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Master of Science in Innovation Management Prof. Ed Nijssen (Program Director) 3 February 2014 Welcome on board: a brief overview.

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Presentation on theme: "Master of Science in Innovation Management Prof. Ed Nijssen (Program Director) 3 February 2014 Welcome on board: a brief overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Master of Science in Innovation Management Prof. Ed Nijssen (Program Director) 3 February 2014 Welcome on board: a brief overview

2 Succesful innovations: a paradigm shift Paradigm shift

3 Why? –Complexity larger than ever –Connection between engineers and sales/marketing remains problematic –More instruments for proper risk management required; recognize good ideas –How to best use crowdsourcing and other options to learn from customers –…–… Failure rate remains high

4 Why? –Complexity larger than ever –Connection between engineers and sales/marketing remains problematic –More instruments for proper risk management required; recognize good ideas; criteria per stage-gate Failure rate remains high

5 Further, heroes of yesterdays are failures of tomorrow Why?


7 Next to innovation management, entrepreneurship is an important theme

8 Innovation Management studies Understanding the innovation challenge and processes of firms –Understanding, modeling and redesigning innovation process –Project management & human aspects involved –Strategic and market drivern issues –Entrepreneurial/Intrapreneurial issues Perspective of the engineer –Focus on radical vs incremental innovation –Open innovation –Entrepreneurial/intrapreneurial spirit

9 IM: Characteristics Academic level (Re)design the business process of innovation Multidisciplinary and project-like context Apply knowledge in academia, industry and consulting context

10 Program structure Semester 3 Semester 2 Semester 4 Semester 1 Core Courses Master Thesis Specialisation Courses Other electives Thesis Preparation International Term

11 11 Schedule 2 semesters 2 periods per semester 8 weeks classes per period 2 weeks exams per period Interim period

12 Credit system European Credit Transfer System Based on student estimated workload 1 cp = 28 hrs of workload Most courses: 5 cp 30 cp in one semester typically 6 courses per semester

13 Program characteristcs -All classes conducted in English -Core courses: 8 x 5 = 40 ECTS -Electives: 40 ECTS 3 suggested sets of electives note that you are required to have a mix of AB (‘technical’) and C courses (‘social’) -Master Thesis Preparation (10 ECTS), Thesis work: (30 ECTS)

14 IM Core Courses New Product Development Marketing & Innovation Project management Human Aspects of Product Development Philosophy of Science Research design, data collection and analysis Design methodology System Dynamics

15 Core courses Electives 15 Job market Link to the Job Market through electives

16 New Product Development Management Human Performance in Innovative Organizations (1JM27) Strategy & Technology management (1ZM40) Service Engineering & Marketing (1ZM55) Selling New Products (1ZM60) Open Innovation Strategic Sourcing & Supply Management (1ZM35) Strategy & Technology Management (1ZM40) Innovation Networks (0ZM05) Innovation & Intellectual property (0EM88) Governing Innovation (0EM25) E-Business Architectures & Systems (1BM10) Technology & Entrepreneurship Technology Entrepreneurship (1ZM20) Entrepreneurial Finance (1ZM70) Innovation & Intellectual Property (0EM88) New Media, Entrepreneurship & Innovation (1ZM80) Entrepreneurial Marketing (1ZM75) Three recommended sets of electives Check the website for all electives/options

17 New Product Development & Leadership 1BM62Enterprise Information SystemsA5 1BM10E-Business Architectures & SystemsA5 1ZM60Selling New ProductsA5 1JM30Managing team dynamics and team performanceA5 1JM27Human Performance in Innovative OrganizationsB5 1ZM40Strategy & Technology ManagementB5 1ZM35Strategic Sourcing & Supply ManagementB5 Marketing and Technology Commercialization 1BM62Enterprise Information SystemsA5 1BM10E-Business Architectures & SystemsA5 1ZM60Selling New ProductsA5 1ZM75Entrepreneurial MarketingA3 1ZM55Service Engineering & MarketingB5 1ZM35Strategic Sourcing & Supply ManagementB5 1ZM40Strategy & Technology ManagementB5 Technology Entrepreneurship 0EM25Governing InnovationA6 0ZM05Innovation NetworksA5 0EM88Innovation and intellectual property for IMA5 1ZM20Technology EntrepreneurshipA5 1ZM75Entrepreneurial MarketingA3 1ZM70Entrepreneurial FinanceB5 1ZMxxOpen InnovationB5 FYI: New structure as of 2014/2015 A

