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PRIA Sponsors PREP Property Records Education Partners (PREP)

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Presentation on theme: "PRIA Sponsors PREP Property Records Education Partners (PREP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 PRIA Sponsors PREP Property Records Education Partners (PREP)

2 PREP Chapters – What’s Going on Nationwide? About PRIA and PREP Popular Meeting Topics Across the Country Actual Agendas from other Chapters PRIA Support for PREP: presentations, staff and website support Contacts

3 About PRIA PRIA is the leading national resource for both government and business land records partners to develop and promote national standards and best practices, including: – Technology Standards and Implementation Guides – White Papers and Best Practices – Model Legislation – Informational Resources PRIA has supported PREP (originally a project partnership between PRIA, ALTA, NACRC, IACREOT and AEA) since 2002 when it was created to involve participation at the LOCAL level.

4 About PREP – What is PREP supposed to be about and how can PREP help the industry locally? PREP is intended to provide a local structured forum for property records industry stakeholders to meet, talk and work together (and this forum didn’t really exist before). Basically, we’ve found that the over 36 PREP Chapter(s) have improved local working relationships through discussion of local issues and expanded educational opportunities.

5 PREP Chapters – What are people talking about? Actual PREP Agendas and Meeting Minutes are always on the PRIA/PREP webpage, so you can see what is happening currently, but here are a few topics being talked about now: – eRecording – eRecording symposiums with vendors, users, submitters, etc. or current status of eRecording in the area.

6 – Land Fraud – Chapters are using the prepared land fraud survey presentations on the PRIA/PREP webpage and they are also asking their local district attorneys and/or state and local government reps specializing in land fraud issues to come to their meetings. PREP Chapters – What are people talking about?

7 – Privacy Issues in Land Records – Groups are using the PRIA Privacy white paper (on the PRIA webpage) to kick off discussion and just putting it on the agenda from time to time; – Notary Basics – Chapters are often discussing notary issues (and there is an audio presentation available on the PRIA/PREP webpage which gives a clear overview of what to expect from a Notary that gets used regularly.) – Document rejection stats – Many chapters are putting this on the agenda again, since higher volumes of recordings are starting to return. PREP Chapters – What are people talking about?

8 – Charging Fees for access to land records – This still comes up as a topic (and PRIA has a useful white paper on “Bulk Records Access” on their webpage). – Whatever local issues are pending (such as inquiries about raising local recording fees) PREP Chapters – What are people talking about?

9 Land Descriptions and Interpretations – one Chapter held an all day seminar with presentations from the local Land Surveyors Association to review for Recorders/Title people methods used to create Surveys. PREP Chapters – What are people talking about?

10 GIS and Land Records – This relationship still comes up frequently, especially when counties link Assessor/Recorder systems.(ESRI is one of PRIAs members and is willing to speak to Chapters or provide an outline of discussion about this relationship and how it will help citizens to have these bodies of data connected.) PREP Chapters – What are people talking about?

11 PREP Chapters across the US

12 PREP Meeting Agendas – Southern California SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PREP CHAPTER (Business Co-Chair, Zachary Zaharek of First American Data Tree LLC; and Government Co-Chair, Tauna Mallis - Assistant Recorder for Riverside County) PREP is holding its 3rd annual Southern California Chapter conference sponsored by First American Data Tree LLC, on Wednesday, September 11, 2013, in Orange County at the First American campus, located at 5 First American Way, Santa Ana, California 92707, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., with check-ins starting at 8:00 a.m. This year the dynamic panels will consist of: 1. County-Recorders from Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego counties; 2. Deputy District Attorneys from the Real Estate Fraud Divisions from Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties; and, 3. Wells Fargo - origination department representative The previous conferences have been a tremendous success with a great attendance and we are expecting the same this year. Please RSVP to Jamie McCauley at no later than September 4, 2013. For questions or additional information, please contact Zachary Zaharek, First American Senior Corporate Counsel, at; 714-250-7713 or Jamie McCauley, First American Corporate Paralegal, at; 714-250-6468.

