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Dr. Philip Cannata 1 Semantic Web. Dr. Philip Cannata 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Philip Cannata 1 Semantic Web. Dr. Philip Cannata 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Philip Cannata 1 Semantic Web

2 Dr. Philip Cannata 2

3 Dr. Philip Cannata 3

4 Dr. Philip Cannata 4

5 Dr. Philip Cannata 5 See data “14 Scientific American.sql” on the class website calendar SELECT strreplace(x, 'sa:', '') "C" FROM TABLE(SDO_RDF_MATCH( ' (?x :MEANS :NYC) ', SDO_RDF_Models('cs347_49_model'), SDO_RDF_Rulebases ('RDFS', 'cs347_49_RB'), SDO_RDF_Aliases (SDO_RDF_Alias('', 'sa:')), null)) SELECT strreplace(z, 'sa:', '') "A", strreplace(y, 'sa:', '') "B", strreplace(x, 'sa:', '') "C" FROM TABLE(SDO_RDF_MATCH( ' (?x :MEANS :NYC)(?y :MEANS :SetIn)(?z :MEANS :Sitcoms)(?z ?y ?x) ', SDO_RDF_Models('cs347_49_model'), SDO_RDF_Rulebases ('RDFS', 'cs347_49_RB'), SDO_RDF_Aliases (SDO_RDF_Alias('', 'sa:')), null))

6 Dr. Philip Cannata 6

7 Dr. Philip Cannata 7

8 Dr. Philip Cannata 8 Abstract: 21st century biomedical research is driven by massive amounts of data: automated technologies generate hundreds of gigabytes of DNA sequence information, terabytes of high resolution medical images, and massive arrays of gene expression information on thousands of genes tested in hundreds of independent experiments. Clinical research data is no different: each clinical trial may potentially generate hundreds of data points of thousands of patients over the course of the trial. This influx of data has enabled a new understanding of disease on its fundamental, molecular basis. Many diseases are now understood as complex interactions between an individual's genes, environment and lifestyle. To harness this new understanding, research and clinical care capabilities (traditionally undertaken as isolated functions) must be bridged to seamlessly integrate laboratory data, biospecimens, medical images and other clinical data. This collaboration between researchers and clinicians will create a continuum between the bench and the bedside-speeding the delivery of new diagnostics and therapies, tailored to specific patients, ultimately improving clinical outcomes. To realize the promises of this new paradigm of personalized medicine, healthcare and drug discovery organizations must evolve their core processes and IT capabilities to enable broader interoperability among data resources, tools, and infrastructure-both within and across institutions. Answers to these challenges are enabled by the cancer Biomedical Informatics GridT (caBIGT) initiative, overseen by the National Cancer Institute Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (NCI-CBIIT). caBIGT is a collection of interoperable software tools, standards, databases, and grid-enabled computing infrastructure founded on four central principles:. Open access; anyone-with appropriate permission-may access caBIGT the tools and data. Open development; the entire research community participates in the development, testing, and validation of the tools. Open source; all the tools are available for use and modification. Federation; resources can be controlled locally, or integrated across multiple sites caBIGT is designed to connect researchers, clinicians, and patients across the continuum of biomedical research-allowing seamless data flow between electronic health records and data sources including genomic, proteomic, imaging, biospecimen, pathology and clinical information, facilitating collaboration across the entire biomedical enterprise. caBIGT technologies are widely applicable beyond cancer and may be freely adopted, adapted or integrated with other standards-based tools and systems. Guidelines, tools and support infrastructure are in place to facilitate broad integration of caBIGT tools, which are currently being deployed at more than 60 academic medical centers around the United States and are being integrated in the Nationwide Health Information Network as well. For more information on caBIGT, visit Semantic Web - caBIG

9 Dr. Philip Cannata 9 Semantic Web - caBIG

10 Dr. Philip Cannata 10 Semantic Web See data “14 Semantic Representation and Query of caBig Data.pdf” on the class website calendar

11 Dr. Philip Cannata 11 Semantic Web – RDF and SPARQL

12 Dr. Philip Cannata 12

13 Dr. Philip Cannata 13

14 Dr. Philip Cannata 14 Semantic Web – RDF

15 Dr. Philip Cannata 15

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17 Dr. Philip Cannata 17 Semantic Web – Oracle RDF Example – Create Triples -- John is the father of Suzie. INSERT INTO family_rdf_data VALUES (1, SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S('family', '', '', '')); -- John is the father of Matt. INSERT INTO family_rdf_data VALUES (2, SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S('family', '', '', '')); Like Prolog? See “14 Oracle RDF Example Appendicies.pdf” on the class website calendar

