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SAT School Day Test REGISTRATION- PART 2. Completing Your Bubble Sheet  Please review your SAT Registration Bubble Sheet and complete any remaining sections.

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2 Completing Your Bubble Sheet  Please review your SAT Registration Bubble Sheet and complete any remaining sections you have left.  When you are done with your SAT Registration Sheet, please review it one more time to ensure you have completed it correctly.  The next few slides will go over common mistakes students tend to make.

3 Common Mistakes in Registration Leave #3 Registration Number BLANK. Use code 481265 in #6 College Board High School code. Be sure to write in the boxes and fill in the corresponding bubbles.

4 Common Mistakes in Registration Sign your name on signature line. If you’ve already written there, don’t scratch it out, just leave it. Do not write in this space!

5 Final Steps  When you are done:  Look over the bubble sheet to make sure you have answered ALL questions.  Turn your bubble sheet in to your Seminar teacher.  Keep the other SAT documents to look over prior to the test.  Between now and April 15, log into your Naviance account to use the FREE SAT practice program – PREP ME.

6  By completing this 2014-15 School Day SAT Questionnaire, you will now be registered for the SAT on April 15.  You will be given more specific SAT school-day testing information in Seminar on April 14. Success!

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