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The Story of Kylie’s Digital Literacy Pre-formal Education Experience Case #1 Setting: Chester County Library, 1999.

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2 The Story of Kylie’s Digital Literacy

3 Pre-formal Education Experience Case #1 Setting: Chester County Library, 1999




7 The book I’m reading you ask?

8 What I saw as a four year old when I cracked open Magic Pony: Jalskdjf lksdfjlksdjflksj dijfiasdjlckkd dsldkfjlkdsj cldkjalksd kdjfkljdk jaksdfjlskd lksjflkdj fdkfj lkjflkasjdklfjdklfj kldjfkj lkdjfkjl asd sdlkjf dkjfldjdkljfljldkf lsdkjflsjd flsdskjlksdj flsjdfl lasjdflfksdj lkdjkjl lkjklj sdfd lkjkj dklkjlajksdf lkadjlfjdlfkcck ckljoiejw oieoiurweu oiueoruj llsdjfl owoweuierowurowuier oiw cosiur oiueru oiweuroweiu roiuweou coiuiou eorioui oiweurowieur owiruoi oiuiue qwe oiuoire oiur

9 Yes, I checked Magic Pony out that day at the library with my mother and little sister. My first ever library book.


11 Pre-Formal Education Experiences Case #2 Setting: The Open Roads of Pennsylvania


13 Scenario: When I was younger, my family would make up stories to pass the time during long road trips. For example, my dad would start the story “Once upon a time” and “popcorn” story tell until the last family member finished the story. I started to write these stories down and this perhaps sparked my interest for writing.

14 Early School Experience Case #1 Setting: Brandywine Wallace School Year: 5 th Grade


16 Scenario: In that last picture, I was yapping off a kindergartener's ear. As a fifth grader, some of the classes were chosen to read a storybook to the little kids of the kindergarten class. I was picked and this might have started my liking for reading.

17 Early School Experience Case #2 Setting: Brandywine Wallace Library School Year: 3 rd Grade


19 Scenario: In the last picture, I’m getting yelled at by my elementary school’s librarian: Mrs. Reynolds. I’m holding “Guinness Book of World Records”. The hottest item in the BW Library, this book had a waitlist and only the “upperclassmen” of BW could check this book out. Mrs. Reynolds wasn’t the best start to my reading and writing education.

20 Middle-High School Experiences Case #1 Setting: Downingtown West High School School Year: 10 th grade


22 Night by Elie Wiesel This book was by far my favorite book I had to read for school. I loved how it was a true story. I find the Holocaust a very, very interesting and devastating topic and this book kept me on the edge of my seat for sure. This novel was one of my favorite reading experiences.

23 Middle-High School Experiences Case #2 Setting: Downingtown Middle School


25 Watership Down One of my least favorite reads of all time. That’s all I have to say about this one…

26 AP English Experience Case #1 Setting: Downingtown West Grade level: 12 th Grade

27 My thoughts after choosing AP English Literature for my senior year:

28 AP English Experience Case #2

29 Highs of AP English Getting a good grade on my Classic Novel Project

30 Lows of AP English Starting the Contemporary Novel Project…

31 AP English Experience Case #3

32 Advice to future AP classes:

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