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Quality Policy Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Policy Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Policy Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

2 Message from the President
Declaration made by Mr Piedelièvre, Chief Executive Officer, to all BV Country C.E.O’s: «  Quality is fully integrated into our strategy for development … I consider that Quality is a fundamental objective of your management achievement... The Marine Division has been instructed to keep me advised on the progress of the training and the detainment results, both of which I consider to be of the utmost strategic importance …» Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

3 Quality Policy of Marine Division
Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

4 Quality Documentation
IMPORTANT QUALITY DOCUMENTS : The Quality Policy of Marine Division The Marine Division General Conditions The BV Code of Ethics The IACS Quality System Certification Scheme (QSCS) HAVE YOU READ THEM ??? WHERE CAN YOU FIND THEM ??? Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

5 Quality Policy of Marine Division
Extracts from the Marine Division Quality Policy Since its foundation, BV has striven to contribute to the safety of ships and working units at sea and to the prevention of marine pollution Our cultural values, based on the responsibility and competence of our teams, are the foundations of the quality of our services To maintain and improve continuously those values, and to satisfy our customer’s expectations, our permanent concern are : To keep a high level of skills by improving the competence, professionalism and qualification of our staff in applying a constant effort for training and information To have a fast and reliable system for giving appropriate information to customers and staff To provide any needed information for understanding and implementing Rules and Standards relating to ship’s safety and marine environment protection Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

Be recognized as one of the leading Class Societies in the world REDUCE DETENTIONS Achieve a detainment record in the top three Societies in all PSC MOU around the world REDUCE COMPLAINTS They affect our efficiency and damage our reputation REDUCE LITIGATIONS Badly conducted surveys can lead to litigation They are extremely time consuming and may involve huge amount of money Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

Slow/inefficient service damages our reputation and makes our clients unhappy SPEED-UP REPORTING, INVOICING AND COLLECTION Remember, no survey is completed until invoice is collected EXPERIENCED AND WELL TRAINED SURVEYORS Strong technical background Deep knowledge of Rules and International Regulations Familiar with classification and statutory certification system Familiar with BV and IACS procedures Familiar with BV computer systems Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

8 NS Quality Indicators and Targets
Mandatory indicators Delay of issue of the reports to the customers Port State Control detention statistics in terms of number of CR detentions Additional indicators : Delay of issue the NPSS and invoices Detention statistics of the connected fleet Class suspensions rate of the connected fleet Re-issue of provisional certificates due to delays Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

9 Quality documentation
Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

10 Quality Documentary System
Group Reference Documents Available in BV Portal Other Business Lines Marine Division MPG Available in DOQ system Countries Local Instructions Marine Division Management Ships in Service Management Technical Management Marine Operational Management PDM DSM Procedures TDM DSM Instructions PNS DNS Procedures TNS DNS Instructions PTA TTA PNC TNC PTE TTE PNI TNI R&D Procedures R&D Instructions DNC Procedures DNC Instructions DTE Procedures DTE Instructions DNI Procedures DNI Instructions Local Instructions Voir Michel Tecnitas PR Tecnitas Procedures Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

11 Quality Documentary System
General Procedures Manual (MPG) New Constructions procedures and instructions (PNC/TNC) Equipment Technology procedures and instructions (PTE/TTE) Ships in service procedures and instructions (PNS/TNS) Voir Michel Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

QSCS Description of scheme QSCS Requirements Reference table with QSCS Quality Policy of Marine Division Introduction Organisation and operating of Marine Division Delegation of authority, responsibility and signature Personnel management Qualification, training and certification process Appointment of non-exclusive surveyors Quality documentary system Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

13 MPG MPG 07 MPG 08 MPG 09 MPG 10 MPG 12 MPG 13 MPG 14 MPG 16 MPG 18
Document management Design control Contracts and review of requests of services Issue and signing of reports on services Filing contract files Sub-contracting Internal and external audits Monitoring of quality of services Marine Division management review Vertical service audits Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

14 PNC (New constructions procedures)
PNC 06E PNC 10 PNC 16 PNC 17 Organisation and responsibilities in local plan approval offices (LPO) Procedure for NC surveyor certification (NC surveyor certification scheme) Design control of rule documents Newbuilding surveys Treatment of technical questions related to IACS common structural rules Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

15 TNC (New constructions working instructions)
Use of rubber stamps Classification report examination for new constructions and classification after construction Review of statutory drawings for new constructions (sea- going ships) Classification after construction Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

16 PTE (BVN procedures) PTE 001 PTE 003 PTE 004 PTE 031
Organisation, responsibilities and authorities of DTE Management of BVN activities Qualification of personnel involved in BVN activities Management of activities – MED (Marine Equipment Directive 96/98 EC) Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

