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Published byGladys Eaton Modified over 9 years ago
Ayurveda An Alternative Way To Help heal the mind, body, spirit of children & Youth today The information contained in this PowerPoint presentation, is in no way intended to force any parent to leave conventional medicine or any other alternative medicines, to begin with Ayurveda practices. The information within this presentation is not intended to degrade or underestimate conventional medicines by any means. The information is to let people know of the alternative practice of Ayurveda techniques and its herbs in order to further research, and make a qualified decision as to its possibilities. In order to start any Ayurveda treatments, all Ayurveda practitioners should always have you consult with your doctor first.
Be thorough in your Research Be thorough with whom you choose.
You Should Know… Be thorough in your Research Here are a few tidbits of information to get you started The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine published a detailed record of the Scientific Value of Ayurveda by Alex Hankey, Ph.D. The quest for evidence-based Ayurveda: Lessons Learned: is a research account by Bhushan Patwardhan, contains information concerning Ayurveda treatment for children’s Health. Be thorough with whom you choose. Extra Care is Needed with this type of approach to healing Contraindications: When Ayurveda should be avoided What to Look For When Choosing the Best Practitioner ~ Dr. Marc Halpern, DC, CAS ~ The information fundamentally establishes an actually biology behind Ayurveda theory and practice. provides a wealth of information through an “account of the journey (which spanned five decades) of research which includes detours towards the finish line of several innovative projects, evidence-based Ayurveda and global acceptance of integrative medicine.” It includes some common treatments using the mind, body & soul method for both infants and children. The website also includes a slideshow explaining six other alternative therapies for good health. Ayurveda requires a lot of work of both the parent as well as the child There are none that apply all of the time. Severe, sudden onset of symptoms and/or severe conditions should always be evaluated by a medical doctor. A lack of involvement by patient or parent makes treatment very difficult Herbs alone may help, but the whole treatment brings the best results. Check the amount of Training, Experience, References and Reputation Evaluate their curiosity about your child and youth. Ask the practitioner about the extent of their training: where and for how long, and how were they tested for competency Has the practitioner been certified, and by whom? Contact the certifying organization and verify.
Ayurveda Translates to, “The Science or Knowledge of Life”
Ayurveda - is the traditional medicine of India holds its belief in medicines ability to support the healing process of just about any illness or condition. Ayurveda - focuses on health instead of illness and has been referred to as “the mother of healing.” Ayurveda - treats the “WHOLE” person or child. Ayurveda - is based on the uniqueness of each individual, each unique imbalance, and each individuals unique path towards healing. Ayurveda - Therapies include diet, herbs, aroma, sound, color, meditation, sound, yoga and lifestyle. Ayurveda & Children Ayurveda can be used as an appropriate approach to health, from birth to adulthood. Children tend to enjoy the many different choices available during treatment. Ayurveda Translates to, “The Science or Knowledge of Life”
Ayurveda – has helped kids with such things as…
“Allergies, Anemia, Anorexia/Bulimia, Arthritis, Asthma, Attention Deficit Disorder, ADHD, Middle ear dysfunction, Balance issues, Bipolar disorder, Blindness (certain types), Brain Damage, Cancer, Cerebral Palsy, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Colds, Dental problems, Depression, Developmental delays, Diabetes, Digestion problems, Ear Infections, Epilepsy, Hyperactivity, Hypoglycemia, Influenza, Learning difficulties, Measles, Migraine Headaches, Mumps, Nausea, Nutrition problems, Personality disorder, Psychotic episodes, Short term memory problems, Spasticity and Stress” ~ Dr. Marc Halpern, DC, CAS ~ The Institute for Ayurvedic & Naturopathic Therapies evaluates how today’s children are under a tremendous amount of stress. It is worth looking at all of the possible stressors to see how they may play a role in what seems like an unending diagnosis list. If we look back about thirty years; it was rare to see these types of diagnosis’ in young children. Could the Ayurveda approach to reversing these disorders actually be a healthier option to todays prescribed medicines? Many of them are dealing with stressors such as; divorce, peer pressure, lack of sleep due to homework, television, computers, cell phones or video games and many others. Many children today are eating processed foods which lack nutrition, are high in sugar, carbohydrates and fat. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Allergies, Asthma, immunity related problems and Obesity.
