for COS approx. 3 months before visa expiry date Job details must remain same as on original COS (duties, location, job title etc.). Salary increases as a result of annual increments permissible Visa application to be made no later than six weeks before visa expires Visa application checked and submitted by SIT In person appointments available for urgent applications

37 Switching employment Migrants already in the UK on a Tier 2 visa with a different employer cannot start a new post with the University until: SIT have issued them a COS has been issued and Their new leave to remain (visa) application has been approved by the Home Office and Their new Biometric Residence Permit has been received Migrants already working for the University on a Tier 2 visa may be able to change employment without having to obtain a new visa, if: The new job is in the same SOC code (i.e. same profession – research, teaching, IT etc.) and Is paid at the appropriate level.

38 Visa restrictions and conditions
Tier 2 visas are job specific – supplementary employment permitted under specific circumstances Must be paid into own bank account – cash payments prohibited No recourse to public funds (i.e. must not claim benefits) – exclusions apply for nationals of some countries Voluntary work permitted

39 Supplementary employment
Supplementary employment permitted where the supplementary work is: in the same profession as the job specified on the COS e.g. a University Lecturer may take up supplementary teaching or research for another department or organisation, or in a job which is on the 'shortage occupation list’ at the same professional level as the job specified on the COS, e.g. paid at the same level for no more than 20 hours per week outside the working hours covered by the COS. NB the Home Office do not view University teaching and research as the same profession – if a researcher is expected to teach – put it in the further particulars and on COS

40 Croatian nationals Require a COS
Apply for a Registration Certificate instead of a visa Same rules apply for COS application except: No cooling off period No maintenance requirement level of post (NQF Level 4)

41 Data holding Hard copies to be kept by department/college
SIT will hold an electronic data record for Tier 2 migrants centrally except: Absence and sick records – to be recorded according to staff group and retained by department/college Interview notes – do not destroy until six months after migrant leaves/ the University stops sponsoring them Send data to SIT at three stages: Recruitment – using COS form On arrival – using arrival form During/end of employment – using Changes/leaver form See for info on how long documents need to be retained

42 Application fees COS – paid for by SIT and cross-charged (colleges send cheque) In country leave to remain – paid for by SIT and cross-charged (colleges include own payment details on form) Overseas visa – paid for by migrant Latest fees

43 Summary Meet Home Office Resident Labour Market Test requirements – remember the seven key details Keep up to date absence records (sick and annual leave) Keep recruitment information – destroy six months after employment/ sponsorship ends Apply in good time Report changes within five working days Keep CORE up to date (departments only) Send all required data on Tier 2 and Tier 5 migrants to SIT Self-audit to ensure that all required past changes have been notified

44 Questions

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