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Unit Testing Java using Groovy and Mock Objects Walker Hale Human Genome Sequencing Center Baylor College of Medicine.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit Testing Java using Groovy and Mock Objects Walker Hale Human Genome Sequencing Center Baylor College of Medicine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit Testing Java using Groovy and Mock Objects Walker Hale Human Genome Sequencing Center Baylor College of Medicine

2 The Plan Groovy makes testing Java better. Motivation Introduce Groovy Apply Groovy to Testing Mock Objects TestNG Grand Demo

3 The Setting Java shop Subversion — for version control Maven 2 — for most builds Groovy — for various tasks Many apps running against a common database and set of libraries

4 An Ideal Deliverable in Our Shop Code checked into version control Builds with maven 2 Passes all unit tests $ svn checkout \ $repo/my-project/trunk \ my-project $ cd my-project $ mvn test

5 The Plot The Motivation –More unit testing! The Insight –Small changes in the difficulty or unpleasantness of a task produce disproportionately large changes in how much that task is performed. Enter Groovy

6 Groovy in 15 Minutes Almost all Java code is Groovy code –no inner classes – a Groovy adds: –Fun syntactic sugar –Lazy method dispatch –Methods to the standard Java library classes –Closures –Groovy-specific classes Interactive shell

7 Syntax Sugar // import java.util.*; public class MapSample { public static void main(String[] args) { Map m = new LinkedHashMap (); m.put("red", 1); m.put("blue", 2); System.out.println(m.getClass()); System.out.println(m); } // MapSampleG.groovy def m = [red:1, blue:2] println m.getClass() println m //.toString() for Java-style output

8 Syntax Sugar $ javac $ java MapSample class java.util.LinkedHashMap {red=1, blue=2} $ groovy MapSampleG.groovy class java.util.LinkedHashMap ["red":1, "blue":2] $ groovyc MapSampleG.groovy $ java -cp `pwd`:$GROOVY_EMBED_JAR MapSampleG class java.util.LinkedHashMap ["red":1, "blue":2]

9 Lazy Dispatch & Expanding JDK // DispatchSample.groovy def x = "Hello World" def l = ["abc", "def"] println x.split() l.addAll x.split().toList() println l l << "more" << "stuff" println l $ groovy DispatchSample.groovy {"Hello", "World"} ["abc", "def", "Hello", "World"] ["abc", "def", "Hello", "World", "more", "stuff"]

10 Closures 1 // ClosureSample1.groovy def c = { it + it } println c(2) println c("hello ") def foo(Closure cl) { cl(5, 7) } println foo { x, y -> x + y } println foo { x, y -> x * y } $ groovy ClosureSample1.groovy 4 hello 12 35

11 Closures 2 // ClosureSample2.groovy [2, 3, 5].each { println it * it } [red:1, blue:2].each { key, value -> println key * value } $ groovy ClosureSample2.groovy 4 9 25 red blueblue

12 Closures 3 // ClosureSample3.groovy def strategies = [ add:{ a,b -> a + b }, mult:{ a,b -> a * b } ] [[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]].each { data -> strategies.each { name, code -> printf "%d %4s %2d\n", data, name, code(data) } $ groovy ClosureSample3.groovy [1, 2] add 3 [1, 2] mult 2 [3, 4] add 7 [3, 4] mult 12 [5, 6] add 11 [5, 6] mult 30

13 Testing in Groovy Compiled (not limited) with JUnit 3.8.2 Adds –GroovyTestCase New assertions, such as shouldFail –GroovyTestSuite Simple command line operation URLs – –

14 Demo Time!

15 Resources –Documentation –Differences+from+Java –Testing+Guide

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