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Hydropower By: Colin Donahue Grace Shehadi Zach Winter.

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Presentation on theme: "Hydropower By: Colin Donahue Grace Shehadi Zach Winter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hydropower By: Colin Donahue Grace Shehadi Zach Winter

2 What is Hydropower? Hydropower is energy that comes from the force of moving water Is it Renewable? Hydropower is renewable because after we use the water, we will eventually be able to use it again because of the water cycle.

3 When was it discovered and who discovered it? The first hydropower dam was built in 1882 in grand rapids, Michigan as a part of the Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “New Deal” programs. How did hydropower evolve? The greeks used hydropower water wheels for grinding wheat, today we are now using it on a bigger scale such as niagara falls. Is new technology being currently being created? Some of the new technology that is being created for hydropower dams is fish ladders, which are being designed to help fish get around the dams safely. Any important events related to your energy source? The biggest hydroelectric plant in the United States is located in Washington State History

4 Where is it found? Hydropower can be found in any ocean, big river or lake What is your energy source used for today? It is used to make electricity. How is your energy source recovered? Water powered turbine generators using motion and gravitational energy to produce electricity. ● Learn more by watching this video!video Who uses your energy source and for what purpose? Everyone uses electricity that hydropower provides. How is your energy source stored once it is recovered or generated/How do we get it from its stored state? After electricity is produced the electricity can be stored in generators to be used later.

5 Advantages: - it is cheap -renewable -easy to produce -it is not as bad for the environment as other resources Advantages and Disadvantages Disadvantages: -They can only produce as much power as there is running water -In the case of a drought, no water is produced -decreases dissolved oxygen levels in the water -Sometimes destroys or disrupts natural wildlife

6 Will your energy source even be a part of the future? Yes because there are a more advantages than disadvantages What will your energy source look like in 30 years? Eventually, there will be no more coal energy or nonrenewable resources and they'll have to depend more on hydropower. Is new technology being currently being created? Some of the new technology that is being created for hydropower dams is fish ladders, which are being designed to help fish get around the dams safely. The Future of Hydropower

7 Bibliography

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