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Invoicing SFUSD ExCEL Invoicing Procedure.  Expenses must supplement and not SUPPLANT expenses. Items purchased must be utilized entirely for ExCEL student.

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Presentation on theme: "Invoicing SFUSD ExCEL Invoicing Procedure.  Expenses must supplement and not SUPPLANT expenses. Items purchased must be utilized entirely for ExCEL student."— Presentation transcript:

1 Invoicing SFUSD ExCEL Invoicing Procedure

2  Expenses must supplement and not SUPPLANT expenses. Items purchased must be utilized entirely for ExCEL student programming or multiple funding sources must be utilized i.e. match funds.  School-wide expenses may not be funded solely using ExCEL grant funds. With pre-approval, a portion of event, postage or other related expense may be allowable if directly related to the ExCEL program students.

3  It is difficult to be all inclusive in a list of what is allowed. We cannot anticipate everything so when in doubt, ASK before you spend. We want to work with you to “get it right” and to make the invoicing process as simple as possible.  All ExCEL Approval forms must be submitted for review and pre-approval IN ADVANCE of any expenditures or related activities taking place.

4  Submit to your District Coordinator for approval before purchasing the item.  Include rational and all needed attachments before submitting to your District Coordinator.  Include APPROVED CBO Expenditure Approval Form for Allowable Expenses in invoice along with the receipt of the item.

5 PRE-APPROVAL REQUIRED Supplies for Program >$1500 per order Must submit CBO Expenditure Approval Form Expenditure Approval Form; GL/Receipts Youth Stipends Allowable for HS ASSETS grants. Must submit CBP Expenditure Approval form Expense Approval Form; Receipts Off Site Program Activity Including Transportation* Pre-approval is required. Submit the CBO Expenditure Approval Form. The program activity should be integral to the program summary and a lesson plan is required. The lesson plan must have specifically stated educational objectives* Invoice/GL; Off Expenditure approval form with lesson plan; sign in sheet, receipts Subcontractor Must submit CBO Expenditure Approval Form for pre-approval and conform with SFUSD subcontracting requirements for insurance, TB, etc. Invoice requires proof of payment, description and dates of services provided Digital Media (DVDs, VHS, CDs) Must submit CBO Expenditure Approval Form; with attached lesson plan and justification of use Expense Approval Form; Receipts Video/computer games and/or consoles Must submit CBO Expenditure Approval Form with attached lesson plan and justification of use Expense Approval Form; Receipts T-shirts/sweatshirts/any other custom printed materials for participants Must submit CBO Expenditure Approval Form. Tag line required: ExCEL After School Program Name of School SFUSD Expense Approval Form, Receipts School Wide Events Must submit CBO Expenditure Approval form and identify matching funds Expenditure Approval form, Receipts

6 INSTRUCTIONS FOR INVOICES: 1The invoice template has an invoice for each month of FY 2013-2014 2 The template is designed so that all of the repeating information only has to be input ONCE. 3 Please look at the sample invoice. The areas highlighted in YELLOW only need to be input ONCE on the July invoice 4The areas highlighted in GREEN need to be input each month. 5The second page of the invoice is not mandatory. If you choose not to use this page, you will need to input your expenses directly into the invoice template each month. 6If you choose not to use the second page summary sheet, please submit a summary sheet of you own that clearly outlines what expenses are charged to what line items 7 Submit back up documentation for all expenses - be sure to refer to ExCEL allowable expenses for guidance. 8The box at the top is related to the Nov and Feb attendance reviews as stated in the After School Contract Agreement. If attendance is below 75%, it will NOT result in invoices being held. This is simply a system for ExCEL to ensure that we review the attendance per the After School Contract Agreement.