18 Nature of Courses Learning by reflection and application Hence, Interactive lectures Assignments and Group work Master Thesis on Innovation topic (building your individual skills) –Related to research of the school’s researchers –Theory-driven and Multidisciplinary –Ultimately making suggestions to managers/desing a solution

19 Thesis topics Examples of thesis subjects –New Product Development possibilities to reduce lead time in innovation projects crowdsourcing –Strategic Alliances network relationships between a research lab and technology suppliers –Entrepreneurship success or failures of technopreneurs –Knowledge Management managing knowledge in a product development lab –Marketing service performance of products in the market how to motivate sales to sell new products? –Supplier development NPD in the relationship between a hi-tech company and three key suppliers See also individual professors’ personal webpages

20 20 Mentor system Matching process at the end of the first semester! (11 November) Allocation through enrolment and indication of preferred topics (mentors do the same) Algorithm matches for meeting set of possible mentors –Cannot match earlier –Must match before end – otherwise mentor will be assigned Role of mentor: –assistance with choosing electives/designing your personal study program –advise on study planning; international semester –assistance with selection and preparation of thesis topic, proposal, company/internship –supervision of thesis project

21 STUDENT TASKMENTOR TASK IM MASTER MENTOR PROCEDURE student preference mentor areas for thesis domainof expertise TOPICS(please select 4) (please select all that apply) NPD PROCESS TRACK [NPD - new product development process; process decisions; sociotechnical aspects [NPD - fuzzy front end; creativity ] [NPD - customer involvement in new product development] [NPD - knowledge management & information systems] [NPD - open innovation; alliances; collaborative networks] [NPD - change management; competence development; innovation & cross functional teams] [NPD - innovation and leadership] [NPD - innovation strategy & culture; ambidextrous organizations] MARKETING TRACK [Marketing - marketing and R&D interface; strategic marketing] [Marketing - new product selling; selling teams; sales performance] [Marketing - learning in the frontline; using customer insights for innovation] [Marketing - launch decisions; commercialization] [Marketing - supply chain/purchasing and innovation] [Marketing - adoption of new technologies; self service technology; marketing channels] [Marketing - market forecasting; market research for new products; market(ing) info systems] [Marketing - service design and monitoring; service quality; service recovery] TECHNOLOGY ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRACK [TE - lead founder; entrepreneurial teams; personal characteristics; entrepreneurial education] [TE - corporate entrepeneurship; new venturing] [TE - effectuation; entrepreneurial decision making] [TE - strategies for survival] [TE - opportunity identification; business models] [TE - ecosystems; social network and resources] [TE - valorisation; university spin outs] [TE - financial issues in entrepreneurship; venture capitalists] METHODE Coaches identify all areas of their expertise. Students select 4 topics they like best. Coaches and students will be asked to fill in using Survey monkey or other wise. Using algorithm a match will be made between students and coaches Education officers check results based on face validity and correct as deemed necessary

22 22 Options within the program Semester abroad –for students with standard program (no deficiencies) –Ask international office Option for dual degree with Innovation Science master –In general you then need to use your electives to follow the core courses of that master track –For information, please ask prof. Nijssen

23 23 Options within the program Honours program –for excellent students with objective to start PhD –extra modules at PhD level –Special research assignments –only after admission by admission board –with thesis project conducted on theoretical topic –Students interested in the program and who think they meet the criteria are invited to apply. An application should include a clear motivation letter, CV and overview of study results. This information should be send to the Director of the IE Graduate School program, Prof. G.J. van Houtum, with cc to program director Prof E.J. Nijssen. Brochure: on line: program-oml-im program-oml-im

24 24 Options within the program Honors program –The MSc Honors Program is an additional program to the Master program (20 ects extra) Research assignments Some Phd course –The MSc Honors Program starts in the second semester of the master program. –for excellent students with objective to start PhD –only after admission by admission board Application procedure will be announced shortly; You should apply in semester #1 –with thesis project conducted on theoretical topic/proposal to send in for national funding contest

25 3 courses (9 ECTS) About entrepreneurship and: new media, corporate entrepreneurship, marketing, finance E-Assessment & Skills Training Negotiating, creativity, networking, sales pitching, leadership etc. Final Project Writing a business plan based on your own idea with the help of a BCE coach CTE: Certificate Technology Entrepreneurship

26 26 More information Program related information: –Program description –Certificate and honors programs etcteras. –Examination schedule and registration News site graduate college: aspx aspx

27 Questions? We hope you will enjoy your time in the master program and at TU/e If, you want to engage in discussions and improving the program please contact Industria's Education coordinator


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