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Radioactivity Lab Prompt
You have been given a fossil that according to modern organisms should contain 128 g of carbon-14. The fossil only contains 0.5g. The fossil also should have contained at death 2.15 E-11g of radium-226. Upon testing the fossil is has less than 8 E-20 g. Using research and mathematics, determine the age of the fossil based on these two isotopes as well as answer the question of what other isotope might have given a more accurate age.
7.2 Half-life It can be difficult to determine the ages of objects by sight alone. Radioactivity provides a method to determine age by measuring relative amounts of remaining radioactive material to stable products formed. See pages
7.2 Half-life Carbon dating measures the ratio of carbon-12 and carbon-14. Stable carbon-12 and radioactive carbon-14 exist naturally in a constant ratio. When an organism dies, carbon-14 stops being created and slowly decays. Carbon dating only works for organisms less than years old. Using carbon dating, these cave paintings of horses, from France, were drawn years ago. See pages
The Rate of Radioactive Decay
Half-life measures the rate of radioactive decay. Half-life = time required for half of the radioactive sample to decay. The half-life for a radioactive element is a constant rate of decay. Strontium-90 has a half-life of 29 years. If you have 10 g of strontium-90 today, there will be 5.0 g remaining in 29 years. See pages
The Rate of Radioactive Decay
Decay curves show the rate of decay for radioactive elements. The curve shows the relationship between half-life and percentage of original substance remaining. The decay curve for strontium-90 See pages
Common Isotope Pairs There are many radioisotopes that can be used for dating. Parent isotope = the original, radioactive material Daughter isotope = the stable product of the radioactive decay See page 307
(c) McGraw Hill Ryerson 2007
Common Isotope Pairs The rate of decay remains constant, but some elements require one step to decay while others decay over many steps before reaching a stable daughter isotope. Carbon-14 decays into nitrogen-14 in one step. Uranium-235 decays into lead-207 in 15 steps. Thorium-235 decays into lead-208 in 10 steps. (c) McGraw Hill Ryerson 2007 See page 307
The Potassium-40 Clock Radioisotopes with very long half-lives can help determine the age of very old things. The potassium-40/argon-40 clock has a half-life of 1.3 billion years. Argon-40 produced by the decay of potassium-40 becomes trapped in rock. Ratio of potassium-40 : argon-40 shows age of rock. See pages
Radioactivity An unstable atomic nucleus emits a form of radiation (alpha, beta, or gamma) to become stable. In other words, the nucleus decays into a different atom.
Radioactivity Alpha Particle – Helium nucleus Beta Particle – electron
Gamma Ray – high-energy photon
Half-Life Amount of time it takes for one half of a sample of radioactive atoms to decay
Medical Applications of Half-Life
Nuclide Half-Life Area of Body I–131 8.1 days Thyroid Fe–59 45.1 days Red Blood Cells Sr–87 2.8 hours Bones Tc–99 6.0 hours Heart Na–24 14.8 hours Circulatory System
Radioactive Decay Radioactive elements are unstable. They decay, change, into different elements over time. Here are some facts to remember: The half-life of an element is the time it takes for half of the material you started with to decay. Remember, it doesn’t matter how much you start with. After 1 half-life, half of it will have decayed. Each element has it’s own half-life ( page 1 of your reference table) Each element decays into a new element (see page 1) C14 decays into N14 while U238 decays into Pb206 (lead), etc. The half-life of each element is constant. It’s like a clock keeping perfect time. Now let’s see how we can use half-life to determine the age of a rock or other artifact.
The grid below represents a quantity of C14. Each time you click,
one half-life goes by. Try it! C14 – blue N14 - red Half lives % C14 %N14 Ratio of C14 to N14 100% 0% no ratio As we begin notice that no time has gone by and that 100% of the material is C14 Age = 0 half lives (5700 x 0 = 0 yrs)
The grid below represents a quantity of C14. Each time you click,
one half-life goes by. Try it! C14 – blue N14 - red Half lives % C14 %N14 Ratio of C14 to N14 100% 0% no ratio 1 50% 1:1 After 1 half-life (5700 years), 50% of the C14 has decayed into N14. The ratio of C14 to N14 is 1:1. There are equal amounts of the 2 elements. Age = 1 half lives (5700 x 1 = 5700 yrs)
The grid below represents a quantity of C14. Each time you click,
one half-life goes by. Try it! C14 – blue N14 - red Half lives % C14 %N14 Ratio of C14 to N14 100% 0% no ratio 1 50% 1:1 2 25% 75% 1:3 Now 2 half-lives have gone by for a total of 11,400 years. Half of the C14 that was present at the end of half-life #1 has now decayed to N14. Notice the C:N ratio. It will be useful later. Age = 2 half lives (5700 x 2 = 11,400 yrs)
The grid below represents a quantity of C14. Each time you click,
one half-life goes by. Try it! C14 – blue N14 - red Half lives % C14 %N14 Ratio of C14 to N14 100% 0% no ratio 1 50% 1:1 2 25% 75% 1:3 3 12.5% 87.5% 1:7 After 3 half-lives (17,100 years) only 12.5% of the original C14 remains. For each half-life period half of the material present decays. And again, notice the ratio, 1:7 Age = 3 half lives (5700 x 3 = 17,100 yrs)
How can we find the age of a sample without knowing how
C14 – blue N14 - red How can we find the age of a sample without knowing how much C14 was in it to begin with? 1) Send the sample to a lab which will determine the C14 : N14 ratio. 2) Use the ratio to determine how many half lives have gone by since the sample formed. Remember, 1:1 ratio = 1 half life 1:3 ratio = 2 half lives 1:7 ratio = 3 half lives In the example above, the ratio is 1:3. 3) Look up the half life on page 1 of your reference tables and multiply that that value times the number of half lives determined by the ratio. If the sample has a ratio of 1:3 that means it is 2 half lives old. If the half life of C14 is 5,700 years then the sample is 2 x 5,700 or 11,400 years old.
