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Igneous Rocks. Granite is a very hard rock. It does NOT weather easily. It is mined from granite quarries.

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Presentation on theme: "Igneous Rocks. Granite is a very hard rock. It does NOT weather easily. It is mined from granite quarries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Igneous Rocks

2 Granite is a very hard rock. It does NOT weather easily. It is mined from granite quarries.

3 Granite has many uses.

4 more uses

5 ….and my favorite!

6 Igneous Rocks form from volcanoes. Intrusive Cooled trapped magma inside Earth Cools slowly Has crystals Extrusive Cooled lava outside of Earth Cools quickly Few, if any crystals

7 Most igneous rocks are made of silicate materials. High silica composition makes a rock light colored. (Highlight – like a highlighter) Low silica composition makes a rock dark colored.

8 You decide. Intrusive or Extrusive Rock or High Silica or Low Silica Composition

9 Igneous Rock Crystal Size (Large/many or Small/few) Light or Dark colored (Silica Content) Intrusive or Extrusive/ High or Low Silica Diorite Granite Obsidian Pumice Gabbro Basalt Andesite Set up a data table like this one.

10 Diorite

11 Granite

12 Obsidian

13 Pumice

14 Gabbro

15 Basalt

16 Andesite

17 Igneous Rock Crystal Size (Large/many or small/few) Light or Dark (Silica Content) Intrusive or Extrusive/ High or Low Silica DioriteLarge (many)LightIntrusive/high GraniteLarge (many)LightIntrusive/high ObsidiannoneDarkExtrusive/none PumiceFew/nonelightExtrusive/high GabbroLarge (many)DarkIntrusive/low BasaltnoneDarkExtrusive/low AndesitenonelightExtrusive/high Check your responses.

18 What type of Igneous Rock is Stone Mountain?

19 You got it! You are a geologist – someone that studies the Earth!!!! Developed by C. Warren

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