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China chapter 5 vocabulary. Mandate of Heaven An order to rule believed given to kings by the gods I will use the Mandate of Heaven to rule the world!

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Presentation on theme: "China chapter 5 vocabulary. Mandate of Heaven An order to rule believed given to kings by the gods I will use the Mandate of Heaven to rule the world!"— Presentation transcript:

1 China chapter 5 vocabulary

2 Mandate of Heaven An order to rule believed given to kings by the gods I will use the Mandate of Heaven to rule the world!

3 oracle Person who gives wise advice I asked the oracle how to solve a problem.

4 heritage Set of ideas that passed down from one generation to another

5 philosopher Person who studies the meaning of life The philosopher new a lot about life.

6 Confucianism Ideas of Chinese philosopher Confucius that became the guide for the way people live Do you follow Confucianism?

7 public works Structures built by the government for all to use The Golden Gate Bridge is a public works.

8 Legalism Teachings that say people obey rules out of fear not respect Legalism can be scary.

9 standardization Making all things of a certain type alike

10 bureaucracy Network of appointed government officials

11 ambassador Representative from a government These are U.S. ambassadors to other countries.

12 Daoism Religion and philosophy that teaches the key to a long life and happiness is to accept as it is. Daoism, a calmer way of life.

13 caravan Group of traders The caravan is going to Turkey.

14 Silk road Trade route that stretched 5000 miles from China to the Mediterranean Sea. When I travel the Silk Road I make money.

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