18 Dr. Philip Cannata 18 Semantic Web – Oracle RDF Example – Create Rules Rules: -- A father is male. INSERT INTO family_rdf_data VALUES (28, SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S('family', '', '', '')); INSERT INTO mdsys.rdfr_family_rb VALUES( 'grandparent_rule', '(?x :parentOf ?y) (?y :parentOf ?z)', NULL, '(?x :grandParentOf ?z)', SDO_RDF_Aliases(SDO_RDF_Alias('',''))); Like Prolog? See “14 Oracle RDF Example.pdf” on the class website calendar

19 Dr. Philip Cannata 19 Semantic Web – Oracle RDF Example – Query -- Select all grandfathers and their grandchildren from the family model. -- Use inferencing from both the RDFS and family_rb rulebases. SELECT x grandParent, y grandChild FROM TABLE(SDO_RDF_MATCH( '(?x :grandParentOf ?y) (?x rdf:type :Male)', SDO_RDF_Models('family'), SDO_RDF_Rulebases('RDFS','family_rb'), SDO_RDF_Aliases(SDO_RDF_Alias('','')), null)); Like Prolog?

20 Dr. Philip Cannata 20 Semantic Web – RDF Namespace goes here Like Prolog?

21 Dr. Philip Cannata 21 Semantic Web – Namespaces or Vocabularies or Ontologies or Semantics Like Prolog?

22 Dr. Philip Cannata 22 Semantic Web – RDFS and OWL Namespaces or Vocabularies or Ontologies or Semantics

23 Dr. Philip Cannata 23

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25 Dr. Philip Cannata 25 Like Prolog? Semantic Web – RDF and RDFS Example

26 Dr. Philip Cannata 26 Like Prolog? Semantic Web – RDFS and OWL Example

27 Dr. Philip Cannata 27 Semantic Web – SQL Type Query Like Prolog?

28 Dr. Philip Cannata 28 Semantic Web – SPARQL Like Prolog?

29 Dr. Philip Cannata 29 Good to know! Probably in the (short?) future the standard query interface for applications will move from a standard "relational" view to a more complex but less theoretical "semantic" view: from SQL to SPARQL, with all the RDF/RDFS/OWL metadata of top of the raw data. And to follow the vision of a "semantic web", the applications and the data will not be bound together as we are used now, but will both live in the Internet cloud. Regards, Danilo. Bernard Horan ha scritto: (Taken from Oracle's publicly-available project list) Semantic Web Database Technologies Primarily in New England Development Center The vision of Tim Berners Lee, the father of the World Wide Web, is a Web that becomes continually smarter. It begins to understand the meaning of the content inside Web pages, both individually and in the aggregate. In essence, the Web becomes the repository and interpreter of knowledge. The so-called semantic Web will evolve over years and decades, and the process has just begun. Languages and technologies, such as RDF, RDFS, OWL, and SPARQL, have been introduced to standardize the vocabulary and representation of knowledge. The Oracle database is now imbued with the fi rst traces of this semantic Web vision. The database can be treated as a repository of knowledge, with native support for RDF triples, RDFS/OWL rules, user-defi ned rules, native inferencing, and querying with a SPARQL-like language embedded within SQL. An RDF knowledge store now inherits the scalability, robustness, and reliability of a database system. Additionally, enterprise databases will now accept requests that rely on the interpretation of ontologies to fully understand a query. This is just the beginning. We need to work on dynamic inferencing, security, data provenance, analytic tools, visualization of knowledge, better performance for all features, integration of external systems, and many more areas. By combining the power and capabilities of the Oracle database system with the most advanced semantic tools and technologies available elsewhere, we hope to create a system that hastens the advancement and acceptance of the semantic Web. For development of semantic technologies, we seek developers with familiarity in World Wide Web technologies, as well as an understanding of description logic, inferencing, and knowledge extraction, representation and visualization. Development takes place primarily in the New England Development Center. -- Danilo Poccia Senior Systems Engineer Sun Microsystems Italia S.p.A. Via G. Romagnosi, 4 Roma 00196 ITALY Phone +39 06 36708 022 Mobile +39 335 6983999 Fax +39 06 3221969 Email Danilo.Poccia@Sun.COM Blog

30 Dr. Philip Cannata 30

31 Dr. Philip Cannata 31 Semantic Web in Austin: Juan Sequeda, Ph.D Student Research Assistant Dept. of Computer Sciences The University of Texas at Austin

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