Understanding your child's “Dosha”
Ayurveda medicine is based on three biological energies or humors known as “Kapha, Pitta, & Vata”. These energies tend to mesh in a variety of proportions in order to establish individual constitution in addition to, physical and mental disorders. Vata Pitta Kapha Air & Space Fire & Water Water & Earth According to Ayurveda everything in the universe is made up of five elements. Vata – refers to Air & Space within the body – an imbalance of Vata shows up in many ways; worry, insomnia, chronic fatigue, mental and emotional depression, headaches, underweight, impulsiveness, etc. Balanced Vata refers to mental alertness, enthusiasm, creative energy, sound sleep, etc. Pitta – Fire and Moisture within the body -- controls the enzymes that digest the food we eat and the hormones which regulate metabolism. It is also responsible for transforming the chemical and electrical impulses within our minds to thoughts we are able to understand. Kapha - Earth and Water within the body -- are cells which make up our fluids and organs in order to protect and nourish them. Too much Kapha force can show up as mucous build-up in the sinus, lung and colon. In the mind it will show up as a fixation of thought, rigidity, or inflexibility. Earth is represented through our bones and teeth. Water is represented in our Blood and lymph system. Fire is represented through our metabolism, Air is represented through our oxygen intake Space is represented as vibration or sound It is believed that a person/child’s dominant “Dosha” may govern his/her physical constitution as well. Take the Dosha Quiz -
Ayurveda Tips To Get Your Child Started
Digestion Issues In addition to the child’s eating environment, there are other ways to help with digestion. Calm a child’s mind. Many conditions are said to be healed using the Ayurveda theory. It is important that the child eats in a peaceful, quiet environment without distractions such as television, reading or excessive chatter. It would also help his/her digestion, if junk foods which include white sugar, canned foods, outdated foods and fast foods were eliminated. In order to calm a child’s mind, there is nothing better than spending more time with them in nature Many conditions can be healed using the Ayurveda theory. in which parents cultivate greater faith, unconditional love, compassion, and then bring these same aspects into their relationship with the child.
Not Right or Wrong…Just Different
Eastern and Western Medicine…What’s the difference? Although we are seeing some changes today in western medicines approach to healing, it is still very clear that many of the doctors in the United States are more prepared to treat the illness. It is clear that medicine today has become big business. Eastern Medicine (which includes Ayurveda), looks at the body as a whole system. Unlike most of the main stream medicine which looks at unhealthy organs which need repair or sometimes removal.. NOTE: These statements were made with the understanding that neither medicine practice is perfect. There is an abundance of money to be made treating an illness, than actually preventing one. We are now even seeing television commercials geared towards doctors, trying to get them to buy the newest equipment for their practices. It is easy to see that hospitals and pharmacies keep getting bigger, which to me says that the health care system is not taking care of health. Ayurveda looks at the mind, body and spirit as one unit. The belief is heal the person/child naturally without the use of toxins. Ayurveda uses plant based medicines, oils, colors, sounds massage, meditation, yoga, diet and in some cases acupuncture and chiropractic solutions. The focus is to not do any more damage to the client; the focus is only to heal the whole person/child
Ayurveda’s belief of curing peoples health problems can best be done by using elements bestowed by nature – herbs (2011, Sangeeta). Herbal therapies come in many forms today, such as tablets, heated herbal compresses, teas, and juices, for the body and mind. Where children are concerned, there are no herbs which cater specifically for age groups. ***Use Caution if purchasing any Ayurveda herbs from the internet! For more information, you may use FDA website below. Herbs have the ability to target tissues and organs in order to cleanse and boost immunity and longevity. As Mother Nature develops into each herb its own unique and natural balancing property, Ayurveda uses the whole herb in order to get the full advantage of its properties. All herbs are used for children and adults. It is the doses that are monitored for safety concerns Ayurveda Herbs *** FDA - Use CAUTION with Ayurveda Products (PDF found at:
Ayurveda Herbs Continued
Ayurveda practices believe that it is our food that should be our first and foremost form of nutrition. In Ayurveda the use of many common fruits, vegetables and culinary spices help with a variety of children’s complaints without the need for any other type of treatment. If a child is suffering with constipation. For the common cold… Ayurveda has an easy treatment for parasites and worms in children; due to eating contaminated foods and drinks, poor eating habits, or foods that are difficult to digest, and sometimes coming in contact with animal feces and uncleanliness. Although Ayurveda practices believes that there is no end to the usefulness and variety of their herbs and home remedies for children; they truly believe that it is best to use whole foods, spices and simple herbs before resorting to stronger herbal based medicines. Therefore it should be considered our primary medicine. , nd easy Ayurveda solution would be to drink a cup of warm milk before bedtime with one teaspoon of ghee (clarified butter) added. For the most part it would be even better to include diet foods that have a natural laxative effect such as soaked dates or raisins, bran, honey, mango, sesame seeds, papaya, grapes and fresh figs. Ayurveda uses spices such as ginger in tea with madhu (licorice root) and a bit of organic raw honey in order to liquefy and expectorate phlegm. A simple household remedy would be to take 3 to 5 drops of fresh onion juice diluted in one teaspoon of water 3 times a day This type of healing takes on the belief that less often times… less is more and the right medicine in small amounts can accomplish great things.
