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At least one month before the annual review date contact your coordinator to schedule the date of the meeting. Let’s get started!

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Presentation on theme: "At least one month before the annual review date contact your coordinator to schedule the date of the meeting. Let’s get started!"— Presentation transcript:

1 At least one month before the annual review date contact your coordinator to schedule the date of the meeting. Let’s get started!

2 (NOC) Parent/Guardian Notification of Conference (Form K) Student’s Name: (Do not use nicknames or shortened versions of the name.) ISBE states use the student’s legal name. First Middle Last Dates: ISBE states use a six-digit number (month, day, year 09-09-12) Address the NOC to the parent or guardian. (If the student is 18 yrs old, the NOC is addressed to the student. If the student has signed Form Q-2 Delegation of Rights to Make Educational Decision, include parent in the invited individual section using name and title. If Q-2 is not signed, in the bottom left hand corner. cc parent

3 NOC (Form K) continued Purpose of the Conference boxes Always check box 4 Review/develop IEP If Domain mtg boxes 1, 4, and Other (write in Annual Review/Domain Mtg) If student will be 14 ½ or older (Transition) boxes 4 and 5 (Please remember to invite the student and outside agency MUST HAVE parent consent (Form CC) prior to sending invite) If BIP boxes 4,7,8 Other (write on line Annual Review) If graduating boxes 4,5,11

4 NOC (Form K) contiuned Invited individuals Parents Student (if 14 ½) Outside Agency (MUST have signed CC prior) Regular Education Special Education LEA Representative Coordinator Related Service providers (Speech, Social Worker, OT, PT, Vision, Hearing, etc.) Interpreter (if needed)

5 NOC (Form K) continued As a courtesy please share date, and time of meeting with related service providers prior to sending out NOC.

6 NOC (Form K) Continued Copy on back of invite – District Behavioral Intervention Policy (Please fill out with district’s name, number, contact person, and put on district letterhead) Send copies to One copy to BMP Copies to your building personnal (reg. ed. Teacher, LEA Rep., speech, etc.) 3 Notices to parents (1 st at least 20 days before AR mtg., 2 nd and 3 rd notices need to be documented on IEP)

7 Sample of Consent to Release or Obtain Student Information

8 Parent Consent for Billing Public Insurance (Form Z-5) Please fill out top of form Z-5 Student’s legal name (first, middle, last) Date of birth (use six-digit number 09-09-12) Attending school Attending District (name and number) Resident District (name and number)

9 Parent/Guardian Notification of Conference Recommendations (M) Student’s legal name (first, middle, last) Dates: use six-digit number (month, day, year 09-09-12) School year 2012/2013 or 2013/14 Always check box 4 If IAA testing check box 9 If aging out check box 7 If graduating check box 8 Other (write in Annual Review, etc.) At the meeting, other boxes can also be checked Ex. If changing related services or placement)

10 Parent/Guardian Notification of Conference Recommendations (M) Please note: That a parent signature and date is needed if placement is to occur before the ten calendar day interval.

11 Page 1 of IEP Student’s name: Use legal name. Do not use nicknames or shortened versions of name. First Middle Last Dates: use six-digit number (month, day, year 09-09- 12) Date of meeting Date of last evaluation Date of next evaluation

12 Page 1 of IEP continued Purpose of Conference Check all boxes that apply to indicate the purpose of the meeting. If checking the other box, please type in the reason

13 Page 1 of IEP continued Student Identification Information Most of this information can by completed before the IEP meeting. However, it should always be checked for accuracy at the time of the meeting. Do NOT fill in the student’s Medicaid number. This will be the only space left blank on page 1. Do Not fill in placement. This section must be completed following the placement determination. District must include the name and number of the school district. Language/mode of communication ex. English/verbal

14 Page 1 of IEP continued Student Identification Information (cont.) Ethnicity (This should match what your school has entered into SIS) Current grade level (Many teachers are putting both grade levels covered in IEP so there is not confusion 3/4 or 3 rd 2012-13, 4 th 2013-14)

15 Page 1 of IEP continued Parent/Guardian Information Most of this information can be completed before the IEP meeting. However, it should always be checked for accuracy at the time of the meeting. Surrogate parent (Indicate if an education surrogate is required by checking the box provided.) Language/Mode of communication ex. English/Verbal Interpreter (Use the yes/no box if interpreter is required for the meeting.)

16 Page 1 of IEP continued Participants Document the three attempts to notify the parent of the meeting with (type, date, person) Participants will sign in at meeting. If parent is at meeting and an invited individual is not able to attend, use Parent/Guardian Excusal of an Individualized Education Program Team Member (Form S)

17 Page 1 of IEP continued Procedural safeguards Fill in date that they were provided to parent Transfer of Rights Check appropriate boxes Parents were given copy of Check appropriate boxes IEP (if being mailed put date it was sent) District’s behavior intervention policies (It was suggested earlier to copy these to the back of your invite (Form K)

18 Information Courtesy Please speak with your administration and discuss prior to the IEP meeting IAA (data/documentation) Extended School Year (data/documentation) Paraprofessionals (individual and/or classroom) data/documentation

19 Order of paperwork

20 Additional PowerPoint Presentations are available for remainder of the IEP.

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