17 TTE (BVN working instructions)
Guidance instructions for safety during surveys Conformity assessment – BV Rules Approval and Type Approval of equipment and Materials – BV Rules BV Mode II recognition (IBV and HBV products) – BV Rules Inspections at works of IBV products – BV Rules Recognition for alternative survey scheme of IBV products (Mode I) – BV Rules Re-certification – BV Rules Guidance for acceptance of second hand products Approval of welding consumables Renewal of approval of filler products for welding Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

18 TTE (BVN working instructions)
Type approval of coating system as per IMO MSC.215(82) Conformity assessment – MED EC Type-Examination (Module B) – MED Product verification (Module F) – MED Recognition of test laboratory – MED Unit verification (Module G) – MED Approved recommendations from MarED group of notified bodies – MED Recognition by Transport Canada MCA type approval of statutory equipment Third party inspection Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

19 PNS (Ships in service procedures)
Quality policy for ships in service activities Organisation and responsibilities in ships in service activities Audits, supervision and monitoring of the quality of reporting Complaints, ship detentions and anomalies – Corrective and preventative actions Ships in service personnel qualification and certification scheme Certification of ISM/ISPS auditors Issuance of new building certificates CAC procedures ASMS system for ships in service activities Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

20 TNS (Ships in service working instructions)
TNS 11A General administrative instructions Periodical surveys Class renewal surveys – Hull and additional class notations Class renewal survey of machinery installations and propeller shaft survey Boilers external and internal surveys Automation surveys Refrigerating installations surveys Continuous surveys Load line surveys Occasional and miscellaneous surveys (class/statutory) Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

21 TNS (Ships in service working instructions)
TNS 11B TNS 12 TNS 13 TNS 14 TNS 15 TNS 16 TNS 17 TNS 17-1 TNS 17-3 TNS 18 Occasional and miscellaneous surveys (outside class/statutory) SSOMs/CSOMs and areas under their Supervision – CM Managers List of marine printed forms Ship repairs (not completed yet) Cargo Gear Statutory and safety surveys MARPOL surveys MARPOL annexes IV and VI International anti-fouling system Recognitions and authorisations Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

22 TNS (Ships in service working instructions)
Approval and use of class service suppliers Approval and use of statutory service suppliers The Veristar-Hull process Principles of ISM activity ISM audits process Miscellaneous for ISM activity Principles of ISPS activity ISPS audits process Miscellaneous for ISPS activity STAR-MACH additional class notation Planned maintenance survey system (PMS) Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

23 Marine Quality Initiatives
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24 Organization Creation of the department Organization, Quality and audits (2008) Consolidating the former Internal Quality Department and the Survey at Yard Department To improve reactivity by regrouping teams and sharing tools and IT systems Enhanced permanent staff Regional auditors Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

25 Training Surveyor’s Training and Certification Scheme
Self-training with computer-assisted training courses Yearly DNS Seminar and in-door training sessions On-board practice Regional Training Centres Basic training for new surveyors Specialized training for upgrading surveyor's certification Common NS/NC Seminar (Alicante 2008) Enhanced communication between all marine actors for a smooth transition NC/NS Common NS/NC/BVN Seminar to be held in 2009 Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

26 Actions DNS Quality Plan New Qualification tool
Measures to improve the quality of our services Measures to improve the quality of our fleet Measures to enhance the communication with Authorities New Qualification tool Management of surveyor's training, certification and monitoring In production for NS since 1Q 2008 Extension to NC, BVN and LPO activities in 2009 Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

27 2008 audit results and 2009 audit plan
Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

28 2008 audit results - IACS Scope Final results
Head Office, 1 LPO (SGP), 1 CM (NCT), 3 SC (AVS, VRN, MSL) 13 Vertical Contract Audits: 3 NC, 7 NS, 1 ISM, 1 BVN and 1 conversion Final results 25 Non Conformities and 37 Observations (compared to 33 NC and 44 Obs. in 2007) 17 NC for office audits (of which 4 in Head Office) 8 NC raised during VCA Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

29 2009 internal audit plan Programme 12 NC survey centres
22 NS survey centres and marine centres 6 BVN survey centres 5 LPO Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

30 2009 IACS audit plan Office audits 13 VCA Audit Date Nature
HEAD OFFICE 9-12 June 2009 All activities concerned, LPO Shanghai August 2009 Date to be confirmed CM Piraeus March 2009 Date confirmed Office BV Odessa All activities (NC +NS + BVN/MED) Office BV Genoa Probably April 2009 Office BV Shanghai Combined with audit of CPO 13 VCA Quality_Policy.ppt Rev. 2

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