Color Therapy Colors play a large role when it comes to influencing the mind and emotions. (n.d. McLeod). Both children and adults can benefit from color therapy. On a day to day basis it is very easy to take for granted the importance of color in our lives.. Whether we are aware of colors surrounding us, they do affect our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being and can play a big role in Ayurveda healing practices. Ayurveda recommends bright, healing colors. Dark, gloomy colors tend to bring about cloudy emotions The simplicity of this type of therapy allows it to be combined with other complimentary therapies. But even on its own it is considered to be a complete therapy. n conversation we have created sayings such as; green with envy, feeling blue, seeing red with anger. These statements are a clear indication as to how color affects everyone and how deeply rooted in our lives they are Article Alert: Color Therapy-How a Coloring Book and Crayons Can Dissolve Stress, by Wendy Wallace at
Mantra Meditation & Music
TRY THIS OUT FOR SIZE Yoga Poses Yoga-Kids Silly-To-Calm: Mantra - According to Vedic tradition, the first sound of creation is “aum (om)”. Meditation - for children can have a positive effect in alleviating stress and anxiety, frustration, anger, fear, restlessness and many other symptoms that children are dealing with in this non-stop life they live in (2008,McGrath). Music – has the ability to evoke memories, emotions, social and spiritual connectedness (n.d., Blumenthal). MANTRA - Both Vedic and even modern sciences informs us of the heart of human life is light waves or vibration. Good health is considered to be a harmonious vibration; whereas ill health or disorder would be considered a conflicting swaying from within. Mantra’s are special sound vibrations that have the ability to harmonize a person’s body and mind directly in sync with their soul. There are specific mantras available to young, old and even infants. MEDITATION - Meditation for children can be as simple as having them close their eyes and slowly telling them a story which will allow the child to use their inner senses which are the same as their outer senses: sound, touch, smell sight and taste to bring about a sense of calm. A simple walk through nature is another style of meditation which can also bring about a sense of calm. MUSIC - It also can be used to express feeling as well as a sense of safety, comfort and security to young children. Music remarkably provides a fun way for kids to learn. It is one medium that has no boundaries when it comes to age, disability and disease. If you can remember a lullaby…you are experiencing music therapy.
Ayurveda…A new Avenue For Health?
SPIRIT: Clarity deepens one’s personal connection BODY: Ayurveda supports all body functions MIND: Ayurveda brings peace and calm to the mind EMOTIONS: Ayurveda brings emotional balance SOCIAL: Ayurveda supports social skills Ayurveda Can Help in the Following Areas SPIRIT BODY MIND EMOTIONS SOCIAL Dr. Marc Halpern, DC, CAS
References References continued …
Ayurveda Holistic online (n.d). Concept of Tri-Dosha, ICBS, Inc. Retrieved on January 28, 2013 at Blumenthal, J. (n.d.). What is music therapy? Healthy Child, Retrieved on January 23, 2013 at © (2013). Dosha definition, Retrieved on January 23, 2013 at Halpern, M. (©2008). Ayurveda for children & youth, Growing Up Easier Publishing, Retrieved on January 23, 2012 at Hankey, A. (2005). The Scientific Value of Ayurveda. Journal Of Alternative & Complementary Medicine, 11(2), doi: /acm , References continued …
References continued Institute for Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Therapies © ( ). Ayurveda and children, Institute for Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Therapies, Retrieved on January 23, 2013 at McGrath, S (2008, June 30). Meditating with children, Suite 101, Retrieved on January 23, 2013 at McLeod, J. (n.d). Colour and children, Colours of the Soul, the Colour Therapy Specialists. Retrieved on January 23, 2013 at Only My Health© (2012). Ayurvedic Treatment for Children’s Health, Only My Health, daily dose for better living, Retrieved on January 24, 2012 at, Patwardhan, B. (2012). The quest for evidence-based Ayurveda: lessons learned. Current Science ( ), 102(10), , Ret Photos & Images (n.d)., Retrieved on January 23, 2013 at Sangeeta (2011). Ayurveda and Children. Sangeeta Ayurveda, your Ayurveda Practicing Specialist, Retrieved on January 23, 2013 at
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