Try the next one on your own.............or
C14 has a short half life and can only be used on organic material. To date an ancient rock we use the uranium – lead method (U238 : Pb206). Here is our sample. Remember we have no idea how much U238 was in the rock originally but all we need is the U:Pb ratio in the rock today. This can be obtained by standard laboratory techniques. As you can see the U:Pb ratio is 1:1. From what we saw earlier a 1:1 ratio means that 1 half life has passed. Rock Sample Now all we have to do is see what the half-life for U238 is. We can find that information on page 1 of the reference tables. 1 half-life = 4.5 x 109 years (4.5 billion), so the rock is 4.5 billion years old. Try the next one on your own or to review the previous frames click here.
Element X (Blue) decays into
Element Y (red) The half life of element X is 2000 years. How old is our sample? See if this helps: 1 HL = 1:1 ratio 2 HL = 1:3 3 HL = 1:7 4 HL = 1:15 If you said that the sample was 8,000 years old, you understand radioactive dating. If you’re unsure and want an explanation just click.
Element X (blue) Element Y (red) How old is our sample? We know that the sample was originally 100% element X. There are three questions: First: What is the X:Y ratio now? Second: How many half-lives had to go by to reach this ratio? Third: How many years does this number of half-lives represent? 1) There is 1 blue square and 15 red squares. Count them. This is a 1:15 ratio. 2) As seen in the list on the previous slide, 4 half-lives must go by in order to reach a 1:15 ratio. 3) Since the half life of element X is 2,000 years, four half-lives would be 4 x 2,000 or 8,000 years. This is the age of the sample.
The half-life of this element is 1 million years.
Regents question may involve graphs like this one. The most common questions are: "What is the half-life of this element?" Just remember that at the end of one half-life, 50% of the element will remain. Find 50% on the vertical axis, Follow the blue line over to the red curve and drop straight down to find the answer: The half-life of this element is 1 million years.
After 2 million years 25% of the original material will remain.
Another common question is: "What percent of the material originally present will remain after 2 million years?" Find 2 million years on the bottom, horizontal axis. Then follow the green line up to the red curve. Go to the left and find the answer. After 2 million years 25% of the original material will remain.
Lastly, when you see a radioactive decay question ask yourself:
End Notes: Carbon 14 can only be used to date things that were once alive. This includes wood, articles of clothing made from animal skins, wool or cotton cloth, charcoal from an ancient hearth. But because the half-life of carbon 14 is relatively short the technique would be useless if the sample was extremely (millions of years) old. There would be too little C14 remaining to measure accurately. The other isotopes mentioned in the reference tables, K40, U238, and Rb87 are all used to date rocks. These elements have very long half-lives. The half-life of U238 for example is the same as the age of the earth itself. That means that half the uranium originally present when the earth formed has now decayed. The half life of Rb87 is even longer. Lastly, when you see a radioactive decay question ask yourself: > What is the ratio? > How many half-lives went by to reach this ratio? > How many years do those half-lives represent?
Half-Life Calculation #1
You have 400 mg of a radioisotope with a half-life of 5 minutes. How much will be left after 30 minutes? Answer: 6.25 mg
Half-Life Calculation #2
Suppose you have a 100 mg sample of Au-191, which has a half-life of 3.4 hours. How much will remain after 10.2 hours? Answer: 12.5 mg
Half-Life Calculation # 3
Cobalt-60 is a radioactive isotope used in cancer treatment. Co-60 has a half-life of 5 years. If a hospital starts with a 1000 mg supply, how many mg will need to be purchased after 10 years to replenish the original supply? Answer: 750 mg
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