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Battery Management Deep Dive Dallas – October 23-25, 2012 Design of Wireless Power Transmitters.

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Presentation on theme: "Battery Management Deep Dive Dallas – October 23-25, 2012 Design of Wireless Power Transmitters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Battery Management Deep Dive Dallas – October 23-25, 2012 Design of Wireless Power Transmitters

2 Outline Intro to wireless power –Short intro to system, block diagram into What the transmitter does –Input and output signals –Input power options Design steps and decisions in TX –Layout and grounding –Transistors EMI and EMC Testing Certification

3 TX Design Steps and Decisions: Design Capture PCB Layout Tips Powering up and Basic Troubleshooting Construction Details Notes on EMI Six of the Common Pitfalls

4 Design Capture: The customer application schematic will typically follow the Texas Instruments recommended application design. Make sure they have the latest! Make sure it is reproduced accurately! Schematic Reviews… We can provide the design files.

5 Design Capture: Provide at least these Test Points: –COMM+ –I_Sense –PWM –PM_Data, PM_Clk –Vin, Vcc, 3.3Vcc, VGate –GND Post (Multiple scope clips)

6 Design Capture: Component Considerations up Front: –Resonant Caps size (usually 1210 or larger) –Whether the MSP430 is used for Low Standby –Current Sense Amp Gain –Choice of MOSFET footprint

7 PCB Layout Tips: Tight Loops Ground Planes Bypass Caps on the bq500xx Keep as much copper as possible Single GND Tie point Balanced COMM Line

8 PCB Layout Tips: Typically a buck regulator will be used to supply the bq500xx to reduce losses. Switching duty-cycle will be low and the regulator will be mostly freewheeling. Therefore, place the freewheeling diode current loop as close to the switching regulator as possible (loop in red). Place the buck inductor and power loop as close to that as possible (loop in blue):

9 PCB Layout Tips: Ground Planes and the ‘ideal’ stack-up: 1.Component placement and as much ground plane as possible 2. Clean uninterrupted ground copper pour 3. Finish routing 4. Clean ground Circuitry is ‘sandwiched’ between GND planes.

10 PCB Layout Tips: Make sure the bypass capacitors intended for the bq500xx Vcc supply are actually bypassing these supply pins (pin 33 & pin 36) to solid ground plane. This means they need to be placed as close in to the device and traces widened as much as possible. An excellent example is shown here:

11 PCB Layout Tips: COMM+/COMM- sense lines should be run as a balanced or differential pair. The WPC packet information runs at 2kBaud which is essentially audio frequency content and this balancing reduces noise pickup from the surrounding switching power electronics. There is no need to tune or impedance-match these lines as would be the case in RF signaling.

12 Powering Up and Troubleshooting: Tuning in Circuit: –MOSFET Gate Drive Voltage = as low as practical –MOSFET Gate Resistors: Balance lowest EMI with highest efficiency. –MOSFET Snubbers and other filters Must be tuned in circuit while testing EMI

13 Powering Up and Troubleshooting: A typical PWM drive signal as output from the bq500xx/QFN48 is shown. It will be 50% duty and should be in the range of 140kHz to 150kHz at the lighter load.

14 Powering Up and Troubleshooting: Look at the actual MOSFET gate drive signals to verify. Test points are not recommended on the gate drive lines, probe directly on the gate drive resistors. The upper MOSFET should be switching off before the lower MOSFET is switching on. The gate drive resistors are meant to slow the switching action and to reduce EMC, but taken too far, shoot-through will begin to occur and efficiency will be reduced. It is a balance!

15 Powering Up and Troubleshooting: The typical coil voltage is shown. The wave will not necessarily be sinusoidal, it depends on loading and the operation frequency. Note the high voltage swing.

16 Powering Up and Troubleshooting: The typical coil voltage is shown. Again, the wave will not necessarily be sinusoidal, it depends on loading and the operation frequency. Note the high voltage swing.

17 Powering Up and Troubleshooting: It is necessary to supply the bq500xx/QFN48 with a clean 3.3V Vcc supply! Note, in this screen shot the scope is AC coupled, this would be the ripple on top of the 3.3VDC supply and it needs to be low. Make sure the bypass capacitors are truly bypassing the device.

18 Powering Up and Troubleshooting: This is the typical back-scatter amplitude modulation from the RX as it is seen on the TX coil. This would be a typical WPC message packet from the RX, perhaps telling the TX to send more power. This is triggered from the RX signal so that the TX amplitude modulation is easy to view. Remember when combining the TX & RX grounds to synchronize scope signals: Make the ground connections before power is applied!

19 Powering Up and Troubleshooting: The coil voltage signal is divided down to a more manageable level, and with a small filter and DC adjust it is the COMM+ signal read by the bq500xx/QFN48. The COMM+ signal must be centered around 1V and should never swing below ground. This is the communication link and good signal integrity is critical to success of the system. Please adhere to recommendations given in the text.

20 Powering Up and Troubleshooting: The modulation can be seen on the I_Sense signal. The I_Sense signal should be a clean average without any abnormal spikes.

21 Powering Up and Troubleshooting: The load on the RX side is switched on. The amplitude and frequency on the TX will change.

22 Powering Up and Troubleshooting: Zoom into the actual switching waveform is shown. The power switching waveform is the carrier of the WPC amplitude modulated waveform.

23 Powering Up and Troubleshooting: Zoom into the actual switching waveform is shown but under full load. The power switching waveform is the carrier of the WPC amplitude modulated waveform.

24 Powering Up and Troubleshooting: This is the periodic analog ping cycle repeated every 400ms. The bq500xx/QFN48 monitors the amplitude of this wave and if an RX is present a change in resonance is detected. If such change is detected a further digital ping and COMM handshake takes place.

25 Powering Up and Troubleshooting: Panned out over time to show the ~ 400ms analog ping interval is shown. The ping interval and duty cycle are balanced to reduce quiescent power consumption.

26 Powering Up and Troubleshooting: A digital ping every ~15 seconds is shown. This is done to "double check" that the analog ping hasn't missed a possible RX on the charger pad. If the RX seems to be taking a long time to be recognized, it can be because the analog ping is not working at its best. Check to make sure the COMM+ signal is clean. Use a known good RX unit for testing the TX prototype!

27 Construction Details: AC Adapter Adequately Sized? Metal Housings and PMOD/FOD False Trips Multiple Circuits per Charger (2-bay) Crosstalk Regarding Coils –Use the WPC specified design!

28 Notes on EMI: The Main Sources Are: –The CPU clock ~ 31.25MHz –The Ciclon MOSFET gate drive ~ 150MHz Minor Offenders Can Be: –The buck regulator ~ 300kHz (according to the type) –

29 Notes on EMI: The Best Mitigation is Careful PCB Layout! – Follow common power supply PCB techniques GND Planes Bypassing Tight loops Add filters if needed –The input common mode choke can be effective –Snubbers on the MOSFETs Add copper foil shielding – Make sure it’s tied to GND

30 Six Common Pitfalls: 1.Housing too thick Between TX/RX Coils 2.Wrong Resonant Capacitor (C0G dielectric) 3.Insufficient GND Plane 4.COMM Signal Corrupt, not Routed Balanced 5.Vcc Bypassing of the bq500xx 6.Metal Housing tripping PMOD/FOD

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