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25/05/2010 Ankara1 Ministry of Labour and Social Security Occupational Health and Safety Centre İSGÜM Bursa Laboratory Canset YAVAŞ Physicist.

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Presentation on theme: "25/05/2010 Ankara1 Ministry of Labour and Social Security Occupational Health and Safety Centre İSGÜM Bursa Laboratory Canset YAVAŞ Physicist."— Presentation transcript:

1 25/05/2010 Ankara1 Ministry of Labour and Social Security Occupational Health and Safety Centre İSGÜM Bursa Laboratory Canset YAVAŞ Physicist

2 25/05/2010 Ankara2 Content of Presentation Definitions Health effects Vibration Directive Standarts Parameters for measurement Measurement and assessment of whole body vibration Measurement and assessment of hand arm vibration

3 25/05/2010 Ankara3 Vibration Vibration refers to mechanical oscillations about an equilibrium point Frequency is a number of cycles per unit time (in SI units hertz) Animation courtesy of Dr. Dan Russell, Kettering University

4 25/05/2010 Ankara4 Definitions Hand-Arm Vibration:The mechanical vibration that, when transmitted to the human hand arm system entails risk to the health and safety of workers, in particular vascular bone or joint, neurological or muscular disorders

5 25/05/2010 Ankara5 Definitions Whole Body Vibration: The mechanical vibration that, when transmitted to the whole body, entails risks to the health and safety of workers,in particular lower-back morbidity and trauma of the spine

6 25/05/2010 Ankara6 Health Effects of Hand Arm Vibration Vacsular Disorders Dead or white finger Raynaud’s phenomenon of occupational origin Vibration-induced white finger Neurological Disorders Carpal Tunel Syndrome

7 25/05/2010 Ankara7

8 8 Health Effects of Whole Body Vibration Lower-back pain, Back, shoulder or neck disorders Exposure to whole body vibration may cause Discomfort Aggravate pre-existing back injuries Motion sickness (low frequency vibration)

9 25/05/2010 Ankara9 Vibration Directive For hand - arm vibration; The daily exposure limit value: 5 m/s 2 the daily exposure action value :2,5 m/s 2 For Whole body vibration; The daily exposure limit value: 1,15 m/s 2 the daily exposure action value :0,5 m/s 2

10 25/05/2010 Ankara10 Vibration Directive Obligations of Employers Determination and assessment of risk assessment of mechanical vibration exposure levels Avoiding or reducing exposure identifying meausers for control of exposure Worker information and training Health Surveillance

11 25/05/2010 Ankara11 Standards ISO 5349-1:2001 Mechanical vibration- Measurement and evaluation of human exposure to hand-transmitted vibration-Part 1: General requirements ISO 5349-2:2001 Mechanical vibration - Measurement and evaluation of human exposure to hand-transmitted vibration - Part 2: Practical guidance for measurement at the workplace ISO 2631-1:1997 Mechanical vibration and shock - Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration - Part 1: General requirements

12 25/05/2010 Ankara12 Measurement Device Measuring equipment should comply with the ISO 8041:2005 Human response to vibration - Measuring instrumentation

13 25/05/2010 Ankara13 Parameters for exposure assessment Time

14 25/05/2010 Ankara14 Hand arm Vibration Weighting Hz acceleration WhWh

15 25/05/2010 Ankara15 Whole Body Vibration Weighting acceleration Hz w d,w k

16 25/05/2010 Ankara16 x X axis: Back to chest Y axis: Left to right Z axis: Head to toe

17 25/05/2010 Ankara17 X axis: Trough the hand Y axis: Across the hand Z axis: Along the lenght of the hand arm

18 25/05/2010 Ankara18 Measurement of Whole Body Vibration

19 25/05/2010 Ankara19 Assessment of Whole Body Vibration 1.Daily Vibration Exposure A(8) 2.Vibration Dose Value (VDV) (Both measures are dependent on a measured acceleration value) A x (8) : 1,4*a wx * √T exp /T 0 T 0 : 8 hour reference period A y (8) : 1,4*a wy * √T exp /T 0 T exp : Exposure time A z (8) : 1*a wz * √T exp /T 0

20 25/05/2010 Ankara20 Crest Factor

21 25/05/2010 Ankara21 Assessment of Whole Body Vibration Vibration Dose Value (VDV) More sensitive to peaks VDV exp,x : 1,4*VDV x * (T exp /T meas ) 1/4 m/s 1,75 VDV exp,y : 1,4*VDV y * (T exp /T meas ) 1/4 m/s 1,75 VDV exp,z : 1*VDV z * (T exp /T meas ) 1/4 m/s 1,75 T exp : Exposure time T meas :Measurement time

22 25/05/2010 Ankara22 Daily Exposure A(8) where there is one task

23 25/05/2010 Ankara23 Daily Exposure A(8) where there is more than one task

24 25/05/2010 Ankara24 Vibration Dose Value where there is one task

25 25/05/2010 Ankara25 Vibration Dose Value where there is more than one task

26 25/05/2010 Ankara26 Measurement of Hand Arm Vibration

27 25/05/2010 Ankara27 Assessment of Hand Arm Vibration Daily Exposure Value A (8) a hwx : Frequency weighted (rms) acceleration value for x axis a hwy : Frequency weighted (rms) acceleration value for y axis a hwz : Frequency weighted (rms) acceleration value for z axis Total Vibration Value a hv : √a 2 hwx+ a 2 hwy+ a 2 hwz A (8): a hv* √T exp /T 0

28 25/05/2010 Ankara28 Daily Exposure A(8)

29 25/05/2010 Ankara29 Daily Exposure A(8) Where there is more than one task

30 25/05/2010 Ankara30 Thank you

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