13 PREP Meeting Agendas – NE Minnesota MINUTES from the NORTHEAST MINNESOTA CHAPTER OF PREP HELD ON May 9, 2013 at the ST. LOUIS COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING IN DULUTH Eighty members were present. Melanie Gornik from SimpleFile presented a demonstration about the submitter’s side of e- recording. There were many questions ranging from how do the counties handle these documents to what will it cost me to where do I sign up. There are several e-Recording submitting vendors approved by the ERER Commission. Information about them may be found at: Drew Imes from the Department of Revenue Demonstrated the eCRV (e Certificate of Real Estate Value). His humorous “Top Ten” Reasons to use the eCRV was enthusiastically received. Information about the eCRV may found at : Phaedra Torres from Lake Superior Title demonstrated the eWell Certificate. She described that the application is easy to use and folks should not be wary of it. Information about the eWell certificate may be found at: Both applications are largely self-directing and intuitive.

14 PREP Meeting Agendas – Colorado eRecording Summit and PREP Meeting Colorado PREP Chapter Meeting & eRecording Summit Thursday, July 19, 2012 Join a panel of experts to discuss eRecording:  Is it meeting expectations?  What is or is not working well?  Where does it go from here?  How can PREP facilitate future eRecording goals?  And other questions... Teleconference call in number, panel members and additional information to follow.

15 PREP Meeting Agendas – SE Pennsylvania SOUTHEAST PA REGIONAL PREP (2/12/13) Meeting Minutes The PA Southeast Regional Property Records Education Partners (PREP) together with the Pennsylvania Land Title Institute (PLTI) presented a two hour seminar which was attended by sixty-five (65) participants. Nancy Becker, Montgomery County Recorder of Deeds, gave a brief update on MontCo fee increase per County Commissioners and also the online subscription services now being offered to customers who want to search and purchase copies of documents online. Nancy introduced Fred Sheeler, Berks County Recorder of Deeds. Fred advised the group that Berks County has recently adopted a parcel identification number to be used on all recordings. Nancy introduced Charlene M. Ostroski, CLTP, Executive Vice President PLTA/PLTI who welcomed everyone and advised that this two-hour seminar would qualify for 2 credits toward continuing education requirements. Charlene then introduced Kenneth P. Milner, Esquire, and Special Counsel to the Blue Bell firm of Kraut Harris, P.C., who presented Entity Identity.

16 PREP Meeting Agendas – Central Texas 3/28/13 Central Texas PREP Meeting AGENDA: – Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Update - Mary Schuster, Ramquest and OP2 – Texas Legislative Update - Joy Streater, Comal County Clerk – ALTA Best Practices Overview - Mary Schuster, Ramquest and OP2 – PRIA Conference Update Panel: Jerry Lewallen - ePN Joy Streater - Comal County Clerk Marlys Gardner - Thomson Reuters

17 PRIA Provides Support for PREP Chapters PREP Coordinator PREP Coordinator support - the PREP National Coordinator Carolyn Ableman at is available to assist you setting up a new Chapter or reinvigorating existing Chapters helping with agenda ideas posting your chapter’s documents, minutes, agendas, meeting dates on the PREP web page keeping you up to date with daily news postings on the PREP Chapter blog or LinkedIn sites – (you can use these topics to discuss local issues)PREP Chapter blog LinkedIn

18 PRIA Provides Support for PREP Chapters PREP webpage PREP webpage which includes access to: – All PREP Chapter locations, agendas, topic suggestions – A PREP Handbook, and a “how to start a chapter” guide with step by step guides and sample invites, agendas, attendee list templates, etc. – Usable presentations including: The Impact of Land Fraud on the Real Estate Industry, Notary Basics, and Bulk Records Access and Cost

19 PRIA Provides Support for PREP Chapters PREP Coordinator = Carolyn Ableman at Website at: which includes: – All PREP Chapter agendas and documents – to help with topic suggestions – A PREP Handbook, and a “how to start a chapter” guide with a step by step guide and sample invites, agendas, etc. – Usable presentations including: Mortgage Fraud, Notary Basics and Bulk Records Access and Cost PREP Newsletter – every two weeks – Includes PREP Chapter news, PRIA updates and news, industry national news, ALTA and AEA articles and news articles – Distributed to over 12,500 people 2x/month PREP Blog, and PREP LinkedIn pages with news posted most business days for greater communication between industry partners.

20 Links to Presentations on PRIA/PREP Webpage

21 Contacts Thank you and feel free to contact any of us at PRIA or PREP. – Carolyn Ableman – National PREP Coordinator at – Mark Monacelli – PREP Committee Government Co- chair at – Madeleine Nagy – PREP Committee Business Co-chair at

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