7 Cover page - Mandatory Summary page - optional

8  The second page of the invoice is not mandatory.  If you choose not to use this page, you will need to input your expenses directly into the invoice template each month.  If you choose not to use the second page summary sheet, you must submit a summary sheet of your own that clearly outlines what expenses are charged to the corresponding line item  Each invoice MUST have a unique invoice number. Invoice numbers can consist of the first four letters of the school site name – month- year (two digits) and the school code. For example, an August 2013 invoice for Roosevelt would look like this:  ROOS-08-13-797  No two invoices should have the same invoice number. For sites with multiple grants, the invoice number must differentiate between grants. For example:  ROOS-08-13-797-ASES

9 Tips for Faster Invoice Processing Please do not staple the supporting documents inside the invoices. Paper or Binder Clips are requested. As a first choice for Invoice Numbers, please use our example: 1 st four letters of School Name—Month—Year—School ID #—Grant Examples: Dual Accounts : LAKE-01-13-670-21STC LAKE-01-13-670-ASES Single Accounts : ROOS-09-13-797-FL If you have a unique invoice number per invoice per month you’d like to use, please be consistent throughout the year. Do not use the same invoice number twice, as there were lots of duplicate account numbers last year. Please make sure the following information is correct on the invoice: Purchase Order (PO) number K-Reso Number SACS Codes Grant TypeAbbreviation Equitable Access Equ. Acc. Family Literacy FL Supplemental SUPPL Before School B4 Sch ASSETS BaseBASE

10 Invoice Dos  DO include back up documents and spreadsheets outlining the amount billed to ExCEL. If only a certain percentage of staff salary will be billed to ExCEL, please indicate on your back-up documents or create a spreadsheet outlining the amount billed to ExCEL.  DO make sure photocopied receipts are clear with items purchased and prices clearly legible.  DO make sure each receipt is itemized. For receipts from small businesses (produce stores, neighborhood stores) that do not offer itemized receipts, please list items that were purchased on the copy of the receipt.  DO be sure to circle the total on the receipt.  DO be sure to indicate the reason for purchase, for example: “materials for cooking class.”  For Internet purchases, DO be sure to indicate the purchase on your General Ledger OR provide a credit card statement indicating that this purchase was paid for.  For items that need approval, DO be sure to include a copy of the signed CBO Expense Approval Form for that particular purchase you are billing for.  DO make sure the math adds up!  DO email your DC in advance about unique situations relating to the invoice. Don’t wait for us to figure it out. This will delay the processing of your invoices.  DO make sure you turn in Budget Revisions on time. Budget Revisions are done twice a year (November and February).  DO be sure to include a detailed lesson plans that includes educational objectives if purchases of junk food-like materials for a lesson or activity were made, please include a detailed lesson plan.

11 Invoice Don’ts  DON’T include receipts not billed to ExCEL. This will cause confusion and slow down processing. If it is easier to photocopy receipts together, please clearly cross out receipts not included in the billing with a large “X” (Costco puts a slash across their receipts at the door so please don’t do the slash) and clearly note “not ExCEL.”  DON’T include personal items on receipts.  DON’T include a lost receipt document. No lost receipts!  DON’T Draw or write on your receipts. If the copy is too light, try to make a darker copy.  DON’T include information that is not pertinent!  DON’T invoice over the contracted amount for the year.  DON’T invoice over the administrative budget for the year.  DON’T staple supporting documents. Paper or Binder Clips are requested. Single sided copies only.

12 INSTRUCTIONS FOR BUDGET REVISIONS: 1 Budget Revisions may be submitted in November and February 2 Fill in the blue box: EFFECTIVE Date of Revision. Submit budget revision request at least one month PRIOR to effective date. 3 Please complete the second column (highlighted in blue), TOTAL REVISED BUDGET 4 Please provide an explanation in the box highlighted in blue as to the reasons for the budget revision request 5Once the budget revision request has been reviewed and approve, make the appropriate changes to the July Invoice template. This will ensure that all of the changes are made to ALL of the monthly invoices.

13 Highlights  Transportation for educational excursions may now be invoiced to ExCEL  Computers and tablets need to be purchased through the District and must include a complete Principal Expenditure Approval Form and a price quote from the IT Department  Proper documentation for CBO Expenditure Approvals include a breakdown of the costs AND a lesson plan with the educational objectives outlined.

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