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What’s this about???. Greece Objective: you will use your noticing and capitalising skills to expand your knowledge on Greece and write a postcard to.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s this about???. Greece Objective: you will use your noticing and capitalising skills to expand your knowledge on Greece and write a postcard to."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s this about???

2 Greece Objective: you will use your noticing and capitalising skills to expand your knowledge on Greece and write a postcard to a friend. Key words: Culture Traditions Facts

3 Level 4 You describe some informative facts about Greece Level 5 You begin to write in a persuasive style. You describe some aspects of Greece in reasonable detail. You use some technical terms and vocabulary Level 6 Your writing style is very persuasive for the audience. You describe and in some cases explain some facts and history about Greece in some detail. You use lots of technical terms and vocabulary Where do you want to be?

4 What have I learnt about Greece so far? Greece Where is it? What language do they speak? Do I know what their currency is? What are the Greek people like? What is it famous for? Do I know any Greek dishes? What is the climate like? What do I like about Greece?

5 Watch the video on Greece... And jot down (or use the worksheet) any facts you find out on Greece. This will be used for your other tasks so try and pay as much attention as possible.


7 Match the word with the meaning In pairs, choose one person to read out the definitions of Greek things/traditions/facts on the cards while the other person tries to guess what it is you mean What could it be?

8 Your next activity... With nine of facts you have found out today, make a diamond rank, putting the fact you thinks is most important about Greece at the top and the least important at the bottom. Most important Second most important Third most important Third most important Third most important Fourth most important Fifth most important Once you have ranked them, write a few sentences to explain why you have ranked them in that order.

9 Athens is 7000 years old and the capital of Greece Greece has 2000 islands 20 million tourists come to Greece every year Both the concept of Democracy and the Olympic games were started in Ancient Greece Greece has the largest coastline in Europe 98% of Greeks are Greek Orthodox Greece has the lowest crime rate in Europe The Greek language is 3000 years old Greece’s currency is the Euro

10 Write a postcard to a friend telling them a little bit about Greece Dear Lisa, I went to Greece this year on holiday and found out that.... Greece’s capital is.... It is..... years old In Greece, like in many other European countries, the currency is the Euro. Greece joined the EU in 1981. Greece has 2000 islands and 250 days of sunshine. It is a beautiful country and I think you should come and visit it. Take care, Ms Curtis Try and include as many facts you may have learnt over the past two days... Try and join up facts e.g. Greece’s currency was the Drachma but in 2001 it adopted the Euro. or Greece has 2000 islands and also enjoys 250 days of sunshine or Athens is the capital of Greece and also the birthplace of democracy. It is 7000 years old and one of the oldest European cities.

11 Level 4 You describe some informative facts about Greece Level 5 You begin to write in a persuasive style. You describe some aspects of Greece in reasonable detail. You use some technical terms and vocabulary Level 6 Your writing style is very persuasive for the audience. You describe and in some cases explain some facts and history about Greece in some detail. You use lots of technical terms and vocabulary What level am I today?

12 20 questions! You can ask me 20 yes/no questions to try and guess what it is I’m thinking about.... For example.... Is it a human? Is it an object?

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